
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Return of the Carpet Cleaner!!!

I DID IT!!! After one whole month of trying to get a carpet cleaner, I finally got one this morning. I called up and the conversation was the usual:

Lady: Blah Blah Blah, Self Help, Blah blah, can I help you?
yes, do you have any carpet cleaners in?
Just a sec! * mumble, mumble * Yes we do!

LOL I swear the lady must think I'm nuts or something, but I really don't care. I'm not joking when I tell you that it's been a whole month of calling them every day to get a carpet cleaner. Gets very frustrating. So, anyway, I got me a carpet cleaner and I'm going to use it today and then let Veronica use it tomorrow so that she doesn't have to track one down for a whole month LOL

I actually went for a haircut this morning. I told the lady to keep the length because I'm trying to grow it out, but to go ahead and layer it and thin it or whatever she could do. See, I have really thick and heavy hair so I can't get away with wearing it all in one length, it's just not possible. She did a good job and now all that I need to do is get some color myself. I WOULD go back to do it but really, I don't want to spend $65, that's not in my budget and besides, I can get it done for $2, well actually $4, because I need 2 bottles instead of 1...but I'm HAPPY and PROUD to announce that Walmart is my hairdresser LOL

I remember those days, the ones where I would go to the hairdresser and get a shampoo, haircut, blow dry, highlights and the works. Then I would get my nails done etc. BUT that was B.K. (before kids). Now I run up and get the $11 haircut at the base salon, come home and wash and style it myself....and nails, HAH, I can't remember the last time I had long ones. Mine are cut short for practicality, I do however occasionally indulge in the nail polish, which seems to last about 2 days tops and then it starts cracking and disappearing. SIGH....such are the joys of parenthood.

I watched American Idol last night, and I can say that I did what I promised I would do last week. I said I would vote for Ace Young until my finger got tired, and I DID!!! LOL
Don't ask me why I watch this show or why I like it, I honestly don't know and wouldn't be able to give you a good answer. It's just one of my weird likes I guess. LOL

So off I go, off to vacuum again and make sure the carpet is ready for cleaning. Sometimes I wonder why I put myself through all this trouble because seriously, I know for a fact that by this weekend there will be the usual mysterious spot, you know the ones that appear without anyone being nearby? I suppose pointing out to Nicholas that the juice pouch is NOT a sprinkler wouldn't do any good?

Well I hope you all have a great afternoon and I will see you all tomorrow with more craziness from this side of the world. Big ol' hug from potato land!!!


  1. Hey.
    Glad that you finally get to clean your carpet! lol. I love Krispy Kreme doughnuts! Especially when they are fresh off the belt. They are so warm and gooey. I actually ate 10 of them one time, and it didn't take long. Yeah, I felt sick after that. :o)Your kids are beautiful!

  2. Your haircut comments are funny -- I went to get my hair done, the full shabang of highlights, etc. before I left to see my honey. Then I didn't like how it turned out, so I actually went back (never done that before). After all that time and money, I don't think he noticed!!! So on the plane ride home I determined that it's probably best for that expensive habit to fall by the wayside. :) I'm sure you look gorgeous!


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