
Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I actually found a project for this tuesday, and I didn't have to search far, I just can't believe that I didn't see it before. How sad!!! LOL

I'm always cleaning around the house, but I have to admit that the one area or spot, I let get out of hand, is my nightstand. Yes, you would think that being right there next to my head and the first thing I see when I open my eyes, I would have noticed it, but NO, I totally forget about it.

Here is the nightstand in all it's ugly glory:

I'm sorry for the mess, really, I mean what the heck is that cupcake and that diet coke doing on my table??? I admit, the diet coke is mine and I set it up there to drink while I worked on the project, but I did NOT put that chocolate cupcake there, although I admit yet again, that I did EAT it afterwards. But that's another post altogether, we're not here to talk about my diet habits LOL

So here it is, the finished product, I got everything put away in it's rightful place and the nightstand looks so much better. So what project did YOU tackle this week?
For a list of other participants, head on over to Janice's "5 Minutes for Mom".


  1. It makes a person feel good when it's so clean doesn't it? You've motivated me to try and go dig mine out.

  2. It looks great now. Personally, I liked it with the cupcake on. lol ;0)

  3. It looks great!!! The Emilie Barnes book looks interesting, I'll have to look for it at the used book store.

    P.s I would have eaten the cupcake too. ;0)

  4. Great job cleaning your nightstand.
    I hope more people get inspired to clean their nightstand too and show the results to the world.
    Posted your pictures on our website as inspiration for other people.
    Check it out yourself if you want.

    PS I would have eaten the cupcake too.

  5. LOL out the cupcake. :) I think nightstands have some sort of magnetic force that attracts stuff to them! :)

  6. Wonderful Work!

    Althought I have to say that is definitely not that messy of a nightstand. I can tell you must be a very tidy person if that is you at your messiest. LOL.

    I also would have eaten the cupcake. :)

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. lol! Great post! And what a lovely job you did too! Keep it up! I look forward to seeing another tackle!


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