
Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/26/2015

Good morning everyone, can you believe it's Monday again?

Well it's the start of a new week and a new semester of school.  It's actually a little weird to think that in just 4 months we will be done with another year of school.  Goodness.

The weather outside is::::
We had a beautiful day of sunshine, yesterday.  We have a little fog this morning but it's supposed to clear up as the day progresses.  I'm kind of hoping the sunshine stays around, because it always makes me feel better.  

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
For now just a cup of coffee, my stomach hasn't been doing very well the past few days and I don't want to push it.  I might have some toast later.

As I look outside my window:::
Still very dark outside and with the fog it just looks creepy.

Right now I am::::
Still lounging in my pjs and enjoying my coffee.  I hear the train going by outside and it's SO loud at times. Typing up this post and running a mental check list of what I need to do. 

As I look around the house::::
Needs some TLC, with me being sick practically the whole weekend, I haven't been able to clean as I normally would.  I also want to start packing boxes and getting things ready to sell, give away.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Two loads to fold and put away, one comforter to wash.
Cleaning....Usual housework
Cooking.....Making Grilled Cheese Sandwiches for Lunch, and Spinach and Ricotta Shells for dinner.

Currently reading::::
Still waiting on my book to come in.

On the TV today::::
Not sure, though I would like to catch up on Wolf Hall.
I did watch two movies over the weekend.....Interstellar which was BRILLIANT, and The Taking of Deborah Logan which was so scary but good.

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Spinach and Ricotta Jumbo Shells, Salad
Tuesday - Bitoque (Portuguese Steak)
Wednesday - Taco Braid, Veggies
Thursday - Pizza
Friday - *Grocery Shopping*
Saturday -
Sunday -

What I am creating at the moment::::
Absolutely nothing, actually I was thinking yesterday that I might be selling my crochet goodies, some of the blankets and dish cloths etc.  I have wanted to do that for a while, for I just never got around to it, but with the move coming up, I think any bit of money will help.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Have a new recipe up on the blog, for some Banana Beignets.  SO good, they're almost gone because the hubby and kids have been attacking those like crazy.  

Banana Beignets

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
1 John 4:20

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Texas Bound

Well, seems that we are Texas bound.

You know God really does work in mysterious ways and things happen that we just don't really see coming our way.

My husband got the job, as I'm sure it's pretty obvious to tell by the tile of this post. 

If I tell you that this was completely unexpected and not something that we had even considered, would you believe me?

Curt was working and going to school, not applying for any jobs of any kinepld, and last week we received an email about a potential position for him requiring his Crew Chief training.

He wasn't going to reply at first, he just wasn't even thinking of work at the moment because he wants to finish his Master's degree, but on a whim, he picked up the phone and called.

It's so funny to me how God works, because let me tell you a little story.

Back when we were still stationed at Mountain Home AFB in Idaho, a couple positions had come up for Instructors at Sheppard AFB in Texas.  At the time, it was something he really wanted to do and he wanted a change since we had been stationed at this base for 10 years.  Not kidding.

When he tried to go for that position his former First Shirt wouldn't allow it because they had already lost so many people to similar positions at Sheppard AFB.  He and I were so disappointed, but you know you just go on with life and keep moving forward.

Fast forward to this phone call, to 2015, and the position was EXACTLY what he had once applied for.  I don't believe in coincidences, I believe things happen for a reason and that God has His hand in it all.

How could we pass this up????

We can't, plain and simple, we just can't. 

But we make this decision with heaviness in our hearts, because it means that we have to say goodbye to my family, who just got here two years ago.  Yes they have shown interest in maybe moving to Texas, but it won't be anytime soon, and certainly not within the next few months.

So again, I will be facing goodbyes and leaving my family behind.  I would be the biggest liar on eart if I told you that I didn't get a little angry at God for a hot minute.  I felt that it was so unfair, why would He bring this up for us, this amazing opportunity which I can tell you is going to be life changing for the cost of having to be far from family again???

