
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Good Morning :)

Isn't it a beautiful Sunday morning? Come on in, I have a pot of hot coffee and I have bacon, sausages, eggs, there's also biscuits and gravy, oh and some bagels or donuts if you wish.

Yes I woke up in a very good mood, it happens when you get good sleep, which I've been doing lately. Thank the Lord :)

So I've got my hot cup of coffee and I'm ready to go. Lisanne mentioned that my right sidebar is showing up at the bottom, but I don't see it in Netscape or Firefox.....only in Internet Explorer. That's the frustrating thing about making templates, if only all browsers would just GET ALONG....know what I mean??? LOL

I've been getting some exercise, not by choice, mind you. Everyday Nicholas runs up to me on the computer and says "It's time to dance mommy". I have to get up from my work and walk with him to the tv where we proceed to "get jiggy with it" (well I get jiggy, again not by choice, just because that's what my behind does), to the sounds of Pinky Dinky Do, or Maggie and the Ferocious Beast. Hmmm....oh well, if it helps me get some exercise and makes him happy too, why not, right???

Remember I told you I was trying to grow some herbs and some veggies??? I also told you how I have no green thumb, or like one of the ladies said "Thumb of Death". LOL
BUT, I'm happy to announce and even share some pictures to prove that maybe I don't have the "Thumb of Death", maybe just a "Thumb of Luck". You know, sometimes I'm lucky and actually don't kill the plants.

Nothing like seeing these beauties each morning and actually know that I am growing them. And the smell.......ahhhhhh, if you could only smell the chives and the red onions :)

For today I have quite a bit planned, and no it's nothing exciting, like going to the Opera (not that I would, but still nice thought), or out to eat, or shop or whatever.
Just normal house stuff, which I actually find very relaxing and rewarding, there's nothing like a clean house, free of clutter and surrounded by the aroma of bread baking in the oven.
SNAP back to reality........I have a not so clean house right now, some clutter laying around, and the only bread I have is already pre-sliced and packed by the wonderful people at Wonder Bread. But give me a few hours and I'll have all of that and more.

Want to see my to do list for today??? Then maybe you're day won't seem so bad, and you can just sit there and laugh at me. Maybe not laugh, but a little snicker and not in my face, please!!! LOL

  • 2 Loads of Laundry to wash, fold and put away
  • Vacuum Living Room and Bedrooms
  • Wash the Bed Linens
  • Sweep and Mop Kitchen
  • Work on back yard (till some more yard and plant grass)
  • Make Menus and Grocery List
  • Go Grocery Shopping
  • Make Beef Curry for Lunch
  • Bake loaf of Wholewheat Bread
  • Give Pugs a Bath
  • Return books to library

Sheesh, do I overdo it??? Is that list even possible to do in one morning day??? I do have the help of my hubby for some of the things, so I'm sure I'll be able to get it all accomplished :)
That means though, that as much as I want to hang out here and just blab all day, I actually have to get up from the computer and start my day. *sigh*.

Well I had a great time and I enjoyed the cup of coffee we shared. Unfortunately I just tried to take a sip of mine and it's gone cold, UGH, nothing worse than a gulp of yucky cold coffee.
You all have a great Sunday and a Happy Fourth of July Weekend!!!! BE safe, please, remember the dangers of messing around with fireworks. :)

God Bless,


  1. LoL! Gettin jiggy with it:) Too funny. Sounds like me with Hannah Montana. Oh & Disney channels Shana show...our own Shan thinks that song was made just for her! Glad I'm not the only one dancin to the "real" music...LoL!

  2. Kayla will go over to the TV and say "dance" which means I have to put her Kindermusik CDs on so we can dance around the living room! You're right about the great for exercise though! She's also a Pinky and Maggie watcher as well :) Congrats on getting the herbs to grow! What an accomplishment!

  3. mrs blythe - Come on over I have some fresh hot coffee made, I just ground the beans myself too :) LOL I'm glad to know I'm not the only one getting jiggy with it.

    courtney - LOL hey I'm glad you know how to get jiggy too....too funny about Shannon and the Shanna show LOL

    michelle - Yeah I'm so excited, I can't believe they're growing LOL See, now I'm finding out that there's a lot of moms out there getting jiggy LOL

    mommy@home - I got most of it done, not everything, but almost all LOL Boy you've been working hard too, but I'm sure the results will be worth it :)

    emily - I see you've been busy sweating it out too. You know I'm thinking of bringing my tulip one back real soon, of all the templates I've had, I liked that one the best :) Have a great 4th of July :)

  4. I totally understand about he whole browser thing. It's so frustrating, huh?

    I've been wanting to grow herbs, but I kill everything too. So, I don't know.

    And you're to do list is obscene -- hee hee!
    You are busy! I don't know how you do it. I'm jealous.


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