
Friday, July 14, 2006


"If you want any one thing too much it's likely to disappoint. The healthy way is to learn to like the everyday things, like soft beds and buttermilk..."-- Augustus McCrae-"Lonesome Dove"

I've really grown to love my Everyday Things. Jules couldn't have come up with a better way for us to sit back and think about what brings us contentment in this crazy life we have.

So I'm going to tell you about another thing that brings a smile to my face and wonderful warm fuzzy feelings to my heart. I'm talking about all things pretty, crocheted doily's, tablecloths, vintage napkins and bread bag.

I remember growing up, my greatgrandmother would take the bag and head on out to the bakery, bright and early. She would come home and the smell of warm out of the oven bread just permeated through the house. I remember going to the bag, opening it and just staring at the wonderful portuguese bread that awaited me. The rolls were my favorite, so I would grab one of those for a snack.

Everytime I look at the bag, it reminds me of my wonderful childhood, and who doesn't like having those great memories around huh?


  1. What a beautiful bag! I love the little picture on it. Warm, freshly baked bread makes for such nice memories. :0)

  2. What a great bag to have around to remind you of some great memories!

    PS - I forgot to mention, but I love what you did with the fabric already with the kitchen bench!


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