And then I have to stop and tell myself that this is how it is.  Life is not easy, life is not about shortcuts and hand outs and taking the quickest and less painful is filled with decisions that sometimes break our hearts, but then again I'm a huge believer in that the things most worth having in life are never the easiest.   That is what makes them worth it.

So, here I am....

Faced with another move, another crazy adventure for our family.  I do have to thank the military wife in me because it's just another move, right???  If anything the years spent active duty has taught me to be resilient and to rely on no one but myself to get things done.

Curt has to be in Texas by the 16th of February, yes, right around the corner.

The kids and I will remain behind in Idaho until they are done with school, which should be around the 9th June, then I have to pack up a whole house, and drive myself, two kids, two dogs and one turtle to Texas.  I don't know folks, I may just have a coronary before these next few months are over, but I do know that I will tackle this head on with the strength of a woman of Christ, and quite honestly, that is all I need to get me through.

Prayers would be appreciated though, very much so :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/19/2015

Well good morning.  It is just 7am here and I'm up, on a public holiday, does that make any sense whatsoever?

I have this internal clock that wakes me up pretty much every day, between 6:30 and 7am.  No matter what day, what year, what is going on, rain or shine.  Little irritating to say the least.

Anyway, let's get going with the Happy Homemaker Monday post for today.

The weather outside is::::
The fog around here has been quite creepy.  I do like fog on a rare occasion but when it is a common every day thing, it starts becoming quite weird, to say the least.  Let me show you what is the mess outside, because it truly feels like we're in a horror movie.

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
As always, at the moment just the cup of coffee but I will be making some cinnamon rolls in about an hour or two, before the family wakes up here. 

As I look outside my window:::
Creepiness ensues.  Foggy, cold. But you know, it's almost like a beautiful creepiness, it always reminds me that whatever God creates is beautiful in it's own right.

Right now I am::::
Typing up this post, sitting with the fire going and enjoying the quietness of the house as everyone is fast asleep.  Listening to music on Spotify too.

As I look around the house::::
It is clean, I don't have to do anything today.  Yay!!!
The fire is going, the lamp in the living room is turned on, but other than that the house is quite dark.  It looks cozy though :) 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Have a few loads, I think 3, to put away.  They are all folded and in the baskets, I did that yesterday, but now it's the job of getting everything where it belongs.  Seriously, laundry is a full time job.  Ugh!!! 
Cleaning....In the kitchen....Usual dishes, counter pick up.  I do have to mop again, I mopped yesterday and then before it was completely dry I was walking around in there and not it just looks horrible. 
In the living room....Nothing much, just some random things here and there, like laptops on the couches and game boxes on the table. 
In the bedrooms....make the beds, open blinds, vacuum.  
In the bathrooms....Did the cleaning yesterday, so no need to do it today.
Homeschooling....End of semester is Thursday, so even though it is a holiday and there is technically no school, the girls are both working hard. 
Cooking.....For lunch, we have leftover Spaghetti and Dinner will be Ribs, Fries and Corn on the Cob.  Husband requested!   

Currently reading::::
Still nothing, still waiting on my book to come in.  Truth be told, I haven't had time anyway.   

On the TV today::::
I started watching a movie last night and then it kept buffering and stopping and it was irritating me, so I turned it off and will continue watching this morning.  It is "The Best of Me" from Nicholas Sparks.  I was really enjoying it too.....but that's ok, I'm loading it now and will finish when I'm done with the post.
Also have American Sniper and Dracula Untold to watch today with the family.

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Pork Ribs, Fries, Corn on the Cob
Tuesday - Carne con Papas
Wednesday - Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup
Thursday - Pork Egg Rolls, Sesame Noodles
Friday - Easy Beef Stroganoff, Egg Noodles
Saturday -Bitoque (Portuguese Steak)
Sunday - Ranch Chicken, Salad

What I am creating at the moment::::
Oh my gosh, nothing.......where has my crochet mojo gone?  I'm really a total mess at the moment, and I can't wait to feel content and normal again so that I can get back to the things I enjoy.     

