
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine's Day is for kids????

I used to LOVE Valentine's Day, and I remember waiting impatiently to see if I would get anything from a secret admirer, but THAT was when I was young. Then I got married and suddenly to me, Valentine's Day just didn't fit in with the daily craziness of being a parent.

I don't think my husband and I have exchanged Valentine's Gifts for years now. I guess it's just a day like any other.

But, for Jasmine, who is only 6 years old, it was a GREAT day. She woke up and the first thing out of her mouth was "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY MOMMY, DADDY, NICHOLAS". She was just running around and couldn't wait to get to school for their party. It's so nice being young and carefree isn't it?

We went to her school party and it was fun for the kids, they had a blast, they got to eat all sorts of goodies and exchange valentines. I took some pics which I'm sharing here....hope you guys enjoy it.

If you want to see the rest of the pics, just go HERE:

As for me, well, I'm going back to making my grocery list and doing laundry. Ahhhh the joys of motherhood. LOL

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