
Tuesday, April 04, 2006


that parenting would be easy, should be tied up and put in a room with toddlers!

When I was growing up I vividly remember thinking "oh I can't wait, how hard could it be to have a family and take care of kids etc?".
Right there and then I should have had some sort of manual thrown down at me and forced to read every single word. I still don't think I'de be prepared for it.

See I've learnt that no matter how many books you read or how many people you talk to, things are always different with your own kids. I would get so frustrated when I would hear about the woman that had her kids sleeping through the night from the minute she brought them home from the hospital. I say it's all just a MYTH!!! Yes you heard me, it's a myth, a legend, a cruel cruel bad joke on those parents like I who 7 years down the line, are still struggling with the whole "sleep through the night" ordeal.
Mine didn't start sleeping through the night until they were at least 8 months old and even NOW at times they don't.

Know what I call heaven and paradise???? A night where the kids don't wake up twice or three times to whine and cry and I actually get 6 hours of sleep. AHHHH pure bliss!!!
I'm sure you can tell by the tone of this post that we had yet another sleepless night?

But moving on. Yesterday I learnt that another friend of mine just got orders out of here. This is the one thing about the military that you never get used to. You make good friends and then they're gone. What's worse is that we've been at this base for 8 years and we've watched all our friends come and go, but we're still here. Honestly, I don't think we're going anywhere, anytime soon.
Hubby only has 5 years left until retirement so I say "What the heck, I don't care if we stay here."

I got my OB/GYN appointment set up for friday morning and let me tell you, I'm really freaked out. It's bad enough that I hate going for that yearly exam, you ladies know what I mean, right?
But I've been having some issues with my right breast. It's left me worried and a little scared, so I ask that you all pray for me and for everything to go ok. Pretty please???
It's probably nothing but still.

I'm going to keep this post short because Blogger is acting up today. Hopefully it will calm down and let me post more later. Have a great morning guys :)


  1. Your right probably nothing but you know us woman. We worry about EVERYTHING! You will be in my thoughts & prayers as you always are!!!

  2. (fingers crossed for your Friday exam)

    Uh yeah. Sleeping through the night? Yeah...stil waiting for that completely...

  3. so sorry to say but I am one of those moms who got lucky with kids sleeping. My 1st daughter slept through the night at 2 months and my 2nd daughter at 4 months. They both go to bed at 7:30pm and get up between 6:30-8 am (they are 6yrs and 3 yrs old now).

    I like your blog and I will visit & comment more often now that I found it!


  4. Good luck with the exam! I confess I hate my new doctor. We've been here a year and a half and I haven't gone for an exam yet--I really hate him :(

    I'm sure it is nothing, keep your faith and think postive--the power of positive thought is amazing!!

    My kids generally sleep really well (touch wood and thank God), but sleep deprivation isn't pretty. Did you know sleep deprivation kills you quicker than food deprivation?

  5. I'll keep you in my prayers about your exam... I don't have kids yet, and on the days that I do sleep in to whatever time I want, I admit I do roll over and think, "I'm so glad I don't have kids yet...". So look forward, if you can, to when they're teenagers and they want to sleep 12 hours a day some days. And then cherish them for everything else before they get to be that age!!!

  6. Sleep? What is that! It's amazing how little the body can survive on when put to the test...

    Now THAT is a real reality show...

    I think I am supposed to get my first mammogram this year. I think 35 is the base one. I so am not looking forward to grind and whine that I know will be happening.

    I'll keep you in my prayers for it to be NOTHING! Just remember that God is bigger than any worry you can come up with!

  7. And I forgot to say thanks for the recipe. I got too caught up in the encouragement! I think the family will really like your ham n cheese chicken rolls. I'll let you know.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Court - thanks so much :) You're right, any little thing has me all paranoid and worried LOL

    The Kept Woman - LOL yeah no kidding, my oldest is about to turn 7 and still wakes up a couple times.

    Jules - Thanks so much for dropping by my blog, will be adding yours to my blogroll too :)

    Toni - I can see why sleep deprivation would be a faster killer, there are days that I honestly don't know how I make it without my coffee.

    Emily - Thank you :) I miss those days, hubby and I would go to bed late and sleep in until noon or something, SIGH...LOL

    Shalee - Thank you so much for dropping by here, love your blog and already have it on my blogroll :) You're welcome on the recipe, let me know if you liked it :)

    Thanks again for all the great comments and the well wishes for the exam, with such wonderful women behind me and the power of prayer I'm sure things will be fine :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
