
Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/28/2016

Happy Monday fellow homemakers!!!

Are you ready for another week?  Are you ready for Christmas just around the corner?  Oh my, I don't even know what to think about that, it's a little surreal thinking that a whole other year has gone by and we're almost done with 2016.  Goodness.

Anyway, let's get cracking with our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we? 

As I look outside my window:::

Gorgeous skies this morning, I actually had to snap a pic.  How pretty is that?

Right now I am:::
In the living room, trying to wake up.  I didn't sleep well last night, got up multiple times to use the bathroom, thanks to the bottle of water I downed right before getting in bed hahaha
I also had some insomnia going on.  It has been a few weeks since I've had it so not sure why it reared it's ugly head again. 

Thinking and pondering:::
About Christmas coming up, about the schooling the kids are behind on, about a lot of things I have in my mind.  It honestly feels like a tornado in there right now, swirling my thoughts constantly.
On my bedside table:::
Bible, some devotional books and some kleenex.

On my tv:::
General Hospital
Dr. Phil
Couple new shows I haven't yet watched but really want to

Playing on the radio:::
Vlog playing in the background as I type up this post.   

On the menu for this week:::

Monday -  Spaghetti Bolognese, Garlic Bread
Tuesday - In and Out Burgers, Fries  
Wednesday - Orange Chicken, Steamed Rice
Thursday - Turkey Pot Pie, Salad
Friday - Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Potato Salad
Saturday -  Roast Pork Tenderloin, Rice 
Sunday -  Slow Cooker Ham and Beans (using the leftover ham bone from Thanksgiving)

On my to do list:::
One last load of laundry which are the bed sheets.  I did all my other laundry yesterday, matter of fact spent all day doing laundry.  Pain in the behind!!!

Homeschooling....still catching the kids up.  My kids have been quite awful with school this year, they are just not into it AT.ALL, which is quite frustrating.

Continue organizing and moving things around.  Want to start getting my Christmas stuff out as well.

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::

Starting Part 9 of the Sophie's Universe Blanket.  Hoping to maybe finish it this week or at the very least get it very close to finished. 

My simple pleasure:::
Homemaking.  Truly, I know that sounds old fashioned or dumb to some, but it's something I have such pleasure in doing, and especially now that I'm getting back into it. 

Lesson learned the past week:::
That I need to focus on my own actions and reactions.  It's easy to blame others, to say that I am easily annoyed lately because I feel like I'm getting no help.  But I also need to stop and look at myself and how I'm acting or reacting to these things, and snapping at people is not exactly going to make things any easier.  So I need to work on myself.  Not an easy thing to do, matter of fact it's not even an easy thing to admit to, we would much rather blame others than take ownership of our wrongdoings. 
Looking around the house:::
It's clean, did all my major cleaning yesterday.

From the camera:::

Bible verse, Devotional:::

I picked today's verse because I think it goes with what I was talking about above.

And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them. - Luke 6:31

Monday, November 21, 2016

{ Thanksgiving, what I'm making, what they're making }

Well friends, it is here.

We are just 3 days away from a holiday that I truly love.  A holiday that brings families together around the table, that allows us to indulge in the most delicious of foods without worrying about expanding least for that day.

This year we are having about 16 people over for Thanksgiving.  It's a lot of guests in my home, but I get so excited when family is coming over and we're doing a big get together.  I love eating, I love food, I love family, I love chatting and laughing and playing games and just having a wonderful time.

With all that said though, as a woman, a homemaker, it usually means a lot of work in the kitchen and home just to prepare for the guests.  Some will be staying overnight for a few days, some are just coming for the actual Thanksgiving and unfortunately leaving due to work commitments, or school etc.

If I had the money, I would do it all on my own, make all the food, provide everything and not allow anyone to do any work.  I truly do love cooking and being a homemaker THAT much.  But it's not possible, so we always break it all up and everyone pitches in.

Right, so let's see what is on the menu for these 16 people, shall we?

Fried Turkey 
Roast Turkey
Glazed Ham
Mashed Potatoes
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole
Corn Souffle
Greek Salad
Deviled Eggs
Homemade Dinner Rolls
Cranberry Sauce
Pumpkin Pie Sheet Cake
Pecan Pie
Dessert (not yet specified)
Cherry Salad

Sandra - Fried Turkey, Ham, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Homemade Dinner rolls, Pumpkin Pie Sheet Cake
Cindy - Corn Souffle, Cherry Salad
Hayley - Roast Turkey, Greek Salad, Deviled Eggs, Dessert
Carol - Pecan Pie, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing

As you've probably noticed, it seems like I'm making most of it, and that's quite alright because I'm a stay at home mom, so I have the time, and not to mention I can make things in advance.

