Sunday, July 01, 2012

Sunday thoughts - Blessed Sidekicks

We need each other.

That's the focus of my post today and the focus of my devotional reading this morning.

Scripture says that two are better than one.

But how easy is it really to accept that?  To accept help when we need it?  To admit that you can't do it alone, or that you need a helping hand?

Maybe it's easy for many out there, but I guess for me it's not.  I've never been one to ask for help in anything, I just don't like it.  Don't like feeling like I'm being a burden or that I'm being weak because I can't do it alone.

But I think what the devotional made me do today was realize that people need each other, no matter how much we may insist that we don't.   For me, the biggest hurdle is accepting people unconditionally.

Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ - Galatians 6:2

Ahhhh yes.

I think it may be why I have very few friends, I've learned along the years that I'm not into backstabbing, lying, pretending, falsehoods.  I am who I am, and some people have a problem with that, they would rather I call them every day, they would rather I visit them or they visit me in my home every day, they would rather I say little and follow along.

All things which go completely against my beliefs.

But in being hard to trust someone, I do realize that sometimes it crosses the line into the not wanting anyone to help me with anything.  Which is fine I guess, for the most part.

Except for when things really go wrong and then I feel stuck, needing help but not wanting to ask for it.

I think it's that nagging thought in the back of my mind that somehow it will label me as a weakling, as a failure, as a person who can't do anything.  So trying to come to terms with that thought  process and realizing that it's ok to reach out without feeling worthless,  is not an easy thing, but again, it's something doable.

I do have some blessed sidekicks.  I have wonderful family members who are always there....and I have women that I have met through blogging but which have become very good friends even though we've never met.

So yes, I think I'm blessed and I think I have what I need, but most importantly, I think it's finally sunk in that next time I am in a bind, I can reach out and ask for a shoulder to cry on, or a helping hand.

Love one another deeply, from the heart - 1 Peter 1:22

What about you, do you have a blessed sidekick always there when you need it?

Do you have a problem asking for help?


Conny said...

yep, I'm horribly stubbornly independent ... which as a military wife is a good thing until you really do need help! Dan's last deployment I ended up in the hospital overnight - and HAD TO HAVE help for my kids - it about killed me - but as my friend told me: I would be robbing her of her blessing if I didn't allow her to help me thru that time.
*sigh* it is still very humbling to ask for help - but thank God for family & friends who step in and help anyway! :)

Anita Philipps said...

I do have blessed sidekicks and I've learned to not be afraid to ask for help.

Elizabeth said...

I missed your post here yesterday, but I still want to respond to it, because I do have a blessed sidekick who has been my bestie friend for 30 years now. I do not have many good friends, can count them on one hand, but those that I do have love me for who I am, good, bad, happy, sad. And I love them just as much. Now that I live 1200 miles away from my friends (after moving from Tucson AZ here to Mississippi), I thank the internet (!) for that is how we stay in touch. Not daily, not even weekly. But we know each other is out there whenever we need to talk or share a joke or vent.

I'm also not been one to ask for help easily, but since I've had a bad attack of MS in the past 3 months which has left my feet semi-numb, I can't drive. I have to ask people to take me places and THAT IS NOT EASY!!

I understand you, Sandra. I relate. Thanks for this post!

Susanne said...

I think our culture really promotes independance when God made us to need each other. It is a humbling thing for us to ask for help but there is blessing in it too.