
Saturday, February 22, 2025

{ Saturday Photo Meme }

Do you remember back when blogging first kicked off, there would be so many memes going around, and tags?  I was constantly tagged by blogger friends for all sorts of different posts, and it was a fun way to get to know all the amazing bloggers that made up this wonderful community.
But, like everything else, times have changed and some of the things we loved have disappeared and often been replaced by tacky things, or things that leave me scratching my head.  We have a choice, either move on with the times and the flow and become just another voice repeating the same thing, or continue doing what we love and be individuals.
I must say, I have always been the odd one out.  If everyone in the world is screaming and shouting about bananas, I am in my corner giving credit to strawberries.  I don't like to follow a crowd, I don't like the whole herd mentality, I'm just not cut out that way.  So, with that said, I intend to continue posting and talking about the things that I love, and memes is one of the things from the old blogging days, that I miss.
So here's an oldie, and I would tag some of you but I'm not sure if you'll join in or not, so I'll leave it open and if you want to do it, just copy the categories and do your own post, but be sure to let me know if you so that I can come and read it.
How does it work?  Well, you go to Google Images and type in the category and then paste the photo that shows up for it.  That's it!
Your Name

Dad's Name

Mom's Name

Your age on your next birthday

Your favorite color


Your middle name

 The last meal you ate

Your favorite animal

  Your last name 

Favorite Bible passage

Favorite era

Favorite food

Where you want to be in 10 years

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing post. I will certainly consider doing this. I should have it posted by tomorrow night. I will label it an old time blog.LOL


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