The dinner rolls, the pumpkin pie cake, the casseroles, and even the Ham, will all be made on Wednesday.  The only thing I really want to worry about making on Thursday is the actual fried turkey.  My time needs to be then spent playing hostess, making sure we have everything we need, making sure everyone is comfortable etc.

Now let me give you some of the recipes that I'll be using.

Fluffy Dinner rolls

Everyone is bringing drinks, also bringing breakfast items such as pastries and juice etc. We really do try to have everyone help out however they can to make it a wonderful get together.

We will be playing card games, board games, visiting, chatting, drinking coffee, sitting by the fire and enjoying each other's company.

Just one thing is not allowed in my house, and everyone in the family already knows it.  NO POLITICS DISCUSSION WHATSOEVER!!!

Anyway, I hope my menu gives you some inspiration if you're looking for some right now.  I would also love to know what you're all having, where you're going, if you're staying home and hosting or going to a family members home etc.

Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/21/2016

Good morning fellow homemakers, how was your weekend?

I spent mine working around the house and shopping for Thanksgiving.  I haven't forgotten about my Thanksgiving post, I'll have that up this afternoon or tomorrow morning the latest, so keep an eye out for that :)

Now let's see what we have going on around here on this Monday. 

As I look outside my window:::
Beautiful blue skies and not a single cloud in the sky.  It's not as cold as it's been the past few days but we're definitely done with summer :)
Right now I am:::
In the living room with Marley.  I just finished doing some housework and he's about ready for a nap and I need to get this post up, so I am taking a break to do just that.

Thinking and pondering:::
On Thanksgiving, I have a lot of people coming over.  You know it makes me think about how blessed we are to be near family.  For a very long time, holidays was just my husband and I and our two kids, and if he was deployed, it would just be the kids and I.  Since moving to Texas, we are able to celebrate the holidays with the family and have big reunions, it's just a joy.
On my bedside table:::
Bible, some devotional books and some kleenex.

On my tv:::
General Hospital
Dr. Phil
A Place Called Home ( only watched the first season and it's already on the 4th, I believe, so I want to try and catch up)

Playing on the radio:::
Smoky Mountain Christmas playing on my laptop.  Have you ever heard of this album?  Check it out if you haven't, I think you'll enjoy it.  :) 

On the menu for this week:::

Monday - We actually have to head to OKC this evening so will grab something out
Tuesday - Creamy Tuscan Chicken and Mashed Potatoes 
Wednesday - Spaghetti Bolognase, Salad and Garlic Bread
Thursday -Thanksgiving (Fried Turkey, Roast Turkey, Ham, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Homemade dinner rolls, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Bean Casserole, Greek Salad, Cherry Salad, Pumpkin Pie Sheet Cake, Pecan Pie
Friday -
Breakfast for everyone - Slow Cooker Country Breakfast, Pastries, Coffee, Juice
Lunch - Leftovers
Dinner - Turkey Pot Pie, Salad
Saturday -  Will probably grab some Chicken Express, it will be just us and the in laws. 
Sunday -  *Grocery Shopping, new menu kicks in.....In and Out Burgers and Fries)

On my to do list:::
Finish my daughter's laundry, and put everything away.  Iron son's fabric shower curtain that I washed.
Change bed linens

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Still working on my beautiful Sophie's Universe blanket.

My simple pleasure:::
Listening to Christmas music or watching a Christmas movie on tv.

Lesson learned the past week:::
To continue to not listen to what I see or hear on the news or social media.  The past year has been truly devastating to watch, families turning on families, friends turning on friends, and Americans turning on Americans.  WE need God now more than ever and I believe it begins in each individual home.  It's sad to see so many people blindly following the destructive masses.  So I guess it's not so much a lesson learned, but more of a continuing lesson to me and to everyone else.

Looking around the house:::
I just finished some housework so it looks neat and tidy.  Smells amazing too as I have my wax burners going.

