
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A day in the life - Tuesday, August 25 2015


Hi ladies, welcome to another Day in the Life.

My days are pretty consistent, I tend to keep the same routines, but once in a while, depending on what is going on in my life at the moment, things are added or removed. Lately, my life has seen an increased surge in sewing, painting and armor making, as if I didn't already have enough on my plate, right?

Anyway, come along with me and let me show my yesterday.

5:30 AM....I am up with hubby to make him coffee before he heads off to work. Most days I get right on with computer work, but sometimes, if I'm not feeling well or my Sciatica is kicking up, I lay on the couch with Miss Lola and try to get back to sleep until about 7AM.

7:00 AM....up and at 'em. Get dressed, make myself some breakfast, clean up the kitchen.  You know I always walk into my kitchen in the morning and find remnants of my children's late nights.  Ramen noodles wrappers, Nerf guns, bowls and glasses etc.  Annoying, but I also know that one day I'll miss waking up to these things.

Cleaning up

8:00 AM.....let the girls out to go potty.

The girls

8:05 AM....start laundry, yesterday I pulled all the bed linens out to wash.  I usually do it on Mondays but didn't get around to it this week, so yesterday it was.


I've been upping my water intake again, the past few months with the moving I haven't been very good at drinking water and have overdone the soda.  Time to get back on track.


10:00 AM....went to check the mail and took a little walk around the front yard, we figured out that we have 5 Pecan trees in our property, so excited.  These little guys were on the ground.


We had one of our trees break and the realtors sent out someone to take care of it.  They were kind enough to chop it all down for fire wood and left us two piles, one in the back and one in the front.  This weekend, Curt and I will move them to a designated spot, I know it may seem a bit early to be doing this, but I think if we start now we'll have plenty of wood for the upcoming winter.

Fire wood

Fire Wood

One thing I've also noticed is that we have a huge amount of butterflies in our property, beautiful, big bunches of butterflies fluttering around all over the place.



12:30 PM....lunch time. Usually it consists of sandwiches or leftovers, but yesterday I was craving something sweet and something different, so I went for this instead...

Waffle making

Cookie Butter

Waffles and ice cream

3:00 PM....bread rising for homemade hotdog rolls.

Hotdog Buns

In between all these homemaking chores, I also have my daughter's cosplay armor going which is taking up a lot of my time.  One nice thing about it is that it's enabled me to get my sewing machine back out and some much needed sewing therapy going, right in front of the big living room window.



And that my friends, is basically how my day went.  It was a busy flurry of tasks going on, I feel like the moment my feet hit the ground it's non stop until bed time, unless you count the time I sit down to compose this post.

Country living

I'm still loving where I'm at, I know I've said that so many times but I truly haven't felt this way in many years.

I've tried to be happy where our lives have taken us, and sometimes I felt successful in that and other times I didn't.  True contentment wasn't always found in my life, but I must say that right now, this is pretty close to being absolutely and 100% content.  I'll take it!!!

Red Barn

The Lord always knows exactly what we need and where we need to be, and I believe he places us in those places throughout out lives, so that we may learn some valuable lessons.

I thank Him every single morning and night, for blessing us and for where we are right now.

Is life perfect at the moment, do I have a good financial stability, are there stresses and outside factors affecting us?  No life is not perfect, no we do not have financial stability right now, and yes there are many stresses and outside factors affecting us, but it's all part of the journey we're on, and though not always welcomed, they are to be embraced and learned from.

So, I'm off to make some pizza dough for tonight's dinner, then I believe I have more painting and sewing ahead, life is fast paced lately and I'm counting down the minutes until it all slows down.  For now though, I'll just knock back another cup of coffee and roll with the punches.


  1. I like your days! My days are often the same and some might think boring, but I am content. Jack spends a lot of time stretched out because of his siatica. I feel badly for anyone with it. Huggles.

  2. What a busy day you had.

    Being content is a wonderful blessing.

    Have a lovely evening with your family ~ FlowerLady

  3. What a busy day you had.

    Being content is a wonderful blessing.

    Have a lovely evening with your family ~ FlowerLady

  4. I bet your house smells so good!!! Makes
    me hungry just thinking about all that hot dough..yum!!

    I hate to tell you but your pecans have "Scab". They should be green & not falling off the tree right now. It's a fungus & they have to be sprayed very well to keep it from growing. It's caused by moisture.

  5. Your day sounds pretty slow paced compared to mine. LOL! Funny I decided to do a day in my life for Wednesday. Thanks for sharing, and my post is posted

  6. Your day sounds pretty slow paced compared to mine. LOL! Funny I decided to do a day in my life for Wednesday. Thanks for sharing, and my post is posted

  7. Thanks for sharing your day. I have tines when everything seems to go so fast and stressful. but yes I am so happy and grateful very day, not all day but at least once every dayx

  8. Thank you for sharing your day with us. Your pictures are not only beautiful, but they are inspiring me to get my camera out and play around with it.
    And at the end of the post where you contemplate where life has led you and where you are now, with or without stressors, you are so right. God puts us all where he wants us to be. It is all in His time and for His purpose.
    God Bless

  9. Such fun reading about your day - just love this!! Looked like a busy one - but full of blessings and the beauty that is a SAHM. Cooking, cleaning, taking care of our property and loving the blessings that are our home and family.
    Thanks for sharing Sandra!! xoxo


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
