
Thursday, April 20, 2006

OH GREAT!!!!!!!!

I think I've created monsters.
This morning while running around fixing breakfast and getting the kids ready, I hear from the living room:

Jasmine - I'm warning you Nicholas Wayne, keep it up and you will be going to the thinking spot.
Nicholas - Knock it off Jasmine, leave me alone!
Jasmine - I said STOP IT!
Nicholas - Zip it, I'm DONE, I can't take it anymore!

GASP!!!! That is scary, they sounded just like me?!?!?!?!!?
I listened for anything else, but there was silence.......a few minutes later I hear Jasmine "Nicholas, what did you do to get here? How did that make you feel? What are you going to do next time?"
I walk into the living room and find Nicholas on a corner in the living room and Jasmine standing over him asking him these questions....when I ask her what is going on, she simply says "I put him in the thinking spot, just like we do at school". LOL
Then they hugged and went on their merry way. How about that huh? Maybe I should have her doing the disciplining in the house, Lord knows I need the help.

Curt is going to be working weird hours. Tomorrow he goes in at 10pm and then he works saturday and sunday too. From 6pm to 6am. At least he'll be able to make it to Jasmine's party.
This is another one of those things that is stressful when being in the military.

You can never really count on your plans being a certainty. There have been many vacations cancelled and appointments rebooked, it all goes with the territory. When we first got married, I felt like I had been thrown into this surreal world. I had married my hubby and the whole air force with him.
It wasn't just about US anymore, it was US and whatever was going on. I have to say that I was resentful in the beginning, it's not easy feeling like you're being put last and his F-16's come first.
I always joked that his jet is the wife and I'm the mistress, lurking in the background. LOL

But as time went by I learnt that, this was a choice I made. No one forced me to be a military wife and I knew full well what to expect when I came in. So instead of fighting it, I just started accepting it and dealing with it.
Is it easy? NO!!!
Do I feel that military wives get enough credit and recognition? NO!!!
Is it one of the most difficult jobs on earth? YES!!!
But the rewards are so huge and far outweigh the negative. Let's face it, there's negative in everything we do right???

I always say, it's how you you choose to react to things, that determine if it's a good or bad experience. I choose to make it good, I don't think I have the energy to expend on worrying too much or being too negative, there's no FUN in that either. hehehe

So yesterday as I was sitting in the car waiting to drop off the kids, I had this conversation with God. The catapult for it was something I had heard Jasmine say the day before.
She was throwing this HUGE tantrum and Curt was trying to get her to calm down, and when he said "I love you", she snapped back with "no you don't".
I was talking to God about how difficult things get at times and how upsetting it was for Jasmine to say that to her dad, especially since it wasn't the truth.

God - Well now you know how I feel!
Me - What?!?! What do you mean?!?!?
God - How many times have I said that I love you and that I'm there for you, and yet you choose to ignore it and choose to go about your day thinking that I've deserted you or that I just don't love you enough?
Me - Oh but that's different, Jasmine KNOWS we love her, even if she thinks we're not showing it enough.
God - Exactly!!!
Me - Ummm.......(LIGHT BULB moment) you're right, how could I have been so blind?
God - It happens, just remember that when you're so caught up in chaos and all you see is the bad, I'm right there holding you and whispering in your ear that I love you.

I have to tell you guys, what an eye opener that was for me. Here I was upset that our daughter could even THINK that we didn't love her, I mean we were telling her that we did at the time, but she was SO consumed in the tantrum and the frustration around her that she didn't see it.
I've always said that kids teach us our most valuable lessons, and I'm so glad that mine have constantly kept me on my toes, I've learnt SO much from them and I can't wait to keep learning.


  1. Yeah, that conversation with God is so thought-provoking. I hate that He keeps needing to have the same conversation with me over and over...

    And that monsters thing is common around our house. I cringe when I hear them sound like me. They need to sound like their dad!

  2. Don't you wonder sometimes why the simplest concepts are the hardest to sink our teeth into? I do. Great post, Sandra.

  3. shalee - I'm sure I'll be having another conversation like that soon LOL I wish mine would sound like dad too, then I wouldn't feel the burden on my shoulders LOL

    queen beth - thanks for stopping by my blog :) You're very welcome, I love your blog and wanted to make sure others knew about it too :)

    morning glory - It's just amazing that I could be so blind to something to simple. I'm so glad you stopped by again :)

  4. This was absolutely beautiful. I won't be posting until later today, but LOVE what you've already said. Great lessons we learn from them little ones, eh? ;)

  5. Thanks for stopping by my "quiet corner" AND commenting! :-)

    This post: GREAT reminder to us all!! We so often take God's love for granted. I was just reading last night on this very subject! You're post couldn't have been more timely for me related to this subject!

    And btw: Thanks for giving of your husband to serve our country! I highly appreciate, respect, and admire you for doing that!! You're absolutely right! We do not show our appreciation near like we should. We also take that sacrifice for granted. Thanks for playing a role in my/ our freedom!! I, for one, do recognize and appreciate your unselfishness and sacrifice. Thanks doesn't even sum it up well enough...

  6. chaotic mom - It's so true isn't it? The little ones teach us to wake up and smell the coffee (so to speak). They are amazed at the little things that we take for granted while getting caught up in our lives.

    Emily - thank you so much :) I'm so thankful that I've met you through the blogs, you're such a terrific lady and I only wish we lived closer :) Good luck with the nutritionist, let me know how it went :)

    momrn2 - Thank you for stopping by my blog :) I love reading yours every morning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words, it really is hard being a military family, but it's people like you that keep us going and remind us that we're making sacrifices for the right reasons :) God Bless :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