From the camera:::

Prayer List:::
For so many friends going through hard times, whether financial or physical or mental.  I want you to know that I love each and every single one of you and that my prayer is that the Lord, wrap you in His arms and deliver you from whatever is ailing your heart, mind or body. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Crochet and getting ready for the holidays

Please don't pass out when you realize I'm posting, yet again.  hahah

I know, I kinda feel a little weird that I've managed to do it the past 3 days without fail, and to tell you the truth it's felt good to make a conscious effort to take pictures during the day, and get a post up every night.

I'm thinking that I should do Blogmas this year, to really make sure that I get a blog post up every single day, through December.  If I do that, I may just kick start my motivation so that I can go back to daily blogging.  What do you say?

Alright, well let me tell you a little about my day, didn't have much interesting going on, matter of fact, I didn't have any housework to do aside from the usual tasks, so I have spent today working on my crochet blanket and spending time with Marley.


So this is what I was working on today, the roses.  I've never crocheted roses and I didn't know how it would turn out, but I must say that I'm finding them to be not only really easy to make, but so pretty.


There's the first row all done.  I just finished the roses row about 30 minutes ago.  I have to crochet when I have time, and there's a lot of stopping and interrupting, which sometimes is counter productive when you're needing to pay attention to stitches.

Yes, I've had to frog a row and I've had to pull apart 5 rows because I miscounted.  Oh well.  It's worth it, because it's looking absolutely gorgeous.


I've been working on Thanksgiving lists, writing down what I need to make, what I need to buy and what I need to do.

Also moved a few things about to make room for all the guests.  This futon is usually in my daughter's room, but I moved it into the green living room to provide more seating and also if someone is staying overnight, I can quickly make up a bed.


Got the fruit mix out, because I realized that I should have already made my Fruit cakes.  I am way behind ladies, like really behind on schedule, but I'll get what I need this weekend when I go grocery shopping and then get right on making these.


Marley is growing fast, I mean, really growing fast, to the point where I feel like every day I wake up and he's bigger.  He has the sweetest face though, and is actually not a bad puppy.


Did the normal schooling with Nick today, oh friends, this kid still dislikes school immensely and getting him to do anything is quite a pain in the you know what.

But we managed to get some portfolios done and turned in which is a good thing.

Like I said, I've been working on Thanksgiving lists, menus etc.  I think I may do a post on that soon, talking about my Menu, what I plan on making ahead of time and such.  Maybe even do a Thanksgiving grocery haul.

Is that something that would interest you?  Let me know in the comments below, also let me know what kind of posts you want to see, if there's anything that I used to do that you would like to see me bring back or anything specific.

Well I best get this post up and get myself ready for bed.  Have a blessed, restful night friends :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Peek at my day

Good evening everyone, how was your Tuesday?

Well mine was pretty uneventful, at least in the homemaking department.  I got a few things done that needed tending to and then worked a little more on my blanket, talked to my grandmother, and meal planned.


Copious amounts of coffee are needed lately.  Not that I am not a huge coffee drinker to begin with but seriously, lately I am finding myself needing it more.  Now before anyone panics and thinks I'm downing pots of coffee like water, I'm not.

I'm a bit of an exaggerating fool.  When I say lots, I mean 2 cups in the morning and maybe one in the afternoon if the weather is cold and rainy.


Starting this one tonight, I need to do a review on it soon.  I love cowboys, love a good chick romance story and just look at that cover.....I mean....and it's titled Those TEXAS nights.  Yep, I'm sold.  Hahaha


The blanket is growing beautifully.  This was up to row 53, I'm now starting row 55.  I'm excited because in two more rows I get to add beautiful roses.  Oh it's going to look gorgeous.  It already looks pretty phenomenal doesn't it?

Don't mind the missing front post stitch on the top row.  I didn't even realize I had missed one until someone else mentioned it to me.  Yep, had to pull the row apart and restart but thankfully, it was noticed right after I finished the row.  *Whew*


Got through a good amount of laundry.  I hate seeing laundry everywhere, and to be perfectly honest and transparent about my current homemaking habits....with everything that has been going on, I've kind of slacked a bit in the organized department. 

This load took all day to fold.  I literally would fold one item, place it on the couch and walk off to whatever land my mind was in.  BUT it did get done, and put away.

I lie, it's still all on the couch.  It has been folded, the basket is gone, but it has yet to make it to it's respectful places. 


Been teaching this handsome boy some tricks.  He is so incredibly smart.