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
Finally updated the food blog.  Did you hear that loud sound a few days ago?  That was the collective gasp of the Universe.  Anyway, you can get the recipes for the Brown Sugar Chocolate Chip Skillet Cookie and the Ice Cream Cupcakes, right there on the blog.  I will also have the recipe for this yummy Peach Cake up as well.  It's like a cross between a Tres Leches and a Peach Cake.  So yummy.

Ice Cream Cupcake

Brown Butter Chocolate chip skillet cookie

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.
John 3:18

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

This fog.......


You know how some people say that the weather affects their well being, and their moods?

I was never one to agree, matter of fact I always thought, oh that's just dumb.  Perhaps I was being naive, perhaps I was just lucky that it never seemed to affect me in any way, or perhaps I was just in a fog of my own.

As I've gotten older, just like many other things in my life, things have changed.  Foods I used to dislike I now love, or vice versa, music I didn't care for now is what I enjoy listening to, thoughts and opinions I had on different subjects have completely changed, and so on and so forth.

You know what I'm about to say right?

The whole weather thing affecting moods have changed for me too.  It's weird, and a little difficult to get used to because I've never put much weight into any of it, and to now have something else out of my control is quite disconcerting.

The blogging thing?  The no posting, the non updates?  Yes, all due to how I'm feeling lately which is a mixture of confused, tired, and generally non motivated.

We have had fog for quite a few days in a row and I miss the sun, I don't know where it is, I'm assuming hiding way up there behind this blanket of clouds and fog.  I miss it, and I crave it and it's driving me quite bonkers to have to sit here and wade through these depressing winter days.

How do you do it?  How do you push yourself through it?


And as I'm typing this post, I look outside and see this.  The fog has lifted, and the clouds are dispersing.  Coincidence?

I think not, but then I'm not one for coincidences, I happen to think that things happen for a reason and that God has His hand in it all.


I guess this is the sign I was looking for, that little nudge to stop feeling sorry for myself and to just get up and get going, and you know when God talks to me, I listen.  Boy do I listen.

So, with that said, I would like to ask you all for some prayers for a different thing.

My husband has been offered a potential job as an instructor at Sheppard AFB in Texas.  It would be a wonderful opportunity for us as a family, and a good pay.  But, it would also mean having to leave my family behind and saying goodby again, which is something I do NOT want to do.  They have shown interest in relocating to Texas as well, so maybe that is something we could help them with, but either way I don't know.

Again, it's being put in the Lord's hands and we'll take it from there.

Right, now I need to get my butt in gear, get kids started with school, go on with the laundry and housework, work on some recipes for the food blog and so on.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/12/2015

Sooooo, well, best of intentions and all that, turns out that I am still horribly behind when it comes to getting on a normal post holiday schedule.

Anyone out there have a secret formula they would like to share?  It usually doesn't take me this long to get back on track, but this year, I don't know what the problem is.  I need to figure it out though because we're pretty much half way through the month of January and I have two posts to show for it.  Shameful!!!

The weather outside is::::
Woke up to snow again, and it's I think about 30 degrees, or at least it was last time I checked.  I don't mind the snow itself, I mind the slushy dirty mess it becomes and the slipping and sliding that ensues while driving and walking on it.

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Right now, a cup of coffee with Butter Toffee Creamer, and as soon as I'm done with this post, I think I'm going to have some toast.  My favorite toast is sliced French Bread, it comes out nice and crunchy and always reminds me of the toast we would have for breakfast over in Portugal. 

As I look outside my window:::
White, slushy mess.  It does look pretty when you see all the trees covered in snow :) 

Right now I am::::
As always, in the living room typing up this post.  I have my pj's still on and a blanket over my legs because it's so cold.  My husband is awake too and is over on his computer playing a game and checking out Facebook. 

