
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well whatcha think???

I was getting a little bored with my old template. I'm sure by now you've realized that I get bored easily LOL

So I decided to mess around and make a new template, I like this one, it makes me want to go to beach somewhere. What do you guys think???
Does it feel calm, relaxing and summery???


  1. I like it! I've liked all your designs since I've been reading your blog.

    I admire your ability to do this (coveting is a sin, isn't it? hehehe)

  2. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! Your new design! I haven't figured out how to change mine. I'm just now learning how to add links in my side-bar without destoying my entire template! :) You give me something to aspire to.


  3. Kim - LOL yeah it is, but in this case it's a good thing LOL I'm nowhere near that good with templates, but what I've learnt to do is find a template I like and then tweak it to my liking, put my own graphics, colors etc. :)

    Diane - So glad you like it :) Like I told Kim, I just download one I like and then tweak it. If you look at my credits on my sidebar, you will find Panasmontata templates, if you go there you can find lots of blogger. :)

  4. Oh I love it!!! It's like reading your blog on the beach....Awwwwww!!!!!!

  5. It's beautiful! It must be nice to be able to do that and change it whenever you want to.

  6. I like it LOL. Very cool and relaxing!

  7. Beautiful! I love the beach, and I love your peaceful, relaxing setting for your blog.

  8. I like your new layout. It's so relaxing and peaceful. I have a question for you...I see so many bloggers with cool signatures at the end of their posts. How on earth do you do that?

  9. Thank you all for the comments, I'm so glad you like the new layout :)

    a&i's mommy - To answer your question about the signatures, all you need is to make your own or even I can make you one if you know what you want it to look like, then you take the graphic, upload it to your photo hosting server, then copy that and paste it into your template in the comments section, after the posts. I can tell you where it is in blogger, not sure of the others though :)

  10. Ok, I *SO* wish that i had your skill!!! I just love the BT, and wish I knew how to whip up something so totally different and implement it so it doesn't bung up my whole page!

  11. I looooooove it! Can you make me one PLLEAASEE!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
