
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lights of my Life!!!

Was messing around with the kids pictures. Just had to share the loves of my life.......I know I'm not supposed to BRAG or anything, but aren't they just adorable?

They've been so good today and I've been getting tons of hug and kisses. I have to say that these are the days that make up for the other 99% chaotic ones.

I think they sense that I'm not feeling well. For some reason I'm just sick to my stomach and I feel light headed and have a headache. I feel like I'm getting the flu, just hope it's NOT Strep Throat, that would be horrible.

BTW, yes I changed my template, couldn't find one that I liked, so I tweaked this one to my liking :)

Hope you all like it :) I am going to lay on the couch for a bit, might make me feel a little better.

Have a great night everyone :)


  1. They are gorgeous kids--and I like this blog design too!!

    I had strep throat about a month ago--well tonsilitus (is that the same thing?) It was awful, hope you are feeling better!!!

  2. I love that you know html so well to just 'tweak' and change your whole blog - if only I could do that to mine, it's boring the hell out of me!

  3. I LOVE the new look of your blog. Your kids are just adorable. Your daughter looks just like you :)

  4. Hey Sandy,
    I love the pics. Let me know if you need anything! Feel better.

  5. Love the changes & your the mommy you have that RIGHT to brag! I do...LOL!!

  6. I love the look of your new blog! It's really calm and soothing. You do have the right to brag... :o) lol. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Madie - Thank you :)

    Toni - thanks for dropping by again :) I don't know if it's the same thing, but I know they are both painful. Glad you're over it :)

    Valk - Thank you :) I've been trying to learn html and slowly getting there, if you ever need any help that I can help with, let me know :)

    Mel - Thank you :) You know a lot of people tell me she looks like me and I just can't see it, I think she looks like her daddy LOL

    Veronica - Thanks :) I don't know what it is, I feel a bit better today, but yesterday was just awful, I felt sick to my stomach and light headed. BLEH!!!

    Courtney - Thanks hon, how you feeling? LOL I'm glad I can brag, I just always feel that someone will be like "you know knock it off, everyone has kids you don't have to go on and on about yours" LOL

    Mystik - Thanks, yes it does have a very calming effect, it's what I was hoping for :) Thanks I'm feeling a bit better today :)

  8. Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for all the encouragement you've been leaving me. It really helps to keep me going forward. I appreciate it!

  9. Sorry to hear you are sick! Want any Panado? ;) By the way, am dying to change my background... :)

  10. Hey Emily :) Glad I'm able to help you a bit through this hard time. Hang in there :)

    Valk, all I did was go over to Caz Templates, the link is on the left side of my menu bar thingymabob. LOL She has pretty good templates there. I just took one of hers and tweaked it with my own graphics etc. Let me know if you find something you like :)


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