Friday, June 09, 2006

Blogger, Blogger, Blogger........

I don't know about you all, but I'm so near my breaking point with this blog service. It's been absolutely horrible the past week, I can't access blogger sites, I can't leave comments, no one can see mine either etc. It's ridiculous.

Anyway, about two years ago we went to the local animal shelter and picked up a puppy. He is an australian shepherd mixed with something else. From the get go this dog has been nothing but trouble, he destroys the yard (literally), I have no grass in my backyard because of him, he digs holes, he barks constantly, he continuously takes off only to be returned by the SP's (security force police), and now the latest is that the past 2 weeks we have had the cops called on us 3 times because of his barking. It's just getting to the point where I can't handle keeping him because it stresses me out.
So, this weekend we are taking him to the animal shelter and hopefully he will find a home that he likes. We've done all we could and he just doesn't seem happy here.

With that in mind, I came across a message posted on my local Pug Meetup Group, about a 4 year old female pug named Bella, who is in desperate need of a home. She is extremely thin and just needs a loving home and someone who will take care of her. You all know how much I love pugs and it breaks my heart to know that she doesn't have a home. So my plan this weekend is to go pick her up and give her a good home. Will be easier with the other one being gone.
My question is.....why do I feel so bad about having to take him back??? I just can't keep him, he's been nothing but trouble since the beginning and living on a military base, the minute you start having the cops at your door is NO GOOD. They call the First Sergeant, the commander and anyone else needed and I honestly don't want to see my hubby get in trouble at work because of the dog. So please keep you fingers crossed that he finds a loving home and someone who he will be happy with.

I was talking to a friend the other day who asked me if it bothered me that some blogs get tons of comments and mine at times gets only a few. My answer: NO!!! It really doesn't. Before I started the blog I was a lurker, I would just read and look through the tons of blogs available and I noticed a pattern.

Some blogs had no comments and were actually really good, and then there were blogs that seemed to have their own little clique and no matter how non interesting they were, they seemed to have tons and I mean TONS of comments, some at times over 50 comments. So when I decided to join the blog world, I did it for ME and my family. I wanted a place where the family that lives overseas could still feel like they were right here with us.

Along the way I've made some really good friends, truly amazing women who inspire me and bring a smile to my face, who make me want to be the moms and christians they are. To me blogging is not a popularity contest, I'm not here to compete with anyone, but if my posts bring a smile to at least one person, then I'm happy. Her next question was if it upset me that I would leave daily comments on some blogs and NEVER hear from them back. Again my answer was: NO!!! I do it because I want to, not because I feel that if I do someone will come back to mine and post too. Maybe I'm not cut out for the competitive world of Blogdom, then so be it, I am here for my family, for my friends and for God.

But anyway, I can't tell you how glad I am that it's friday. Curt and I have gotten no sleep the past two days because of the dog barking and the cops knocking at our door. I am in desperate need of some rest, not even my coffee is doing it for me.

Jasmine is finally sleeping alone in her room without crying and waking up every 5 minutes. It was so stressful when she was going through that phase, because the only way she would sleep was if either I or Curt would go in there with her. But now we have Nicholas still wanting to sleep with us and I think it's time to move him to his own bed. I tried not to push it the past few weeks because he was being potty trained and I didn't want to overwhelm him with all these changes. I tried one night and he just shut down completely, and next thing I knew he was demanding a diaper again....big NO NO.

Now that he is potty trained though, we can start working on the bedtime issues. Wish me luck!!!

Well I am out of here, I have to run to the library to return some movies and pick up Jarhead which is on hold. I then have to run by the self help to pick up some tools so that I can get my backyard cleaned up and fixed this weekend. I still have 2 baskets of laundry to put away (please please won't the laundry fairy come down and do them for me?).

I will be posting my "Remember When???" this morning, so check back here for that, if you're interested obviously if not, that's fine and dandy too LOL
Hope you all have a blessed day :)


Michelle said...

I agree with you about the blog family and the popularity contest. Its never been my thing to compete its just not in me..

To be honest with you before Charla got me in the blog family I would read your stories and others on a daily basis. Since I am in a town that I know absolutely no one here, I view you guys as my friends who I am learning about on a daily basis...

Kind of sad? No I do not think so but then again I have never been afraid to stand outside of the inner circle! Have a blessed day and I've enjoyed your blog..

Courtney said...

