
Sunday, July 30, 2006

Is there anything better

than waking up to beautiful sunshine, not one single cloud in the sky, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee???
I'm those kind of people that need my coffee to function, not that I'm walking around delirious or zombie like, but I just don't seem to have my thoughts collected before that steaming hot deliscious coffee hits my mouth. Then BAM, I'm ready for anything.

To better prepare my mornings, I bought one of those coffee machines that are programmable. This way I don't stumble around trying to get coffee started, spilling the prescious coffee on the ground, inserting the filter the wrong way, or even better (this one is classic for me), forgetting to fill it with water. Ahhhhh, coffee lover at it's best. LOL
So now, I get my machine ready every night, turn it on and go to bed, when I get up at 6:30am, there's the smell of hot freshly brewed coffee permeating the air. Perfect!!!

I have to finish working on my menus today so I can get my grocery list ready and head to Walmart. I have my MIL and BIL arriving on Tuesday and since tomorrow I have my friend's kids over again, so they can pack up their moving truck, I won't have time to get groceries. Last thing I want is for family to arrive and have no food in the house, well ok I exagerated a bit, ALMOST no food, there's snacks, but not really much substantial left. I couldn't get by without my meal planning, honestly I'de be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off....maybe not the best description when talking about food (eewww, I am a little nauseated right now).

I'll post my menus on my food blog this morning, so if you're interested you can check there.
Have some recipes to post too, so I'm hoping to get all of that done this morning.

I feel awful that I haven't had a chance to sit down and visit my favorite blogs, it's just been so crazy around here the past two or three days, so don't think I've forgotten about you all, I haven't and will be there either later today or tomorrow first thing in the morning. Funny how addicted you become to reading the blogs, if you go one or two days without doing it, it doesn't feel natural.

I have two loads of laundry to finish today and then I want to get everything cleaned up again. I had my house nice and clean but then the kids came over and of course, just like with my kids, it's as if you're entering a war zone. They really should think about making protective gear for mom's....don't you think??? You know how many times I've stepped over legos, or other small pointy-make-me-want-to-scream-in-pain toys? Or been hit in the head or stomach by UFO's (Unidentified Food Objects), I mean really, what is so funny about flinging that piece of cheese across the house only to hit your poor unsuspecting mother in the eye, and then throw yourself on the ground laughing so hard you can't even breathe. It's not funny.....well actually now that I wrote it down, it's pretty hilarious. LOL

I want to point you in the direction of the Nooma DVD's again. I've mentioned them a couple of times on my blog, but for those of you who have never heard of them, they are just amazing.
My MIL first introduced us to them when she was visiting last christmas, and instantly I was hooked. They're a set of DVD's done by Pastor Rob Bell, and they're only about 15 minutes long, but the messages are so powerful and really make you think. My favorite by far is the one called "Rain".

You the feeling of something happening or things just not going you're way, and who amongst us has not questioned God's location at those times??? I've done it many times, I always say "Where were YOU? You knew I needed you but yet weren't there because if you were there's no way you would let me go through that alone". But that's the thing, he WAS there....he never leaves you alone at any time or during any thing.
Pastor Rob Bell gives us a great example using a trip he made with his family, and a walk he took through the woods with his little son, suddenly a huge thunderstorm hits them and.......well, why don't you just go on over and watch the video clip, you won't be disappointed.

Well I better get that grocery list and menu finished, want to get to Walmart soon so that I can spend the rest of the day just relaxing with the family :)
Gotta get my energy up for all the kids tomorrow, maybe I should eat a whole cow to give me energy? LOL
I agree with what Michelle said in my comments, something to the effect of "maybe I'm getting too old for this, I like peace and quiet and not too much chaos around me" LOL

Have a great sunday everyone :)



  2. I'm with you on the coffee. I never program mine, but I think I might start. All I have to do is remember to do it the night before. Have a nice visit with your MIL and BIL.

  3. Good morning Sandra....oh how I wish we had sun...we woke up to rain. I wanted to mention that I'm going to put on Menu Plan Monday tomorrow and I'll add a Mr. Linky to the bottom. Would love it if you added your link. I really want to support and encourage other mom's who want to start menu planning. Enjoy your day!

  4. With ya on the coffee!!
    We got rain today. Yippee! It's been so hot and dry here it was most welcome.
    Enjoy your day,

  5. Ok just looked at your menu & it's final...I'm coming there too! Wake up to fresh coffee AND all that good food! I'm on my way:)

  6. My husband has to have coffee in the morning - I'm a tea person.

    You are a menu planner like me! I LOVE to cook and I scour the web, magazines, anything I can find for new recipes. Your basil burgers sound yummy!

    I can relate with you on the hazardous toys- there should be a warning on those damn hotwheels car packages!

  7. What a great way to start the day! I love your blog and look forward to reading more. :)


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