
Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Remember how the other day I told you that the phone rang at 12:30am and I didn't know who it was, I figured it was probably someone in my family back home???

Well this morning, the phone rang again at 7am and I picked it up. I usually don't if I don't recognize the number, but for some reason I did. I pick it up and I hear a voice on the other side asking to speak to Sandra. I said it was me speaking and then I hear "It's me Isabel". OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!

Isabel was my best friend from high school, we lost touch after we graduated, and the past few years I've been trying to find her. I went to a site called SAREUNITED where you enter your name and high school you were at, in South Africa, and then you can get in touch with old friends. Well I did that and left a message asking anyone from school to contact me, especially my best friend Isabel who I hadn't heard from in years.

What a nice surprise!!! You know those type of friends that no matter how many years it's been, you pick up right where you left off??? You laugh like high school girls, and you realize that even though you're both in your thirties and married with kids, you don't change, you're still as nutty as you ever were. So Isabel, I know you're going to read this LOL
Thank you for the phone call, it was the BEST surprise I could ever wish for and it definitely made my day. Can't wait to stay in touch with her through email and phone....and I'm hoping to go out for some coffee when we go home next summer. :)

This morning I had a WIC appointment. I am those type of people that get on others nerves when it comes to being somewhere on time. I don't like being late, and if I have to get up an hour earlier just to be sure that doesn't happen, then so be it. I am always at least 10 minutes early to any appointment I have.
With that said, I leave my house to drive to the WIC office, which is on base, and as I get to the main road, I see a sign....NO LEFT TURN. **For the past 6 months they've been doing all this major road work on the main road on base, and now they're installing a traffic light, but all this does is cause more and more traffic because so many roads are closed or unnacessible.** Of course it's exactly the way I HAVE TO GO. So now I have to turn around and go back the long way.
The appointment was for 9:40 and I pulled into the parking lot at exactly 9:40am. No problem right??? Well, not for me, it really irked me that I got there late (for my standards) lol

So I've been trying really hard to stick to my FUNKY MAMA MISSION, and for the past 2 or 3 days I've made it an effort to get dressed nicely and put on make up and have my hair done etc.
I think it's paying off, I feel a LOT better about myself, I'm not as stressed out as before. Who knew that not feeling sexy or pretty could make you irritable with everything around you???
It's one of those feelings that gnaws away at you constantly and subconsciously without you even realizing it.
Mind you, I'm not wearing expensive clothes or dressed for a night on the town, but I'm wearing nice jeans and cute tops and pretty sandals, these are my favorite new babies.

Yes I know I don't have the most beautiful feet in the world, but forget the feet and concentrate on the beautiful pink sandals with the sparkly stones. Ok?!?!?!?
Jasmine painted my toe nails for me LOL So if you notice on my right big toe, there's some nail polish boo boo. Again, just look past that, as a matter of fact, why did I even mention it, most of you probably didn't even notice until I said something.

I have to go mop right now, I didn't get to do that yesterday. I know, I know, it has to be done but I keep putting it off, I should have added mopping to my list of things I don't like doing. I didn't realize it though, not until just a minute ago when I looked down at my kitchen floor.

But you know, now that I think about it, it's already 11:23am and that leaves me only 30 minutes before my portuguese soap starts, and it's lunch time for the kiddos too, so I guess the mopping will have to wait until after lunch. Please, if by tomorrow I still haven't mopped, someone slap me upside the head ok????

I'm leaving you with pictures of my babies having fun on the swings. Right now they're making mud pies outside, and yes I'm already anticipating a lot of dirt travelling into this house, but it's worth it to see their smiles :)

Hope you all have a wonderful tuesday, I'm off to watch my soap.
God Bless,


  1. Sandra, your kids are so cute!!!
    Your new shoes are pretty and they match your nails perfectly!! Jasimne did a great job!
    P.s I'll check tomorrow to see if you mopped! Can you please come do mine next?! ;0)


  2. Olá Sandra ..como deves calcular vou escrever em português...porque é mais rápido pa mim :P
    Biga pelas visitinhas que tens feito e vê se dás noticias mais vezes sim?
    Tenho uma grande amiga minha a viver em W.dc
    ás tuas crinças são lindas , e as unhas....maravilhosas, já vi que es tão vaidosa como eu...ou mais
    Fazes bem!
    muitas Bjokax

  3. Oh that must have been THE BEST SURPRISE! How neat to have a best friend find you again after all those years and that you could start off where you left off :) That kinda happened w/the hubby and I too! We were in HS together in Germany, didn't keep in touch after I left, and about 8 yrs later I saw him signed up on our HS alumni site and emailed him!

    Anyway, your kids are adorable...I love your daughter's red hair!

  4. Me again! Oh how could I have forgotten to comment on your sandals!! Love them :) All sparkly and pink-and the toenails don't look bad either!

  5. I think this is the first time I've seen pics of your kids. How adorable. What pretty hair your little girl has!

  6. What a great surprise! It's always fun having those "girl talks"! Oh, I love those sandals!!! Where did u get those. I want a!

  7. Love the pictures of your two beautiful children!

    It's always great to hear from good friends! Glad you got that call today.

  8. kelli - Thank you :) Jasmine did do a good job, she loves painting nails lol

    anokax - Fico feliz com a tua visita ao meu blog :) Beijocas grandes de Idaho. Realmente e verdade, sou vaidosa, ou tento ser, desde que fiquei mae parece que perdi a vaidade, mas estou a tentar recuperar tudo heheheh

    michelle - that is such a sweet story about you and hubby, how cute :) Thank you, I'm glad you like the sandals :)

    Stacy - Thank you, I don't know where she gets that red hair from, but she has the temper to match LOL

    courtney - LOL I actually got them at Pay Less, aren't they just adorable???

    overwhelmed - Thank you :) I tend to be biased cause I'm the mommy, but they are cute LOL

    kristina - See where alike in a lot of things actually :) Glad you dropped by again :)

    Curt - Glad you liked the pics of your kids LOL :)

    mrs blythe - LOL Believe me I don't think my feet are pretty at all. Are you joining me on the Funky Mama Mission? It's actually been a lot of fun LOL

  9. Hi sandra: I couldn't find a contact me button so I'm hijacking your comment section to let you know I nominated you at the blog of beauty awards for the catagory of Best Recipes (for your other site). If you'd like you can go pick up a nominee button for your site here
    and vote if you'd like. Congrats!


  10. Sandra,
    You have cute feet!! And the flip flops really bring out your toes too. Your children are always adorable! Your mission sounds like a great idea. Payday's goona be here in a few days so I might have to try it out. My eyebrows need waxing pronto! I'm starting to look like bert from sesame street. lol!


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