We're learning to fetch.  And yes, I gave him one of my laundry yarn balls, which is one of, if not THE favorite toy of choice.

He's great at fetching, the returning is a whole other thing we're working on.  Kind have to wrestle it out of his mouth amongst growls and grunts hahah


Does anyone else wash their shower curtain liners?


I know that a lot of people out there just throw it out when it starts becoming manky, but I have always tossed mine in the washer and they turn out fine. 

I got to talk to my grandmother for about 30 minutes today.  Long enough for her to tell me that she does not want to be in the nursing home she was put in, even though she was fine with it at first. 

We have so many family issues going on folks, I would love to say that my family was great and everyone got along and loved each other dearly, like it used to be years ago.  But unfortunately since my parents divorce, last year, things have been painful to say the least.

I'm so over the drama and the anger and grief, the lies, the games, the name calling and finger pointing.  I have so much to worry about with my own life, and these things just bring on added stress which I really don't want part of.

Anyway, I don't want to bore you with the details.  I just wanted to really come in and show you what my Tuesday mainly consisted of.

I'm going to go work a few more rows on the blanket, watch a little TV, wait for my daughter to call me and then call it a night.


Monday, November 14, 2016

{ My November so far....}

"November comes
And November goes,
With the last red berries
And the first white snows.

With night coming early,
And dawn coming late,
And ice in the bucket
And frost by the gate.

The fires burn
And the kettles sing,
And earth sinks to rest
Until next spring."
- Elizabeth Coatsworth

We're about halfway through November already, and I haven't blogged anything this month, or the month before, or the one prior to that.

I don't count my Happy Homemaker Monday's or my Book reviews as actual blog posts because it doesn't really reflect what is going on in my life, on a day to day basis.

I thought it was time I came in and did a little post, showing you just a few pictures from the past 2 weeks.  Nothing fancy, nothing super exciting really, but just life, in all it's glory.


The weather has finally cooled down and we often wake up to frost on the grass and beautiful crisp mornings.  I do think Fall is one of my favorite seasons, without a doubt.


My not so baby girl is driving, or rather, learning to drive.  Where has time gone, I can still picture her ready for her first day of Kindergarten, all excited with the backpack on her back that seemed to engulf her little body.  Oh friends, time flies so quickly.


This guy has been hanging around our yard, so we're taking extra care whenever we let the puppy out to potty.  I don't want him to grab him, even though puppy has all but doubled in size the past month, still, would rather not take a chance.

He is huge, the hawk, not the puppy hahaha  He decided to walk around on our grass the other day and both Curt and I were shocked at how big he was, I mean it was like the size of a cat or dog.  Scary, but beautiful and powerful none the less.


Our baby boy Marley.  He is growing so much, calming down in his demeanor, taking more naps and really getting to know the house.

I'm not going to lie the first 2 weeks were awful, you go from not having any little babies of any kind, to having a little being completely dependent on you.  It felt like I had just had a baby, the sleepless nights, the having to watch him 24/7.  I was exhausted hahahah

But we're getting past that, even though the puppy crazies and the nipping at hands and ankles and feet are still very much an every day occurrence.  And boy do those sharp little piranha teeth hurt.


I've also made my Winter batch of Lemon, Honey and Ginger to keep in the fridge.  I love this stuff so much.  If you want to make your own, be sure to check out my how to on this post.


The crochet blanket is coming along nicely, I will say that I haven't had the time to work on it nearly as much as I wish I did.  The past few days I haven't been able to really do much than one single row a day and that's bugging me hahah

But I'm trying to get more done today.  The picture you see below was taken last week before I added a few more rows, I'll try to get another recent pic taken and show you tomorrow.


I haven't exactly been the best at decorating for the seasons, like I used to.  Life has just changed so much the past few years and it's made me change along with it, which to be completely and truthfully honest with you, has made me quite unhappy with myself.

I miss decorating and making things for the home and really working hard at it, I feel like I've lost that mojo and the worst part is that I'll myself to go ahead and do it, and then when the time comes I just don't have the energy, or the motivation or the patience OR the time, as has been mostly the case lately.

But I need to make a change in that area of my life too.  It's really time to get back to ME!!!


It was so cold in this house yesterday, that we lit the first fire of the season.  The good thing about living in the country is that we have plenty of wood available and before long, we had the most beautiful fire going and the house was cozy and warm.


