
Monday, February 06, 2006

Well I finally did it, got my own blog!

What better way to have family and friends keep up to date on what is going on with us, than having a place where they can come to, right?!?!

Well at least that's my plan. I'm an Air Force Wife and stay at home mom to our wonderful children. Jasmine who is 6 years old and halfway through First Grade, and Nicholas who is 2 years old, but going on at least 10. Yeah, you see for the longest time I kept wondering when he would start talking, cause I would see all the other 2 year old's blabbling away, and then as if from night to day it happened.

Now there are days that we have to tell him to be quiet, cause he just won't stop. LOL
But that's ok, it's just another part of being a parent.

So, this is my plan. Have this online blog where I can come to every day and let everyone know what is going on back here in Potato Land.

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