
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Hello everyone.....

Swing Pictures, Images and Photos

I guess it's been a few days at least, since I sat down and got a chance to chat with everyone, so I guess today is the day, because I miss you guys. I really do!

So come on in and sit with me, it's nice and cool in here, though it's a scorcher outside, it's already way too hot to be out there for longer than 5 minutes.

Not much has been going on with me, the kids and I have been enjoying the summer which means being free of schedules and just doing whatever pleases us. For me, it also means a ton of amazing products heading my way for reviews and of course, I get to share a lot of them with you too.

Speaking of which, the next couple of days you may see a few reviews here on the blog and I hope you don't abandon me because I do plan on mixing it up with recipes and posts and all sorts of cool stuff.

I can tell you already that I will have a couple of books and a yoga mat and carrier to giveaway the next week or so.

But now getting back to other things.

I love my children you all know that right? Right? So you won't think me mean if I say that as much as I enjoy having them home for the summer, there are days that I want to pull my hair out, or have a drink or run far far away to a magical secluded land where no one will find me?

What is it with kids and bickering, I know it's normal, I have 3 brothers and we all did our share of fighting but it wasn't like this. That I remember, I'm sure my parents will probably disagree there.

But the constant picking on each other, fighting over who gets to watch tv or who gets to play what on the computer, who is first out the door, who gets served their dinner first, who's cup got the most drink. I mean really? Do we really not have more important things to worry about in life? *snicker*

I have found my patience slowly dissolving on some days, but I have to force myself to stay strong and not give in. I tell you, kids can smell your fear. LOL


We're also getting ready for a trip to Texas in about two weeks, we won't be gone for long, just two weeks but I'll have my laptop with me and I'll be updating from there and sharing all the fun we're having, pictures and all.

You know what is funny though? For me the thrill of going somewhere is always on "I wonder how many cool photographs I can get, wonder if there are awesome landscapes around". Am I the only one who does that?

So yeah, we're planning that and a few other short trips around here when we return, plus there's swimming lessons for the kids and all sorts of cool things too.


bookworm Pictures, Images and Photos

I've also been using this summer break to catch up on my reading, like the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, I'm not sure if any of you watched the Legend of the Seeker Series on the CW network? They are made from the book series and I just loved it.

Oh and let me tell you all about the tons of different shows I've been watching and loving. Like True Blood, Merlin, The Tudors, Robin Hood, the BBC series North and South and I have my first Little House on the Prairie discs from Netflix at home too. It's been great.


There's also been loads of cooking and new recipes tries here at home, like these Cream Cheese Carrot Muffins which you absolutely HAVE to try, I bet you have all the ingredients you need just sitting there waiting.

I made these last week and within two hours they were completely gone, usually there's always some left at least until the next day, but nope, these disappeared as fast as I made them.

I'll have more recipes on the food blog the next few days, starting with tonight's dinner Zippy Dogs. Yum!

So there you go, as you can see, we have just been taking it easy and enjoying the summer break.

Tell me have you been doing anything fun? Watching any good shows or reading any good books?


  1. I get that whole enjoy the kids/tear your hair out thing! It's a Mom thing.
    I do the picture thing too. I reassure myself that at least we are doing fun things, even if it's because I want to take pictures!

  2. When you blog, I think you think of every photo opportunity! :)

    We're officially on summer break from homeschooling too! Hopefully our pool will be open in a few days and I'm ready for a lazy summer! :)

    Have a great evening, Sandra!

  3. Hi my sweet Sandra friend!! ack! I am so behind on all my blogs.. I soooooo hear ya on not being as present in bloggy land! But that is fantastic, because it means you are present where you SHOULD be! :D I finally posted last night and today myself.. it had been awhile for me too!

    Hugs... Amy

  4. The Little Package, her mom & I went to the beach was The Package's first trip to the beach!

  5. I completely understand about bickering! I agree with's a Mom thing. Looking forward to your posts.

  6. Um yeah... I get you, my kids still have two more weeks of school and as much as I am looking forward to abandoning schedules for a while, I am a *leetle* apprehensive about having four kids home all day, every day! I like your checklist idea a lot.

    Have been watching True Blood too, season 1 is finally on Netflix yay! I read all the books it's based on so I need something to keep me busy until the next one...

    Just got a load of books for my birthday so I should write up a summary of what I got... will put that on my "to-blog" list.

    Have a great week! Photos and kids are a natural combination!

  7. Sounds like your having a wonderful summer.

    The Raggedy Girl

  8. As a photographer and blogger, I think the same thing when I go on trips. Pictures!!
    Great blog you have going here. I know exactly what you mean about loving your kids, but having to deal with all the bickering. I home school my kids, so I get to hear it all day, every day, all year long!

  9. My kids always have a contest to see who is the first to get their seat belt on in the car. they should 'first' but then the other one will say 'first the worst, second the best' or some such nonsense ! i've actually been known to ban the seat belt game when it drives me too crazy, ha ha. You are totally normal ... we all know what you mean !!

    So tell me, did you sign up somewhere to do reviews ?

  10. I would love to go to that island with you!! Our children are doing the exact same thing!! I do have your package ready to go...honest! Things have been crazy here I'll get it out soon I promise!

  11. Sounds like your two are just like my two. I feel for you. :) Love the pic with the Texas flag and bluebonnets. It reminds me of so much of when I grew up in Texas. Have fun on your trip.

    Take care! :)

  12. Our summer break hasn't started yet. A few more weeks. I work through the summer so things don't change much for me except I always have the juggle of allowing the dayhome kids to have fun and the right of my kids to be able to sleep in because it is there summer holidays and their house. It's a constant jugggle and sometimes stresses me but I try to combat it with planning. LOL.

  13. Tonight we're going to see The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe at Bethany Church in Tempe. It's a bit far but seems totally worth it as we haven't taken the kids to a real performance yet.

    We're working out details for our little guy right now. I'm not too interested in taking a 17 month old to a play...

    All of your plans look great. Looking forward to more reviews. :)


  14. Where it Texas are you going? Flying or driving? I'm in Amarillo, Tx!

  15. Sounds like you might want to consider introducing Nicholas and Jasmine to the egg timer. Set it for an hour. Each child has an hour to make decisions about group activities. If it's her turn, and he doesn't want to do what she wants, he can go play on his own, and vise-versa.

    The second you hear bickering, start the timer and inform the children who gets the first turn. This may work wonderfully- but what usually happens is that the children learn to dislike it (no democracy)... and learn to compromise when mom threatens to start the timer...

  16. Blue bonnets are pretty. I wonder if we call them Russell Lupins in Australia?

  17. A vacation in Texas sounds simply marvelous! And since that's where I live, I KNOW that you will find all kinds of photo opportunities to showcase your talent. Can't wait to see your pictures.

    Have a wonderful vacation!!

  18. Terry Goodkind is one of two of Joe's favorite authors (Robert Jordan being the other). So I had to tell him about the TV Show you mentioned since he's read all of the Sword of the Truth books (when a new one would come out it would be his bday or Christmas present) He's been able to d/l a few of them so he has something to watch now while he's deployed! He said they are loosely based on the books, but so far the series is pretty good to watch.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