Other things going on.....well hubby is back at work, which he is thrilled about.  My Jasmine is away this week visiting her boyfriend and his family, my Nicholas is growing like a weed, he is now taller than his dad who is 5'11, and this boy is only 13 years old.  My word!!!

My brother in law dropped by as a surprise visit on Friday night, it was great seeing him.  He doesn't live too far from us, only about 30 minutes but between his busy work schedule and our busy life, it seems that weeks will go by without seeing each other.

We drove up to Oklahoma City this weekend to drop off my daughter and enjoyed a visit with Curt's Aunt and Cousin.  It's never long, we literally just go up there to drop off my daughter and then drive back home, which is a bit of a drive since it's 2 hours away.

So there you go my friends, I'm just here, living life and going on about my days.  I don't have anything exciting happening but I think it's still important to document it all right?

Oh I completely cleaned out my daughter's room and reorganized her closet.  This girl has so many clothes and just throws things around.  Drives me completely bonkers but she's a typical teenager, when I tell her her room is a mess, she tells me it's not, it's organized how she wants it.  Hahahah

Well I'm going to go and make myself a cup of coffee, and then crack on with some more crocheting.  Have a wonderful rest of Monday friends :)

PS....I'll be coming around to say hi to the Happy Homemaker Participants today, it's been forever and I feel that I need to come see you all and thank you for always staying by me, even if I am sucking at being a blogger.  Really, thank you :)

( Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/14/2016 }

Good morning everyone :) 

The weather outside is::::
Wonderful.  Mornings and nights are pretty cold now, and we actually got our first fire of the season going, yesterday.  It was wonderful!  Still seeing upper 70's for highs during the day, but that's ok with me. 

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
Just a cup of coffee at the moment.  I am sitting here thinking I need some breakfast but I can't decide on what I want, so I guess I'll just wait a little longer before venturing into the kitchen. 

As I look outside my window:::
Gorgeous sunrise, and I can hear the birds chirping.  I have my french doors open but the screen closed, so I get some of the wonderful fresh morning air in and get to listen to nature waking up. 

Right now I am::::

In my pj's, which by the way are no longer short nightgowns or shorts.  I'm wearing pants and long sleeves, it's come to that folks.    

As I look around the house::::
Had my brother and his family over for dinner and Walking Dead last night.  We always move one of the smaller couches into the living room so we can fit everyone in.  I have to move it back this morning.  I also still have a few things on the dining table that need to be picked up, mainly just napkins, a couple glasses etc.  House is nice and quiet at the moment, my son is still asleep and my girl is actually away this week. 

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....None, my laundry is all done.
Kitchen....Usual clean up in there.
Homeschooling....Usual with the kids.
Menu planning and grocery list
Thanksgiving planning

Happening this week::::
Nothing specific planned, just hoping for a quiet week of normal homemaking.
Speaking of which, I am going to change my blog template out today, and think I really need to get back on track.  Ok, I know I say that all the time and then don't do it, and I hate that about myself, because with all the good intentions I have of following through, life gets in the way and I don't do it.
But I was thinking yesterday that I am missing out on documenting our life, even the boring mundane parts of my day.  I think I got a little caught up in the bad aspects of blogging, just like I was mentioning the other day, and started feeling like I don't have anything interesting going on, so why bother? 
But I'm forgetting that this is not a blog for anyone other than for my own record and memories, and that's what I should be focused on.  So look for more posts starting to pop up, and if it bores anyone, my apologies. 

Currently reading::::
Nothing at the moment, but do have a few review books coming up.

On the TV today::::

The Voice Portugal
General Hospital
Dark Angel - Still haven't watched it, must make some time to do so.

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Salisbury Steak and Rice
Tuesday - Crockpot Chicken in a Hurry, Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday - Crab Ragoon, Sesame Noodles
Thursday - Cheese Ravioli, Salad
Friday - Homemade Pepperoni Deep Dish Pizza
Saturday - Smoked Sausage and Potatoes Skillet
Sunday - Chili Dogs

What I am creating at the moment::::
Still working on my Sophie's and loving every single row.  Did I tell you this blanket is going to be 6 feet all around?  That's huge.  I'm already planning my next one, so excited. 

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::
The Indian Fry Bread Tacos were a hit.  I'll try to get the recipe up today.

