
Monday, May 15, 2006

MEME and Others!!!

I've been tagged by Julie at Everyday Mommy, for this Bernard Pivot MEME, so here goes. Loved her answers so it will be tough to make mine as good as hers LOL

What is your favorite word? Ridiculous.

What is your least favorite word? Booger.

What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? People who inspire me

What turns you off? Ignorance and Back Stabbing.

What is your favorite curse word? Hmmm well I wouldn't say I have a favorite, they're all nasty, but I do let out the occasional S ending with a T.

What sound or noise do you love? My hubby playing with the kids.

What sound or noise do you hate? Fingernails on a blackboard.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Physical Therapist.

What profession would you not like to do? Garbage man/woman.

If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Being that Heaven DOES exist, I'm hoping that God will say "Sandra, I'm so proud of you". Boy that would be Heaven, literally, well you know what I mean.

Taggity, tag, tag, tag...Janice, Mel, Courtney, Emily, Flipflopmamma, momrn2, Toni, Lisanne.

Alright now moving on to other things, I have to tell you guys that I have the BEST husband in the world. I know he reads my blog everynight, so I'm sure he'll be all proud of himself, but he has reason to LOL

So yesterday being Mother's Day, he got up with the kids so I could sleep in. By the time I woke up they had made me a huge breakfast. The rest of the day I was not allowed to do anything in the house. Everytime I got up, I was told to sit back down and NOT move a finger. He did the dishes, he cleaned up my kitchen, he did the laundry, he made lunch, he set the table, he took care of the kids, you name it, HE DID IT!!!
I think the best part was when he said "honey I'm doing the dishes and putting them away, now you may not be able to find your stuff after that, but at least I tried". LOL How funny is that?!?!?!

It's weird because I always say that I wish I had a day of doing nothing, but really, it's a bit frustrating when you're used to keeping busy each day. So I played "The Sims 2". I don't know if anyone else out there plays that game, but I love it, it's fun making families and houses and watching them grow, I think it's a typical mommy game LOL

Today it's back to the hustle and bustle of school and work. I'm so glad school is almost coming to an end, this has been ONE nutty year.
I think Jasmine is also about done, she always starts the year eager to go and we get to this time and I get the "I don't want to go to school, I want to stay home today". Yeah, well, I'll get back to you on that one!!!

Trying to get Jasmine to school this morning was painful, I would rather settle for a root canal or hours of birthing with no drugs. Seriously, it can get THAT bad!!!
That girl moves at a snails pace when she doesn't want to do by the time I got her out of the house it was 8:10am, the bell rings at 8:20am so we had 10 minutes to get there. Since the weather is supposed to be in the 90's this week, I told the kids that we would be doing LOADS of walking, I mean, it's good for you right, and it's nice outside.....but seeing that we were late we piled into the car.
I managed to drop her off 4 minutes before the bell rang and then headed to get some gas in my poor little car.

I get to the pump, insert my card and it tells me to see the cashier.

*Mommy I want out of the car*

*No Nicholas, you stay in there while mommy gets gas*

Remove card, insert again (you BETTER work this time). "Please see the cashier", are you friggin kidding me?!?!?!?

*mommy I want out*

Grab Nicholas and head inside to be told that all the cards from my Bank have been giving them problems this morning. So I go ahead and pay for the gas inside and then head back out to gas up.

*I don't want to go in the car, I want to say out with you*
*Nicholas, get in THE CAR*

*ok ok I'm going*

Fill up the car, well, put in $20 and got about 3/4 tank. Not too bad, considering those same dollars would only give my hubby's Dodge Truck about a 1/4 tank if that LOL

*SIGH*, yep I can already tell this is going to be one of those crazy days, it's always like that around payday. Bills to pay, groceries to get and then throw in some running around with kids, library runs, know Mother's Day was nice because I didn't have to do anything, but come on, now it's back to the usual and I have to wait a whole year, 365 days for that again. Is it bad that I'm already counting down the days to next year????

Well ladies, that's it for me today, I better get my grocery list and menus done, pay some bills and do some cleaning before heading to walmart.
Sending you all tons of sunshine and happy spring days. Thank you all for the sweet comments left yesterday, you guys (well gals), are truly amazing ;)


  1. I hope that you had a wonderful Mother's Day! It sure sounds like you did!

  2. Glad you had a great day! I am off to do the same pay bills & Wal-mart.....GRRRRR!!! LOL! So much too do so little time.

  3. Lisanne - Thank you :) I really did have a wonderful time :)

    Courtney - LOL would rock if we lived near each other, we could go to walmart and pay our bills LOL

    mother load - Thank you :) I'm going over right now to read your blog, for some reason the past few days it wasn't updating for me so I'm hoping it is now LOL

    ssgt bourland - Sorry babe, I just had to tell everyone what a wonderful husband you are :)


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