As I look around the house::::
It is actually clean and tidy, just have to pick up a few xbox controls that my son left laying on the couches.  I do really like the morning time, the house always looks so cozy and warm. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Have two loads to get through.  It is just never ending, and there have been a few times that I was on top of it and really thought "I got this", only to be overwhelmed again by the laundry basket.
Cleaning....In the kitchen....Already emptied out the dishwasher, just have to refill it, as the day goes by.  The counters have a few items on them that need to be picked up and put away.  I really want to get the floors mopped but I'm not sure if I'll get around to that today.   *fingers crossed*
In the living room....Vacuum rug, mop the wood floors.  Open blinds.  Tidy up couches.
In the bedrooms....make the beds, open blinds, vacuum.  
In the bathrooms....Toilets, sinks and mirrors.
Homeschooling....End of semester is looming, have to make sure everyone is on track.  The only ones I'm a little worried about are the girls because their work load is out of this world.   
Cooking.....For lunch we have quite a few leftovers that I need to get through.  Dinner will be Mushroom Swiss Burgers.   

Currently reading::::
Nothing, still waiting on my book to come in for a review, hopefully soon.

On the TV today::::
Probably Star Trek tonight with the hubby.
I do want to watch Ascension, started the first part yesterday and then had to stop it, but hoping to get through it all today.

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Mushroom Swiss Burgers
Tuesday - Chicken Casserole
Wednesday - Spaghetti Bolognese
Thursday - * Grocery Shopping*
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing, like I said, I have quite a few WIPs that I should be finishing up, just haven't  had a chance.       

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
I tried a yummy Chocolate chip skillet cookie.  I need to get the recipe up on the food blog, hoping I remember to do that today.  But here is a picture.....

Brown Butter Chocolate chip skillet cookie

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Foggy morning

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::
Every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.
Hebrews 3:4

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Chatty catch up!

Well now, it's been a while since I've come in and had just a good ol catch up chat.

I felt that it was overdue and so here I am, coffee in hand, and ready to dust the cobwebs off this little blog so that I can update you all.

Life as always, and as I'm sure many of you know, is just so busy around the holidays and leading into the new year.  We still have the Christmas decorations outside and if you know anything about me, you have to know that it is making my eye twitch.  I need them taken down and put away but my husband hasn't had a chance because he's been so busy with work. 

He is now on break from college until his new Semester begins in late February, I think right at the end actually.

He was going to Boise State but it just wasn't working for him.  The fees, the 45 minute drives back and forth with the gas prices, the book prices and the schedule and class work itself was just overwhelming with work and everything else.  I am so extremely proud of him for even going to college right now.  As he resumes classes online this new Semester, he will be continuing to work towards his Masters Degree :)

The kids are doing great.  Jasmine is growing into such a gorgeous young lady, is only 4 months away from turning 16 and is about to go for her Driver's permit.  Time is flying and I find myself struggling to hold on to my babies but knowing that it's a futile effort.

Nicholas is also 4 months from turning 12 years old.  The baby of the house will no longer be the baby and that is something that I'm finding hard to deal with it.  Sometimes I sit and think that I wish I had had a third baby, but then I realize that with all my pregnancy struggles I don't think that would have been a good idea.  I'm blessed and overjoyed at the two children I have and just need to be thankful for that.

As for me, well, I am just plodding along, taking care of the family and the laundry and housework and all that other fun stuff.

I am so also trying to get back into my normal routine, normal blogging schedule and just plain normal life which is pretty hard when you come out of the holiday season, isn't it?

I want to apologize for not having visited anyone, commented or even had the chance to read any blog posts, I desperately want to get back into that habit too, but it's something else on my long list of must do's coming up.

So how have things been with you all, any fun, interesting things going on in your lives?