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

O God:
Give me strength to live another day;
Let me not turn coward before its difficulties or prove recreant to its duties;
Let me not lose faith in other people;
Keep me sweet and sound of heart, in spite of ingratitude, treachery, or meanness;
Preserve me from minding little stings or giving them;
Help me to keep my heart clean, and to live so honestly and fearlessly that no outward failure can dishearten me or take away the joy of conscious integrity;
Open wide the eyes of my soul that I may see good in all things;
Grant me this day some new vision of thy truth;
Inspire me with the spirit of joy and gladness;
and make me the cup of strength to suffering souls;
in the name of the strong Deliverer, our only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Dude Diet by Serena Wolf - TLC Book Tour

• Hardcover: 352 pages
• Publisher: Harper Wave (October 25, 2016)

From chef and creator of the popular food blog, 125 outrageously delicious yet deceptively healthy recipes for dudes (and the people who love them), accompanied by beautiful full-color photography.

Dudes. So well intentioned when it comes to healthy eating, even as they fail epically in execution—inhaling a “salad” topped with fried chicken fingers or ordering their Italian hero on a whole wheat wrap (that makes it healthy, right?).

There are several issues with men going on diets. First, they seem to be misinformed about basic nutrition. They are also, generally, not excited about eating “health food.” You can lead a dude to the salad bar, but you can’t make him choose lettuce.

Enter Serena Wolf—chef, food blogger, and caretaker of a dude with some less than ideal eating habits. As a labor of love, Serena began creating healthier versions of her boyfriend’s favorite foods and posting them on her blog, where she received an overwhelming response from men and women alike. Now, in The Dude Diet, Serena shares more than 125 droolworthy recipes that prove that meals made with nutrient-dense whole foods can elicit the same excitement and satisfaction associated with pizza or Chinese take-out.

The Dude Diet also demystifies the basics of nutrition, empowering men to make better decisions whether they’re eating out or cooking at home. Better still, each recipe is 100% idiot-proof and requires only easily accessible ingredients and tools. With categories like Game Day Eats, On the Grill, Serious Salads, and Take Out Favorites, The Dude Diet will arm dudes and those who love them with the knowledge they need to lead healthier, happier lives—with flattened beer bellies and fewer meat sweats.

The Dude Diet includes 102 full-color photographs.

Purchase Links: HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble


About Serena Wolf

After graduating from Harvard in 2009, Serena followed her passion for food to Le Cordon Bleu Paris, receiving her cuisine diploma in 2011. Since then, she has put her culinary skills to work as a private chef, food writer, recipe developer, and blogger at

She is currently a food contributor for and a member of SELF Magazine’s SelfMade Collective (an elite group of 25 influencers in the lifestyle space), as well as the former private chef for two players on the New York Giants. She also creates regular video content for her growing YouTube channel.

Serena’s writing, recipes and photography have been featured on The Huffington Post,, SELF. Com,,, BuzzFeed and POPSUGAR among others. She has also appeared as a guest on The Dr. Oz Show and Martha Stewart’s Radio Show “Mostly Martha.”

Find out more about Serena at her website, and follow her on Instagram.


 My Thoughts:

I can not tell you just how excited I was to sign up for this book tour. 

I love books, I love reading, but if you've known me for any amount of time, you'll know that I love cooking, hence my food blog.  To have the opportunity to review a cookbook is always exciting, but to have the opportunity to review a cookbook geared for men and their health and nutrition.

Let's face it, not many men want to diet, not many men want to eat just salads, or healthy food.  They love their meat, they love their potatoes, they love their snacks and they most definitely have a sweet tooth.

I went through the book, and all 125 mouthwatering recipes, and then passed the book to my husband and let him have a browse.  I opened it for him, didn't let him see the cover or the title, just asked him to look through and see if any of those recipes look good to him.

Between ooh's and aah's, I quickly realized that he had no clue this was a Dude Diet book.  Yay!!!

I've had the chance to try a few recipes so far, and they've all been a hit, not only with my husband but with my 13 year old son, who if you have a teenage boy, you KNOW they eat constantly.

By far one of their favorites is the Chipotle Style Burrito Bowls.

Chipotle Burrito Bowls

There are so many amazing recipes, like:

Skirt Steak and Avocado Quesadillas
1 Hour pulled pork
Go-to Fritatta
Sesame orange chicken

And so many more.

