
Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fun MEME and nothing else, zip, nada......

I'm POOPED, being doing so much this weekend that I have no energy left in me. My brain cells are fried, hence the lack of topic or interesting story to tell. Hey I guess even the SAHM household gets boring at times....who knew?!?!?!

This whole weekend we've spent cleaning the yards, washing cars, having BBQ's and just enjoying family time together.

We've played with water guns, hosed each other down while washing the cars, rode bikes, went for walks, jumped on the trampoline, you name it......we did it!!!

It's only barely 6pm and I'm exhausted. My body hurts from all the activities we've had going the past two days, so I'm heading upstairs for a warm bath and then getting into bed with a good book. I hope you've all had as great of a weekend as I did and I'll see you all back here tomorrow morning. I'll bring the coffee and maybe even throw in some bagels if you'll join me???

Here, I'll leave you all with a fun MEME!!!


Saw this MEME online and thought it would be fun to do. I tag anyone who wants to give it a go, just let me know on my comments so I can check it out.

A is for Age: 31

B is for Blooms: White Roses, Tulips and Calla Lilies

C is for Career: Raising two children into responsible, productive young adults! Enough said!

D is for Dad’s Name: Dario

E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party: Depends on the party!!!

F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment: James Blunt "You're Beautiful"

G is for Goof-off Thing to Do: Jumping on the trampoline with the kids

H is for Hometown: Lourenco Marques (Mozambique)

I is for Instrument You Play: None unfortunately but would love to play piano.

J is for Jam or Jelly you Like: Strawberry Jam

K is for Kids: Two, daughter - 7 years old and son - 3 years old

L is for Living Arrangement: Hubby, myself, son and daughter with three dogs at a house on base where hubby is currently stationed.

M is for Mom’s Name: Jacinta

N is for Names of Good Friends: Hayley

O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Just two when my kids were born.

P is for Phobias: Snakes and mice

Q is for Quotes you Like: Dance, as though no one is watching you, Love, as though you have never been hurt before, Sing, as though no one can hear you, Live, as though heaven is on earth. -souza

R is for Relationship That Lasted Longest: 8 years married to my hubby!!!

S is for Siblings: 3 brothers and one sister.

T is for Texas: Don't mess with Texas!!!

U is for Unique Trait: Umm, aren’t we all unique in our own way?

V is for Vegetables You Love: Cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, corn, spinach....too many!

W is for Worst Traits: Stubborness definitely.

X is for X-rays You’ve Had: Chest and wrist

Y is for Yummy Food You Make: My family loves my portuguese food

Z is for Zodiac Sign: Leo


  1. I'm a leo too!! Explains alot huh?!?! LOL! I'll take the tag.....this ones cute.

  2. That's what weekends should be about. Spending time with the family :)

  3. courtney - Oh no way, you are a leo? LOL You're right, it definitely explains a lot LOL

    Mel - Yeah it is, and it feels great to do it :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
