
Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I told you that the minute my body hears the words DIET, it goes beserk. First let me say that I tried the Special K thing yesterday, I really did, but I just can't do it. When I grabbed the bowl this morning I literally gagged. I'm trying the one with the strawberries, but the whole combination of the tasteless cereal and those dried berries, are just not working for me. Would you think I'm a wussy if I just dropped the whole thing??? I hope not, because I'm dropping it. LOL

I think the easiest way for me to loose weight (I've done it before), is to just control what I eat, and cut out on the snacks, especially the nighttime ones. I'm going to just do that because I LOVE food.

If you're looking for my Tackle it Tuesday or Treasure Tuesday posts, just look below ok??? And don't forget to go check out the other participants to see what projects they tackled or what their treasures are.

This morning Nicholas walked into the bathroom and said he wanted his hair spiky. Ok, that's all fine and dandy but then the conversation when like this.

Nic - I want my hair spiky mommy.
Me - Ok, just hold on, I'll do it in a minute.
Nic - *GASP* my spiky it's almost gone. (he calls the hair gel spiky)
Me - (looking at it), it's ok there's still some left.
Nic - No mommy, daddy got it for me and you ate it.
* COME AGAIN?!?!?!?*

I know I'm bad with food, but I'm not THAT bad and I promise you, I have not resorted to eating hair gel. This kid just cracks me up LOL But it also makes me wonder, does he really think I eat everything I see??? Gosh I hope not!!!

I was supposed to post my Basil Burgers recipe yesterday and I totally forgot about it, but I did it this morning, so go HERE to see it. I'll be posting more later today, or at least hoping to, depends on what is going on here.

The weather here has just been a bit too much. You know the kind of heat that has you gasping for air the minute you step outside. I was at the grocery store and everything was great until the doors opened and I was HIT with this wave of heat. Yes I say HIT because it literally made me step back and try to take a breath. I don't think I've ever walked to my car so fast. We're supposed to continue with this heat so I don't know, maybe next week I won't be here, I may be melted on the cement outside.

I'm in one of those days, the ones where you have tons of stuff swimming around your head and you can't really pinpoint one. Feels like my brain is just turning and turning with no way to stop. Ever feel that way???
Makes it hard for me to concentrate on anything, but it's also leaving me in a blank as to what to write about today, top that with a killer headache and we have a NOT SO FUN DAY ahead.

So I'm going to cut this one short, hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to my chirpy nutty self and will have tons to blab on about. You all have a wonderful Tuesday and stay out of that crazy heat.

God Bless,


  1. Eating that poor boy's hair gel - tsk, tsk.
    I also hate Special K. I would rather eat the box it comes in.

  2. Oh just eat smarter. Enjoy your favorites in moderation. Ha! I need to take my own advice; what a hypocrite. Anyway... it's never easy.

  3. That Special K sounds just awful...good for you for doing it for a whole day!! I diet with moderation as well. I also do a little calorie counting, but mainly I still eat what I like to eat, but just not as much. I think depriving yourself of things you enjoy only makes you want them that much more. I know if I can still eat what I like I'm less likely to cheat and blow the whole thing. However, if I do just go nuts and blow it all (which I have been known to do) then tomorrow is another day!! Good luck!!

  4. Oh, I sure hope that your headache is gone by now. I am a strong believer in chiropractors helping with headaches. I had one for years and finally went after my sister convinced me it would make me feel better and sure enough, it did. Now whenever I start to feel it coming on, I head to the chriropractor. Stops it dead in it's tracks! My 10 yo is the same way!

    We (my sister and I) are doing Weight Watchers and she only wants to lose about 15 pounds and she has already lost 7 point something in 3 weeks. And me, I have lost 6.8. Good luck to ya!

  5. You've been busy today!! 3 posts in one will I ever compete! worries, I won't even try.
    I'm a big shout outer for weightwatcher...I do the core plan..I only eat fruits, veggies, nuts, whole grains, poultry, fish, dairy protein (but not too much), when I'm hungry and I stop when I'm satisfied, and so far have lost 33 pounds...though, in the summer it's harder, cause we eat out alot in the summer....

  6. Sandra Sandra Sandra... how many times must I tell you!! You are beautiful & do NOT need to change anything...Got it! LoL!

  7. Sandra - you are a hoot, really. You made me laugh through-out the entire post...And you are not chipper? Wow!
    BTW - I really like the little Special K bars. They come in different flavours and can come in handy when you are on the run and need a little pick-me-up.:)

  8. Hi Sandra,
    Sorry to hear the special K thing didn't work doesn't sound good to me either!! Maybe try it with hair gel next time..hehhee. ;0)

    Hope you are feeling better tomorrow! Headache's are no fun!

  9. If the Special K doesn't do it for you then I see no problem with you stopping that program! You have to do what you're going to like doing and not eat something you dread every morning!

    Too funny about eating the hair gel!

  10. Too funny. I was laughing out loud reading this one. I wouldn't be able to do this diet either. I have tried almost every diet known to man and I am still trying to find the magic one.

  11. My sons call hair pomade "spiky" too- and they are the same way about it. CUTE post!

  12. Beck - LOL yeah I think I may be able to eat the box before I eat that stuff again.

    Liz - LOL it's not easy is it?? I tell myself the same thing everyday but yet I keep messing it up.

    mom of 2 - That's what I'm planning to do, eat with moderation and I need to adopt your way of thinking "if I mess it up today, tomorrow is another day"

    Angie - Congrats to you and your sister, that is SO awesome that you've lost so much weight on Weight Watchers already. I might just have to give the chiropractor a visit.

    Jaymi - See, that's my problem, the minute I know I can't eat something, I'm all over the place. It's horrible.

    mugwumpmom - Oh wow, 33 pounds is a lot. Everyone keeps mentioning weight watchers, I really need to look into it.

    courtney - LOL thank you :) You are such a sweetheart. Love ya girl :)

    eph2810 - LOL I'm glad I made you laugh, I have a tendency to do that even if I'm trying to be serious LOL I love the special K bars, THOSE are good.

    kelli - LOL exactly, I should have thought to put the hair gel on the special k first LOL

    michelle - Yeah it's definitely a NO GO for me LOL

    christina - me too, and I don't think I'll ever find one that I

    adventures in babywearing - thank you for dropping by my blog :) Mind if I add you to the blogroll? Glad my son is not the only one that calls it spiky, but at least yours don't accuse you of eating it LOL

  13. Am I the only one that likes Special K? I eat it just to eat it, not to attempt to diet. I like the one with strawberries and so does Snuggle Bug. We had it for breakfast this morning in fact. :)


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