
Sunday, April 30, 2006

What do you think????

I love tulips and I had been wanting to change it to a different color and make it more spring-like, I guess. I love this new one so I'm hoping you all do too.

I guess this post is going to be a hodge podge of different things. First I have to tell you that I'm just not feeling too great today. I had some chocolate cake last night and for some reason it just didn't go down too well.
You know the only thing I like about being sick is that I know I won't be constantly eating the rest of the day. LOL

Every saturday night, I curl up in bed with a good book or a good show on tv. There's one I watch religiously just because it's fascinating to me.
It's called "Little People Big World". I have to say that until I started watching the show, I really did not quite get the struggles that Little People go through, I think that not knowing what they face each day makes me feel totally ignorant, and being that I am trying to teach my kids to grow up as loving and understanding human beings, it's only fair that I myself try to understand people who are "different".
Yes because "different" doesn't mean bad or unacceptable, which unfortunately seems to be the belief of some.
I'm in awe of the things Amy and Matt go through, as parents of 4 kids, 3 of normal height and only one who is a little person, they deal with the normal parent struggles BUT with the added problem of being too short to reach things which we usually take for granted.
I had my kids watching the show with me and Jasmine was fascinated, she asked a lot of questions but in the end she said "mommy I like everybody, I don't care if they are shorter than me or look different, I will always be nice to everyone". THAT makes me feel wonderful, if anything, I know I'm teaching her something good :)

As we head towards the end of another school year, we start being faced with the fact that a lot of Jasmine's friends are not going to be here when school restarts. This is one of the worst parts of being a military family, it's fun in a way to move around and get to know different parts of the country and world, but it's extremely hard on the little ones.
Just this year she will be loosing at least 9 of her friends due to PCSing (permanent change of station). So now I have to encourage her not to get depressed about it, and tell her that she'll make a whole bunch of new friends in second grade.
Who knows, we might be getting orders this summer too. With the whole BRAC thing going on, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

There's nothing I love more, than reading other blogs, surfing the internet and coming across wonderful sites.
It's hard at times because there's so many blogs that I want to read and comment on, but not enough hours in the day. There's those that are funny, there's those that are uplifting and there's even those that make me shake my head and wonder WHY?!?!?
I think one of the thing that turns me off most is the cussing, nothing wrong with a little venting now and then, but it's so unappealing to find a mommy blogger that cusses left right and center, it's just not my cup of tea.
But there's a quick remedy for that, I just close the tab on my browser and move on.

One blog I would encourage you all to stop by is, Special Needs Mom. Here is a mother of two beautiful girls who have both been diagnosed with complex 1 mitochondrial disease. Her post entitled "Dear Little One" brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful post :)

Today I'm planning on watching "Flightplan", I've missed watching movies on the weekends, but with the weather getting so nice lately, we've been outside the house and enjoying it as much as we can.

So before I end today, I would like you to go on over to In Remembrance. It is a site to remember and honor American service members lost in Afghanistan and Iraq.
They also have tributes to the troops, made my family members. Here is one that really touched my heart. A tribute to Kevin P. Jessen.
As always my thoughts and prayers are with all the troops currently deployed all over the world, especially the ones in combat zones. May God watch over them and keep them safe and may he give their families the strength and courage they need to get through this time.

Ps 27:5 For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.


  1. I love tulips too and your blog is cheerful - suitable for Spring.

    It must have taken you some getting used to having a school year end in the middle of the year? One would think you would have a school year which follows a calendar year - January to December, like we do. Then again, you have had many years adjusting and adapting yourself to be an American. *grin* Did it take you long to learn to drive on the wrong side of the road? *lol*

    Hope you are feeling better today.

  2. I was not prepared for the sudden need for sunglasses when I headed for your blog. I really like the cheery, happy yellow. Very nice!

    And I'm with you on the cussing issue. There have been some blogs that I quickly clicked off of because of the language.

  3. This one is very pretty!
    I have to admit, I didn't like your purple template.
    I'm not a pink/purple gal.
    I love orange and red!!
    Everything in my house is orange and red. :)

  4. The look is gorgeous! This is only the 2nd time I've visited you so I honestly don't remember the old look. But this one is lovely!!

    Mary, mom to many

  5. michelle - LOL it took me a while to get used to things here, I was happy starting school in january and ending in december so things being different here was just weird to me LOL As for the driving it was scary at first, I always felt like I was going down the wrong way, headed towards oncoming traffic LOL

    morning glory - So glad you like the new look :) Oh me too, I just close the browser tab straight away because I can't handle all the cussing going on, and I think what makes me cringe even more is looking at the profile and seeing that it's a mom of 3 or 4 or whatever. YIKES!!!

    anonymous - Yay I'm glad you like this one :) I like oranges and reds too, but I am a pink kinda girl though LOL

    Emily - LOL I'm thrilled that you like the new look and I'm SO glad to see you back, was wondering where you were and hoping you were ok.

    Mary - I'm so glad you stopped by again, your blog is one of the ones I read every morning, I love it, you're so inspiring :) Glad you also like the new look :)

  6. LOVE IT! It's so warm and welcoming! So, is Yellow Tulips now the name of your blog site?

  7. Love the new look ... are you changing your name, too?

  8. worknfromhomenow - Thanks for stopping by :) That is just so awesome that your kids were stationed here at MT. Home, wish I would have known you then, we could have met in person :) Will come by your site today and check out the working from home opportunities :)

    Emily - Not a problem, can't wait to read it :) Awwww really? that would just rock if we could actually meet in person :)

    momrn2 - Thank you :) No the name is still Diary of a SAHM, just have to find a place to put it on there so it doesn't get confusing :)

    gibee - So glad you like the new look :) I'm not changing the name, just have to add it to the banner so we know the name of the blog LOL I totally forgot to even check if it would show up.... :)

  9. Love the new look - the yellow is so purty!

  10. Stacy - Thank you :) I love the yellow too, it's more spring like than the old purple one LOL


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
