
Sunday, March 05, 2006

Grease anyone????

Remember how I said it was supposed to be a lazy sunday?

It started off that way, I was sitting on the computer playing The Sims and having fun and then suddenly I get this URGE to clean. Where the heck did that come from?????
So I get up and walk into the kitchen where I proceed to clean out all my counters and then if that wasn't enough, I pull out the deef fryer that I used 2 days ago, and pull it all apart. ATTACK THE GREASE!!!

What is wrong with me? Why would I want to spend a sunday like that? I can't understand it....usually during the week I'm craving the weekends so that I can just do what I want, maybe read, go to the library, play on the computer etc. I had the chance today, but chose to clean. Something is not right!!! LOL

So it's the end of another weekend, is it just me or does time seem to be flying by lately? I remember weekends dragging on and recently, before I know it it's already sunday night. GRRR start of another weekend. You know what I can't wait for? SUMMER!!!
Hot summer days, where I can walk Jasmine to school, take Nicholas to the park, or just go out with the kids for walks. Man do I miss that....I'm officially SICK AND TIRED of winter. Go away!!!!
Well I better get back in the kitchen. For dinner I made Beef Curry......YUMMY!!! Love it love it. You guys have a great night and I'll see ya back here in the morning.

Ryan Seacrest Out! Oh, well, sorry, just popped into my head LOL


  1. What's up with that!? LOL
    I so don't like the winter!!

  2. Bring that cleaning energy my way I'll start a list now! LOL!

  3. LOL I swear I don't know what the heck happened....maybe I should share the cleaning energy with you ladies...or just come over and clean LOL


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