
Sunday, May 07, 2006

If I could just get rid of

this Sinus pressure, I would be a much happier person today. For the past 3 days I've had the worst sinus headache and even though it's nothing new to me, for some reason this time it's worse because the daylight is bugging me.
Doesn't help either that I can only take my medication when I KNOW I'm not going out the rest of the day, those pills knock me out. Alright, enough complaining from me :)

Yesterday turned out to be a really awesome Family Day for us. We started off the morning having fun on the trampoline and then I had to take Jasmine to a birthday party at the bowling alley. After the party, Jasmine and I headed back home to pick up the boys for lunch and we all decided to head on back to the alley for some bowling. WHAT FUN!!!

We got home around 4:30pm and it was such a gorgeous day outside that we decided to go out for a walk and to the park with the kids and Lola. I'm just loving this warm weather, it feels great to get nice fresh air instead of being cooped up in the house.
So, here is a little video of yesterday. Enjoy!!!

But now that I'm looking outside, the weather is looking kinda yucky, it's cloudy and it's supposed to rain this afternoon, so I think we may be stuck in the house again. We have a few library movies to watch so it won't be too bad, although we are all thinking of going for a game of bowling AGAIN, since sundays it's only $1 a game. Guess we caught the bowling bug!!! LOL
Unfortunately, I think Nicholas and I are also coming down with a spring cold, feeling a little congested this morning and I heard him coughing too, I'm just hoping that Jasmine doesn't get it, she's missed way too much school this year due to sickness.

Every morning while reading my favorite blogs I always come across a useful tip or link. This time I found something that most of us using blogger, have been looking for. A way to make categories on our sidebars. If you go HERE, you can follow the simple instructions and in no time have your own blog categorized. Look over at my left menu, just under my "Recent Entries". How neat is that?

Another fun quiz or tool I found is called The Mom Salary Wizard. You enter how many kids you have, the zip code you live in and also the hours you spend each week on each household task. It then calculates the salary you should be getting a year. Well, mine is $128,270!!! If only!!! LOL
Go ahead and give it a go and let's see what yours would be :)

After reading "Ramblings of a SAHM" and Katie's weight loss journey, I've decided it's high time I start doing the same. So every week I'm going to post my weight until I'm down to where I want to be, which is 125lbs. Boy this is going to be tough, but I think that if I can post it on here I will really feel compelled to do my best and start loosing those pounds. Wish me luck, I have a strong love affair with food, it's going to be hard to let go.
Will post my weight tomorrow morning and then next week monday again to see if I've managed to loose any. If anyone wants to embark on this journey with me, feel free to jump aboard the "Weight Loss Train", should be an interesting ride LOL

Well I better get off the computer, have to go start the grill for lunch. I missed BBQ's, it's always so cold during the winter and with all the snow we get here I don't even TRY to get out there to grill something for dinner. Even though it's cloudy today, it's in the 50's so it feels good being out there.

Have a great sunday everyone. I'm going to have a burger and then relax in front of the tv with a good dose of Sinus medication........ahhhhhh heaven. :)


  1. What a cute video. Looks like you guys had a great time!! Good luck on your diet but I think you look great. Although I'm the same way.Constantly counting calories....My whole life is diet,diet,diet. It's starting to get old!

  2. Your kids look like two little frogs on that cute!!

  3. Summer/spring is just so much better than winter hey!?

  4. Courtney - Thank you for the nice compliment :) I have to trick my body into not thinking it's on a diet, otherwise I will overeat LOL

    flipflop mamma - Thanks for visiting my blog, I loved yours and will definitely go back :)

    anonymous - LOL they sure do, and they picked the song to go with it because they said it looked like they were bouncing to the beat LOL

    mel - Oh man, it's so much nicer, shame though you guys are just starting winter there right?

  5. Such a cool video!


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