
Friday, March 24, 2006



I don't do windows because ...

I love birds

and don't want one to run into a clean window

and get hurt.

I don't wax floors because ...

I am terrified a guest

will slip and get hurt

then I'll feel terrible

( plus they may sue me.)

I don't mind the dust bunnies because ...

They are very good company,

I have named most of them,

and they agree with everything I say.

I don't disturb cobwebs because ...

I want every creature

to have a home of their own.

I don't Spring Clean because ...

I love all the seasons

and don't want the others

to get jealous

I don't pull weeds

in the garden because ..

I don't want to get

in God's way,

HE is an excellent designer!

I don't put things away because ...

My husband

will never be able

to find them again.

I don't do gourmet meals
when I entertain because ...

I don't want my guests

to stress out over what

to make when

they invite me

over for dinner.

I don't iron because ...

I choose to believe them

when they say "Permanent Press".

I don't stress much on anything because...

"A Type" personalities

die young

and I want to stick around

and become a wrinkled up crusty ol' woman!!!

So now you know why I don't particularly enjoy cleaning LOL
I got this through email this morning and just had to laugh because, really, it makes a good point doesn't it? Or at least I choose to think that maybe I can use one of the excuses next time I would rather relax than clean. Hopefully people will believe me though LOL

It's been a very slow and quiet day around here. Jasmine was off school at 11:30am and now it's spring break. I am one of those mothers that welcomes the breaks so that I can sleep in a little and not have to rush in the mornings, and also, because I get to keep my princess home with me. BUT, make no mistake, I also know that school breaks mean kids at home all day, which in turn leads to fighting and yelling and bickering. SIGH......oh well, can't have my cake and eat it too can I?

I have so much laundry to put away and just the thought of tackling that job is making me nauseous. LOL Have you ever had so much to do that you feel totally overwhelmed and secretly wish someone would come and save the day? I mean I would give anything to see a Knight in Shining Armor with a duster in his hand, walk through my door and just take charge of the house. Ahhhhhhhh....what a wonderful thought LOL
Well time to get moving, the laundry won't do itself no matter how much I will it too.

Hope you all have a wonderful friday.


  1. Funny, thats my same philosophy!

  2. Oh, the pic of Kate actually looks better with color. I love her one of my all time favs!

  3. Thanks Courtney, I love her too, one of my favorite actresses. :)


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