I know I thanked you all already for the participating in the Blogmas 2014, but I wanted to do it again it was so much fun and I'm looking forward to another Blogmas at the end of the year.  Sure hope you all will jump right on in again :)

Right, so it's now 9:30am and I need to get up, get out of these pj's, finish this cup of coffee and get started with my day.  The usual is going on, homeschooling, laundry, housework and vacuuming and so forth and so on. 

Wishing you all a wonderful Wednesday, and I'll see you all back here tomorrow :)

Monday, January 05, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 01/05/2015

Good morning everyone.

*sigh*  I have been the absolute worst at updating my blog the past week, and I wish I had some good excuse for it, but I don't, other than the fact that I've been spending a lot of time with my children and husband.  I guess that's a good reason right?

I am so ready for the whole holiday season thing to come to an end, and for the most part it has for us, but there are still a few things lingering around that don't quite let me make that fresh start.

I have also been drawing a bit of a blank when it comes to blogging, so I figured it may be a good idea to go with my gut, spend the time with my family and see where it goes.  That is exactly what I did and I guess now I'm ready to return to more of a regular blogging schedule.  Enough of that though, let's get on with it.

The weather outside is::::
32 degrees at the moment and raining.  We've had snow the past few days, now it's rain.  I am ready to move onto Spring though, is that a bad thing??? 

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Cup of coffee with Butter Toffee Creamer, my new favorite.  Oh my word.  The base commissary was having a sale on their creamers, they're all 99c and my husband picked up a bunch.  He works for Nestle too so that's a good thing :) 

As I look outside my window:::
Cloudy, grey skies and rain droplets falling down.  It is melting the snow, which I'm good with because driving my car in that mess is not fun at all. 

Right now I am::::
In the living room, talking to my husband and typing up this post, as I wait for the repair guy to come and fix my dishwasher.  It stopped draining about 5 days ago, but unfortunately the repairman, who is an older gentlemen, fell in the snow and hurt his shoulder and couldn't make it out until this morning.  I miss my dishwasher, can't wait to have it up and running again.  I have been doing dishes by hand and though I don't mind, sometimes I miss being able to just pop them in the washer and go about my day. 

As I look around the house::::
All that is on are the fairy lights and some candles.  It looks quite cozy around here.  The house is clean, thank goodness, no major weekend tornadoes ripping through is usual. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....TONS, and I mean TONS of it.  I don't understand how I got so behind but now I'm facing a ton and I don't want to do it at all.  Send help!!!!
Cleaning....In the kitchen....Have a load of dishes sitting in soapy water in the sink, am hoping that he fixes the washer so I can pop those in there.  If not, then I'll have to do those soon.
In the living room....Vacuum rug, mop the wood floors.  Open blinds.  
In the bedrooms....make the beds, open blinds, vacuum.  
In the bathrooms....Toilets, sinks and mirrors.
Homeschooling....back at it today, so I need to prepare the boy's lessons and look through the girl's to see what they have.   
Cooking.....lunch today will probably be sandwiches.  Dinner is Chicken Pasta.  I have to get caught up and updated on my food blog too, that poor thing hasn't seen a post in forever.

Currently reading::::
Nothing, absolutely nothing.  Waiting on a book to come in for review though.
On the TV today::::
Hubby and I took a break during the holidays but we're going back to watching our Star Trek. 

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Fettucine with Veggies
Tuesday - Mushroom Swiss Burgers
Wednesday - Ravioli with Cheese and Spaghetti Sauce
Thursday - Chicken with Mushroom Gravy, Mash
Friday - Italian Grilled Cheese, Fries
Saturday - Chicken Spaghetti Casserole
Sunday - Italian Meatball Torte

What I am creating at the moment::::
Nothing at all, but I have been looking through my yarn and want to get it organized, once again, and finish some WIPs too.      

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
There are a few I want to try, just hope I remember to take photos and update the food blog.

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me— a prayer to the God of my life.
– Psalm 42:8 (NIV)

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!