
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Sandra's Saturday Surfing!!!!

You know there's weeks that go by without me even getting on the internet once, well other than email and my blog. But then there's those weeks that seem to bring me the best sites around, and I often sit back and wonder, "why didn't I find that before?".

This week was somewhat in between, I didn't do much surfing but I did find some interesting sites.

My Journey - We have so much in common, and I have to tell you, check out her stamping cards....gorgeous, just wish I was THAT crafty :)

Just Add Water - Great blog too, another SAHM of 3. Go on and say hi, she's pretty funny :)

The Electronic Zoo - This was a great find. My kids love zoo animals and animals in general, and in this site you can look up different ones, and even visit some "real" zoo pages and even look up veterinary services if you have a question about a sick pet.

Roadside America - While looking for some fun things to do when my MIL comes next week, I came across this site. It's pretty much an online guide to tourist attractions and you can even find unusual attractions near your city by using their Map-a-City.

That's it for now, I didn't go to many places and the usual ones I did visit, I already mentioned in my previous posts :) If anything, I'm sure the blogs will entertain you :)


  1. Great links! I love weird tourist-y places, although more to read about, maybe, than to visit!

  2. Thanks for the Roadside America link - I've bookmarked that one!


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