
Thursday, May 04, 2006

Weathering the Storms!!!

Storms come to every life. Threats to income, conflict in marriages, rebellion from children, disease, disaster, and death - the storms attack with a fury. Some weather the storms; others are blown away by them. What makes the difference? Is it accidental? Is it just luck? No. The difference lies in where we choose to take shelter.

The power in those words is unbelievable. For so long I've been saying that "it's the way we choose to look at things that makes the difference" and especially WHO we choose to put the burden on that affects the outcome.

It's easy to get blown away, to give up and think, well, I tried (not really), but this is just bigger than me!!! The fact is that there IS something bigger than you, but it's not the problem, it's God.
Why do we constantly fight the urge to put everything in his hands? Is it because we want to continue controlling every detail of ours lives and putting all of that in the Lord's hands somehow makes us weaker?

I know that for me, the past struggles I've had, miscarriages, financial problems, conflicts in the marriage and so on, only caused me to turn towards God. But I also know that there are those who choose to do otherwise and end up in a spiral, their whole world falling apart.

What got me thinking about this, was the post on Gibee's blog "Kisses of Sunshine" yesterday. Go on over and read it if you haven't yet. She talks about Trusting the Shepherd, and oh my, what powerful words she has to share with us all.

So here is my question to you. In which shelter will you choose to weather the storms - God's strong house, or a flimsy tent?
I pick the strong house!!!

"And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible."
Mark 10:27

We're almost at the end of another week, time just seems to be flying by. This morning while leaving to take Jasmine to school, I talked to my neighbor, she was cleaning out her car in preparations to take her husband to the airport. Her husband leaves today on a 1 year tour to Korea. I could have just said hi and kept walking, but I made it a point to ask her how SHE was doing. See, it's always so easy to think about the soldier heading out, and yes we need to worry about them too, but I think it's a good feeling to have someone ask about YOU and how you are feeling. She just shrugged and said she was OK, but I could tell she had been crying.
My heart breaks for her.
Our husbands are our lives and when they get sent anywhere in the world, no matter for how long or short a period of time, it's always a hard thing to deal with.
So I let her know that if she ever needs anything, we are right next door. If you could today, pray for her and her husband, so they both may have the strength to get through the next year.

So my kids think I'm some sort of SuperWoman. The reason is that ever since I've had kids, and I know a lot of moms will agree with me, I've developed or rather INCREASED my senses.
I can be upstairs and the kids playing downstairs in the living room, and I will tell them to stop doing something without even seeing them.

Kids - "how did you know?"
Mom - "I just do!"

I'm sound asleep and one of the kids just stirs in his bed, I jump up and run to check on them.

Hubby - "What the heck are you doing?"
Mom - "checking on the kids"
Hubby - "Why? I didn't hear them cry"
Mom - "they didn't, I just felt them stir in their sleep"
Hubby - (looking at me like I grew two heads) "ooookkkaaayyyyy"

Giving the kids a bath yesterday.

Mom - "I think Lola just did something in your bedroom Jasmine."
Jasmine - "did what?"
Mom - "I think she went potty in your bedroom, I can smell it"
Jasmine - "no you can't, I can't smell anything"
Mom - "ok why don't you get out of the bathtub and go check and then let me know?"
2 minutes later........
Jasmine - "mommy, Lola pooped on my rug".

So yeah, these abilities are great but at other times they can become quite frustrating, as I'm overwhelmed with conversations or smells that I don't want to be familiar with.
Any other mom out there suddenly become SUPERWOMAN??? If you did, let me know LOL

I think I've babble on long enough today. My coffee has gone cold and my toast has now become a rock hard piece of bread, I'm sure it could do bodily harm if flung across the room.
I have laundry waiting to be switched from washer to dryer, so I better get on that........hope I remember to turn it ON afterwards, you know, maybe these extra refined senses are taking away from my brain power? That wouldn't be a good thing, what good could come of a dumb mommy with an incredible sense of smell?


  1. Thank you for thinking of the soldier leaving & their families. I could use a pray today too. What a GREAT 2 weeks but soooo hard to let go. Although this is now the downhill part thank GOD & I now start counting down to him being home FOR GOOD!!!!!

  2. Court - Will be praying for you today, I know this is sooooo hard for you, but like you said, at least now it's the downhill part and counting the days until his home to stay :) Hang in there, been thinking of you :) Hugs, Sandra

  3. One of my favorites for weathering the storms:

    Ps. 91: 1-2,3 (NIV) He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on "weathering the storms".

  4. LOL Isn't it just amazing that we can DO that!?

  5. momrn2 - LOVE that psalm, it really does put it all into perspective :)

    Mel - LOL yeah, it's those cool acquired senses that come with giving birth LOL

    Emily - I'm so glad you like the look of my site, I do too, I just love the yellow and the tulips :) Been thinking of you and praying that you are doing good :) Loads of love, Sandra


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