
Thursday, July 13, 2006

Awwwww I love my kids....

First I can't believe I forgot to mention yesterday, that I got nominated for Blogs of Beauty, in the Best Recipes Section. I wasn't a finalist, but just being nominated means a lot :) My food blog was actually the one nominated, but since many of you don't check there, I wanted to brag here LOL
I don't know who nominated me, but whoever did, thank you SO much :)

So we're all watching tv yesterday and this Victoria's Secret commercial comes on, there's this beautiful sexy brunette with skimpy lingerie on and the wind is blowing in her hair. Nicholas yells out "THAT'S MOMMY, JASMINE LOOK IT'S MOMMY ON THE TV". Awwww, I just smiled and was so happy that at least my son sees me as this beautiful hot mommy (no matter how distorted his view might be), but then I start thinking....."I don't walk around the house in sexy lingerie nor do I have a body like THAT".

Me - Nicholas is that mommy on the tv? (just go with me people, I'm trying to milk this as much as I can)
Nic - Huh?!?!?
Me - That girl, is that mommy? (still holding on tight to the dream)
Nic - Nooooo, silly mommy, that's not you.

CRASH!!!! Did you hear that Japan???? That was my dream being crushed. LOL

Before I even start today, anyone want some coffee, some fresh ground "Foglifter" coffee??? Really I just ground the beans myself, and don't laugh, because I really did. LOL
How about some cinnamon toast???

Anyway, the pom poms.....yes the pom poms. You know what I realized??? That kids nowadays are NOTHING like the kids back when I was young. I remember making these over and over and it would keep me busy, it was something I enjoyed doing, it was actually FUN.
Yesterday with my kids was a new experience for me. They didn't think it was that much fun, they got all confused and upset and there was yarn stretching from the kitchen to the living room. WHAT THE?!?!?

Have you noticed how things have changed so much over the years??? I was perfectly happy making pom poms, reading, watching a cartoon, making mud pies etc. But kids today want to play xbox, or playstation, or computer games, or they spend way too much time in front of the tv watching weird and sometimes disgusting cartoons, like "The Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy".
I miss the days when you would see tons of kids outside playing tag, or hide-n-seek, now you see cellphones and text messaging. How sad!!!

Yesterday I went by the Airman's Attic and I found some fabric, remember it's free, I found this one and I have about 6 yards of it. I love sewing (don't do it nearly as much as I would like) and I love finding fabrics to play with. I just can't figure out what to make with it. Any ideas??? All you crafty, sewy(???) ladies out there???

I really like the blue and the french words on it, it's just so pretty.
I'm thinking maybe something for the kitchen, since my color theme in there is blue.

While reading my "Diapers, Pacifiers and Other Holy Things" book, I came upon a chapter called "Myth of the Perfect Parent" HA!!! I think it was written just for me, right???

Is there such a thing? The perfect parent? Because I don't think that such a thing exists, I think everyone does what they can do with what they have, and what works for one doesn't necessarily work for the other. BUT, I too am guilty of buying into the "Perfect Parent Myth" and scolding myself for doing the wrong thing or acting the wrong way with my kids.
It's always been a learning process for me. When I first brought Jasmine home I was terrified to death, I wanted to drag all the doctors and nurses home with me.....what if I messed up? What if she cried and I didn't know what to do?
Then I got comfortable with what I was doing, hey, I could do this, but then she became a toddler and again I had no idea what to do. Just when I thought I had THAT down, she became a young kid.........and BOY am I learning the hard way, yet AGAIN.

"To all perfection I see a limit..." Psalm 119:96
The author says "God never intended us to parent in isolation. It saddens Him when we do so. And it saddens Him when we push another person up on the "perfect parent" pedestal just because they are gifted in an area we are not. (How would you like it up there - lonely, vulnerable, and destined to fall?)".

How true is that? So I admit, I'm not a PERFECT parent, and right now, I'm GLAD I don't see myself as one. I think to consider yourself the perfect mother or father, is just setting yourself up for a HUGE letdown. So let's just be happy with who we are, what do you say???
I think I have to change my mission to FUNKY NOT-SO-PERFECT MAMA!!!!
Hey I actually like the sound of that!!!

Well, it's time for me to head on out, but before I do, want you all to run, not walk, over to Seeking his Glory. Mrs Blythe is supposed to be blogging about one of the suggested topics (suggested by us bloggers, yes, might even be about wombats lol). I'm dying to read what she has to say, should be fun!!!

I also found this fun meme, sort of thing....I'm going to do it and then I invite you all to play along, it's actually quite interesting. IF you do play along, let me know so that I can come read yours :)

"Go to Wikipedia and do a search for your birthday (day and month only, exclude the year)."

Post three facts, two births and one death on your blog including the years.

Here are my results (for August 10):

1519 - Ferdinand Magellan's five ships set sail from Seville to circumnavigate the globe.
1680 - Pueblo Revolt begins in New Mexico.
1776 - Word of the United States Declaration of Independence reaches London.

1267 - King James II of Aragon (d. 1327)
1296 - John I, Count of Luxemburg (d. 1346)

612 BC - Sinsharishkun, Assyrian king

See King James II was born on the same day as me, isn't that cool???? No??? Oh well, I thought it was LOL
Go ahead and give it a try, let me see what you birthdates say.

God Bless,


  1. Hey, that's a fun meme!
    Congratulations on the nomination - I do love your food blog.
    My son has been known to mistake me for some very attractive famous women: so far, we have Paris Hilton, the Mona Lisa, and - this is so flattering - Bea Arthur. Thanks so much!

  2. Congrats with your food blog! I love it you know that. It's taught me alot. Matt also says thanks(lol) because he knows I'll actually be cooking when he finally get s home:)

  3. Your son deserves a gold crown for having the sense to recognize the beauty of this mother! Cool...way cool!

  4. That fabric is awesome! I *love* blue and anything French. Our kitchen is a French cafe theme. I'm not sure how many yards you have, but maybe you could do some placemats and napkins? Or a tablecloth? What about a runner for your kitchen island? Or embellish a dishtowel? Or just make a nice napkin [oversized] for wrapping up your bread at dinnertime.

  5. The only perfect parent is God Himself.
    Like the fabric, but don't sew. Well, I probably could make a bible cover, but that's about it. Basic.
    You're so right about kids these days. When I was a kid the whole neighbourhood of kids would leave the house in the morning and be back by the time the street lights came on, and we'd wander and play all day long outside..doing whatever. Fun times. Nowadays, it's just not safe.

  6. I have been reading your blog for a couple weeks and decided to do one myself.....wish me luck...I enjoy reading yours.
    Have a great weekend.

  7. I agree. The only perfect parent is God Himself. I've noticed the same thing about kids these days.

  8. Your son sounds do darling. I love the fabric that you bought. You could always make so gift bags out of it. Sew the bag and leave a open hem at the top and get some nice cord and run throught the hem. I make these for christmas and slide a plate of baked goodies and such for family and friends.

  9. Congrats on the nomination!

    Ok, now I have to be honest. I actually laughed out loud at your son's comments about you and the commercial.

    Now hold on, before I risk offending you by my laughing, I did not laugh because I thought that was way off.... I only imagined my son saying that to me. AND THAT MADE ME LAUGH! Because, well frankly, I am WAY OFF and the thought of it, well, I found it funny...

    Such a sweet boy!! :-)

  10. Congrats on the Blog of Beauty award nomination. Your's is truly beautiful. The look of it is very comforting. I am trying to figure out how to put a header on mine, but so far no go.


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