My husband and son have both picked out a bunch of recipes that they would like me to try.  I am quite excited to go through the book and make these delicious dishes for the boys.  I may tell them it's called The Dude Diet Cookbook, but I may just wait until I've given them a few more yummy meals.

Will be quite comical to see their reaction :)

Monday, November 07, 2016

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 11/07/2016 }

Good morning friends, how are you all doing?

Oh my goodness, it's been exactly a week since I've updated my blog, and it wasn't even a real update because it was my Happy Homemaker post.  I so wish I kept up with my blog more, like I used to years ago, but to be honest, all the new blogs, the politics in the blogs and the constant competition about who has more comments and followers and does the best posts....just totally turned me off.

Blogging used to be about like minded women sharing their day, now it's all about who makes more money and I can't tell you how irritated it makes me when I see those "How to blog" or "What you should and shouldn't blog about " and "the RIGHT way to make a blog post".  Like seriously?

Anyway, I need to try and get back into the groove, I feel like I'm missing out on sharing a lot of our daily lives and my kids lives etc.  I have so much of that documented until about 4 years ago and then it started dwindling and it's just gone downhill from there.  Time to clean this up and go back to making memories.

Right, let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday for this morning.   

The weather outside is::::
61 degrees right now and a light rain.  We had rain yesterday and it seems we are having another rainy day today.  The rest of the week will be in the 60's which I'm so ready for.

On the breakfast plate this morning::::
As always just a cup of coffee at the moment, but around 8am I'll go get something to eat.  Probably the last two slices of the Pumpkin Spice Bread which I get every year around this time.  Love it toasted with a nice slather of butter.  Yum!

As I look outside my window:::
The rain is coming down and it's pretty dark still. 

Right now I am::::

Still in my night gown, sitting on the couch, typing up this post and watching some vlogs as well.  

As I look around the house::::
Not too bad, the kids spent most of the weekend in their bedrooms so there isn't too much to tidy up out in the living room areas.  Except for the kitchen, like really, what on earth do my kids do in there?  When I leave for bed every night, the dishes are done, the counters are clean and everything is neat and tidy.  When I get up every morning around 5:30, there are glasses everywhere, open cabinet doors, empty packets of ramen noodles on the counter, dirty dishes on the island or in the sink.  Good grief.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry....Wash all my bedding.  .
Kitchen....Usual clean up in there..
Post office to mail my friend's Owls

Happening this week::::
Today I need to run to Walmart to get some envelopes for mailing off stuff.
Run to post office to mail the owls.
Nothing else really planned the rest of the week, aside than.....guess what????  My husband has a job!!!!  Thank you all so much for the prayers, they were heard.  He got a call from the same company he worked for asking him to come back for another instructor position on base.  He is SO happy to get another chance at doing what he absolutely loves.  So, Wednesday is his first official day back at work :)

Currently reading::::
The Women (Old west time life series).  Still reading this one and absolutely loving it.  I have another lined up for after this one, which is called something like Wonders of the Pioneer Trail or something similar, can't quite remember the name and don't have it nearby.

On the TV today::::
The Crown (almost done with this one) - if you love period dramas, you have got to watch this one on Netflix.  It is about Queen Elizabeth II and how she came to reign and all the going ons with her marriage, becoming a Queen etc.  FANTASTIC!!!
The Voice Portugal
General Hospital
Dark Angel

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Beer battered fish filets, tomato rice
Tuesday - Beef tips, mash, gravy
Wednesday - Hamburger Helper, Salad
Thursday - Arroz a Valenciana (Portuguese rice with smoked sausage and chicken)
Friday - Amish Country Casserole
Saturday - Oklahoma City (will be eating with family)
Sunday - Chili Dogs

What I am creating at the moment::::
I've been absolutely obsessed with my latest crochet project, and if you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you will have seen it by now.  It is the Sophie's Universe and I've managed to do the work of 4 weeks in 4 days, I'm that obsessed with it.  It's a beautiful pattern, it's so much fun to do and I can't wait to see it all come together.
I'm using a 5mm crochet hook, and Red Heart Super Saver because it's what I had on hand.  The colors are Aran, Oatmeal, Minty and Pretty in Pink

New recipe I tried or want to try this week::::

The Indian Fry Bread Tacos were a hit.  I'll try to get the recipe up today.

Favorite photo from the camera::::

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals::::

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!