I know how you feel. We got a dog before I got pregnant with Shan & I feel in love with this puppy but a couple months later this puppy turned into a huge monster. He was fine in the house but when we let him out he'd bark,chase cars & chew up anything in sight! Then after finding out I was pregnant & Matt was getting deployed we knew we couldn't keep him. I hated letting him go but it was the best for us & the dog.
I agree with you on the comments. I don't care how many comments I get I have met so many great people who now I am honored to call friends. I'd rather have 2 comments from people who really care rather than 200 from people who don't!
Have A Great Weekend :)
Love ya,

someone else said...

I'm glad I can bring the smile for you.

I have the same feelings about blogging. It's really a way for me to put some thoughts in writing and if it's interesting or helpful to someone else along the way, then that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean with the dog. We had one like that in base housing too - not good!

And just remember - as someone who is married to a Marine and spent three years stationed at PI - Jarhead is not an accurate depiction of what Marines are like! I read the FOTF review of that, a review written by a former Marine, and was really grossed out.

Anyway -have a great weekend!

Carol said...

Thanks for participating in the 7 Days of Blog. I appreciate your thoughts on comments.

Anonymous said...

I *love* to receive blog comments. Sometimes when I only get a few, though, I have to wonder ... is that post just not interesting to anyone? Makes me kind of paranoid, LOL! :)

Angie said...

Please send the laundry fairy my way! I can't seem to keep up either. Sometimes, when I am looking "up" at the BIG pile of laundry, I go back to my childhood when I used to pretend to be Samantha from Bewitched. I twinkle my nose and BAM...nothing! Kinda disappointing, even as an adult, that it really doesn't work for me! Oh well, I know I really shouldn't wish to be a witch, but if my nose does someday start working I will come and twinkle it at all yall's houses! I will use it for the good of Moms everywhere! (A girl can dream right?)

As for the dog, he's got to go!

Comments, love them! Everything about them, giving and receiving! But oh well, if I dont get too many, I know that my mom and dad and sisters read it. At least they can keep up w/ me and the kids! (Even though we all do live in the same town!) Oh well, I hope you get caught up on your sleep! Have a great weekend!

Looney Mom™ said...

Oh but getting lots of comments is good, right? I love comments of course, but I do know that I also have a lot of lurkers.

That's ok... I just hope anything I ever post will edify anyone or just put a smile on their face or give them hope. Anyway, it's all for God and my family.

Good luck with the little one...

Sandra said...

michelle - I so relate to what you're saying. I was a lurker too for a long time before starting my own blog. I don't think there's anything wrong with making friends through here, I've been able to meet the most amazing women who I am proud to call friends :)

Courtney - Argh it's so hard giving the dogs away, isn't it? I'm glad to know you feel the same way I do when it comes to the comments :) Love ya girl.

morning glory - you not only bring a smile to my face, but you inspire me and are someone I look up to, I'm so glad to have met you through the blogs :)

Jaymi - LOL I think everyone likes getting comments, I do too, but it's not my priority with the blog. Oh boy, the co-sleeping thing is one of the biggest mistakes I made with my kids, I LOVE it, but when it comes to getting them out of the bed it's just a royal pain in the behind.

blestwithsons - Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I love visiting yours :) Yeah, having a dog like this in base housing is a big no no, it gets you in trouble real fast. I will definitely keep what you said in mind, I've heard mixed reviews about Jarhead so I'm eager to see it. My father in law was a retired marine too, wish he could have watched the movie to tell us his thoughts.

Carol - You're welcome :)

Emily - LOL I've got a cage ready for the "laundry fairy" should she ever come around, and as soon as I'm done with her she's definitely heading your direction. Awww thank you for doing the meme, you're too sweet to me :) Love ya :)

Kristina - I so understand what you mean, there's posts that I think "wow that is really thought provoking" and I get no response and then there's some that I just write down real quick for having nothing else to say, and they get a bunch of comments. Blogging World sure is strange LOL BTW I'm adding you to my blogroll :)

Lisanne - LOL I don't think you ever have to worry about it Lis, you always have a lot of comments and faithful readers to your blog, me included LOL

Angie - LOL I've tried twitching my nose too, I've tried the whole "abracadabra appearo fairy" thing, I've even set up a cage with a dirty sock inside to try and lure her, but nothing.....oh well, will keep trying LOL

Liz - That's how I feel, it's for my family, friends and God, it's an insight into my world. Yes it's nice to get comments but I don't obsess over it if I don't get any. :)

Colloquist said...

Sandra, you summed up how I feel about my blog, too. Love the comments when they come in, but I just enjoy the process of creating something. Nice side benefit is that I have new friends! :) I'm so sorry about your dog situation...been there with the destructo-dog, and it only gets worse (ours started biting the kids). You are doing the right, although sad, thing. Hugs to you and may he find a nice new home.