
Sunday, April 02, 2006


Every year I do the same thing, I know I'm supposed to change the clocks in the house and then for some reason I forget to do it. I only realize it when someone mentions it or I am trying to watch tv and get confused over the fact that it's the wrong time.
One day I will be the only person walking around an hour behind everyone else, just you wait and see.

Thank you Courtney for reminding me this morning LOL

Yesterday we had decided to go to the base theather and watch "Curious George". It's only $1.25 each so we figured why not.
Why not indeed????
Well we went by the BX and by the time we got home it was just after 6pm. Nicholas was SO cranky, guess not sleeping right for 2 days will do that to you.
We had some Taco Bell for dinner, as per the kids request, and then it was bathtime. Just after 6:30pm, Nicholas snuggled up next to me on my bed and fell asleep.

So what did I do? Left Jasmine playing computer games with daddy downstairs, and popped in a movie for myself.

First I watched "Wimbledon". Now I'm not a huge Kirsten Dunst fan, but the movie was ok, if you like a soppy typical love story chick flick. The British guy who played her love interest was kinda cute though.

After watching that one it was still early and since AGAIN, there was nothing of interest on the other tv channels I popped in another one.
This time "In Her Shoes". I've never been a Cameron Diaz fan but I really enjoy watching Toni Colette's work.
I really enjoyed this movie, it had humor, it had real life issues, it had a bit of everything and it was great watching the storyline develop. All in all a good movie night!!!

Earlier though we had watched "Yours, Mine and Ours". What a funny movie. Hubby and I really enjoyed that one.

I also messed around with PaintShop to try and make a Birthday Invitation for Jasmine's birthday on the 25th. I didn't know what theme or what to do so I came up with this using the supplies by Shabby Princess.

Not sure if this will be the final one but we'll see.

She's pleased with it and she likes all the colors, so I might just stick with it.

Know what's hard???? Having your kids birthday's 2 weeks from each other. How the heck hubby and I came up with that one is beyond me. LOL

Gonna try and get a nap in today, haven't had much sleep the past 3 days and it's starting to catch up with me.
Kids go back to school tomorrow so we'll be busy busy busy again.

Have a great sunday and I'll see you all back here bright and early!!! :)


  1. Your welcome!!! I love the invitation so cute! I know about the birthday situation or at least I will. Shannon hasn't had any yet but Ty's birthday Sept. 25th & hers is the 26th. So needless to say September will be another Christmas.

  2. Awwwwww, another Diet Coke addict! I love you already!

    Thanks for stopping by my place!

    So...was Curious George good!? The last movie I saw in a theatre was Shrek II (yeah, like in 2004)...we don't get out much.

  3. I really like the invitation. Sound like you had some nice relaxing time. We all need that some times

  4. That's a great invitation!

  5. Court - Boy you're going to have a tough one with the birthdays this year LOL

    the kept woman- thanks for dropping by my blog. Unfortunately we didn't get to see Curious George, last movie I saw in a theatre was Monsters Inc. LOL

    Mel - Thank you so much :) It felt good to relax :)

    Francesca - Thank you for dropping by my blog and for your comment :)

  6. The invites are great. Well done, I am impressed.


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