
Monday, May 29, 2006

Toys, Toys, Toys

Didn't even have a chance to post anything yesterday. We spent the day reorganizing Nicholas' room and going through the endless toy boxes, so we could separate what is to keep, what is to donate and what is trash.

Let me tell you something, the next time you go by the store and pick up a toy and think "Aww this is wonderful, the kids will love it". STOP, PUT IT DOWN!!!!
Walk away....remember they already have a million gazillion others sitting at home.
We've spoiled our kids, yes, I'm not ashamed to say it, but it all comes back to bite you in the behind, the minute you try to get rid of anything.

We literally spent the whole day just going through the boxes. Oh and the endless amount of legos, toys that you have NO idea existed, miscellanous just sitting around with either a missing arm or leg or part of a set that's been thrown out years ago. And then there's those that you pick up, set down and stare at it trying to figure out what exactly it's supposed to be or do. Is there a purpose for it??? Mind boggling!!!!

Got it done though and now both rooms are organized, both kids each have their own toy box upstairs and kid toys are NO longer welcome to live and multiply in the living room. They have a small basket which they will use to put in 10 toys every morning to bring downstairs, if any time they want to change a toy, it goes back to the room and gets exchanged. I hate to become like a warden around here, but hey, it will save us the headache everytime we do spring cleaning.

Yesterday, for the first time in a LONG time, I had the feeling of utter contentment, being happy where I am, with who I am and what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong, I'm generally happy, we have a good life, but we don't always feel that peace and calm.

I did last night, after the rooms were done, after the kids had their bath and were walking around in their slippers and pj's, with their freshly washed hair and smelling like heaven. I took one look at them and felt it, I am sure you heard that earth shattering crack?
You must have because it was amazing!!!!

Let me explain for fear that any out there might think I wasn't happy before. I was happy and am happy with my life, but there's always some sort of stress or worry, there's always been the weight issue with me, not happy with that part of my life.
When I felt that feeling come over me, it was one of utter peace and calm and for that moment, I didn't feel fat, I didn't feel stressed, I didn't feel tired or achy, I didn't even feel like a mommy, it was one of those HALLELUIAH *insert dramatic music* moments. Understand????
Even though it was a short one it showed me just how loving and amazing God really is, and for once, just once in a long time I felt what it must be like to walk close to him, to let him take all the weight off your shoulder and Oh.Boy. I want it again!!!!

It's not something you can really convey, and I don't think there are words to describe exactly how it felt, other than Heavenly. I think this was IT for me, that one defyning moment, that slap on the forehead, light bulb going off kinda thing.
I finally found what I was looking for, what I needed to show me that it's fine (actually better than fine) to leave it in his hands and feel at peace with it. Thank you Lord, thank you thank you thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I will no longer be the whiny, stubborn child fighting you for control over my problems, I humbly and willingly give it ALL to you, take it, I don't want it LOL

But moving on, what do we have planned for today??? Some more reorganizing, this time the living room.
I think I'm working on all my projects for Janice's "Tackle it Tuesday". If you want to know more about it, go on over to 5 minutes for mom, she's come up with a great concept of how to get your house organizing while still being able to blog. Hey, what more could you ask for???

So I'm out of here. Hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day.

I will see you all tomorrow morning for another "Treasure Tuesday" and the new "Tackle it Tuesday". :)


  1. I'm positive toys multiply in the toy boxes when we're not looking! I don't deal with it now, but when my girls were little I did the same thing you're doing! A never ending job but the sense of satisfaction when it's over is worth it.

  2. I have to do the toys today--have a pick up tomorrow. Must remember to sneak around when the kids aren't looking too!! They always want to play with them if you take them away!!!

  3. I actually enjoy packing out the kids toy room. It feels so "clean" and organizes afterwards lol Yes, we DO spend way too much money on toys for kids

  4. I have been working on the kids room here & there for days! Hoping to get it done TODAY! I love the Tacle it Tuesday idea! I'm gonna play along!

  5. You know up until I started to move I didn't realize how much junk my daughter has and believe me I am in total agreement about putting it back. :-)

    I found your blog through another Courtney's and I have been reading here and this was just hilarious.

    Take care.

  6. Thanks for stopping by Sandra with kind words and prayers. I really appreciate that.

    Come by and visit me any time!

  7. Oh my...we did the same exact thing yesterday with my 7yo daughter's room. We took 4, did you hear me, 4 trash bags to the dump and now we are working on my 10yo room. We'll get at least that many from hers!
    I am so with you on the control thing, in fact I did a post about that last week. It is really a hard thing to grasp, but it is such a feeling of relief when you finally get it.
    Hope you had a great Memorial Day holiday today!

  8. morning glory - It truly is a wonderful feeling when all is done :)

    Jaimy - I think I might just post it this wednesday for the WFMW LOL Thanks for the tip....seriously it really does help controlling all the toys.

    Toni - oh boy I know that feeling, all of a sudden all the toys they forgot existed, become their "favorite" LOL

    Mel - If I had saved all the money I've spent on toys, I would be rich LOL But you're right it feels so clean and organized when it's done.

    Courtney - Can't wait to see your Tackle it Tuesday :) Good luck with the kids rooms....I didn't know mine would take two whole days LOL

    Emily - We really do need to live closer, it would be wonderful :) I just checked your blog and I'm SO glad you have Holly to help you out, she is the perfect friend, always there to cheer you on. :) HOpe you're having a great weekend :)

    faith - I'm so glad you stopped by :) I've added you to my blogroll, I love other military wives blogs seeing that I'm one too :) Come back soon, I'm going to be visiting yours every day :)

    Liz - Thanks for stopping by Liz :) I love reading your posts and will continue to do so on a daily basis. Hope you come back soon :)

    Angie - LOL I hear ya on the trash bags, we had two from Nic's room and one from Jasmine's, plus all the bulky toys that didn't fit in trash bags. WAYYYYYY too many things. It's been great letting go of that control, especially yesterday just for that one moment, wow it was wonderful.
    Hope you're having a great weekend. :)


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