
Saturday, July 08, 2006


Talk about a 360. Yesterday I was complaining about not being able to get comfortable and sleep, but you know what happened last night??? I was laying in bed, trying to watch tv, and fell asleep at 10pm, for the life of me I just could NOT keep my eyes open.
I slept through the WHOLE night (no I'm not a baby lol), only woke up this morning at 5am to run to the bathroom. Thank you LORD!!!!

I would say something about the constant need to go potty during the night, but I figured I am probably not the only one. Is it a woman thing??? Because my husband and brothers and dad and all the men I've known, sleep straight through. Do they have bigger bladders than we do or what???

Seriously though, I can remember being pregnant and I think I spent most of the time in the bathroom, imagine waking up twice a night when you're not pregnant and then multiplying that by a gazillion times. Go ahead moms, nod your heads yes, you know what I'm talking about!!!

I think the only difference now that I have kids, is that I actually have an audience when I DO go. Isn't it funny how they are perfectly fine until they see you heading to the bathroom and then all of a sudden "I HAVE TO GO, I CAN'T HOLD IT IN". Or you get the knock knock knock on the door, "Watcha doin'?" (certainly not having fun I tell ya)

The other day while sitting in the car, Jasmine and Nicholas were both talking about being in mommy's tummy. I was smiling through it all until the question arose "Hey mommy, how did we get in your tummy?". Oh DAGNABIT, I'm not ready for this, I haven't read the memo about telling kids, I honestly wouldn't know how to say it without scarring them for life.

I was sitting there literally sweating and tap dancing around the subject, saying things like "well mommy and daddy made you" to which they replied "but how?" (why can't they let it go?). My first thought was to say "why do you ask so many questions, it just is", but that wouldn't be nice would it?

So I told them that I didn't have time to explain it all at the moment, but that I would tell them soon. Then I bribed them with some McDonald's to get them off my back for the time being. I really thought I wouldn't have to delve into the whole Birds and the Bees thing for a LONG time, or maybe I was just hoping I wouldn't, but now I realize it's time, at least for Jasmine who is 7 years old and asks WAY too many questions. Which reminded me of this post, it's just hilarious, I only wish I was as brave as this mom. Actually I don't think I've laughed so much reading any other post. I should hire HER to come talk to my kids LOL

Curt is going to be working Mid shift next week, which means going in at 11pm and not getting home until 7 or 8 the next morning. I don't think I have to tell you how much I dislike this shift???? I mean really, how do you keep two young kids from making noise while daddy is trying to sleep, during the DAY?!?!?!?! I spend my whole life telling them that night time is for sleeping and then they can go B- A- N- A- N- A- S - BANANAS during the day. This is going to be an interesting week.

A while back I had decided to put up a Saturday Surfing feature. I would post all the sites I visited this week, those that have caught my attention for some reason or other. I then completely forgot about that......shocking???? Nah, I do that all the time, as embarassing as it is to admit. But I decided to start it again today and hopefullyl remember to keep doing it, so this is going to be called Sandra's Saturday Surfing and it will feature sites that have made my life easier this past week.

Skype - I just LOVE this program and can't tell you enough about it. It's made my communication with my family in South Africa, a LOT easier. Check it out :)

JumpTV - If you are wanting to watch TV from another country, you can now do it on your computer, for a small monthly fee. This is how I watch my Portuguese TV everyday.

Internet4classrooms - I found this site while searching for some worksheets for Jasmine. It's great, and she's loved playing (while learning), there's math games, telling time, reading etc. Great for kids.

Creative Ladies Ministry - Great site with wonderful monthly devotionals, very uplifting.

Craigslist - Great list of classifieds by State and City, you can find things for free, for sale, jobs and houses etc.

Dayspring - Wonderful site for christian email cards, inspirational movies that you can share, like this one and even online shopping. Check it out :)

And that's it for now, the kids slept in today and just woke up, so it's breakfast time (late breakfast) and then I have to keep them busy so they won't wake up daddy.

I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!
God Bless,


  1. I remember when I got ask that Question...My Son now 42 asked the big one when he was 5 and I was Pregant with his sister..........Like you I wasn't ready for that Question....Had to think on that one. So I told him God had sent down a seed from heaven and Daddy planted it in Mama tummy. He looked at me and said Oh....and ran off to play. never ask again. When my daughter was small I over heard Joe telling her that she was seed from God....
    Enjoy....My Son and daughter -in- law had the BIG talk with the twins about 3 yrs ago...Got books from the Libary...

  2. I can't sleep straight...the good thing is that I can go right back to sleep after going to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Our son is 18 so we are having other kind of - but similar - serious talking, lol, but I think I used childrens' books... I honestly don't remember it anymore...
    Oh, I love your new saturday surfing feature, great idea!!
    Here is to a fair football game, my dear, it should be a fun one to watch. Anything can happen...the only sure thing is that there will be one 3rd place... can't stand the tension!!! Have a lovely evening !!!!!

  3. Thanks for stopping by today...I got a chuckle out of readng yours. I told my daughter she was put in my tummy from God and that satisfied her and then she learned about it in school during fourth grade health. She brought home literature and we went over it and I asked if she had questions and also clarified some of the things they said in the brochure (mostly about that time of the month which I think was her main concern). Getting books is a good idea. just remember they do not need a lot of details right away.

    Anyway...have a good one!

  4. Ooh, I like the Saturday Surfing feature. Thanks. I'm not much of a surfer - I'd rather go where I'm told.
    Yes, it is a woman thing, getting up at night to you know what.
    It was so long ago that my children asked that question, I can't remember my answer. Hopefully it wasn't "go ask your Father".
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Thanks for the links: I especially like the educational one and the Dayspring site.

    And yes I was nodding at the potty thing. What's up with that?

    And the birds and the bees... hmmm. I think I'll get back to you on that. ;)

  6. Soooo glad you got a good night's sleep girl. And I totally go potty at least twice a night.! At least I can potty in peace at that hour.

    Birds and the daughter's are 10 and 8, and I read It's A God Thing series with them. There are several different subject matters, they are very good books. But I think that even 8 is pushing it a little for these books, but when I am reading them with one the other wants to be there too. Go figure! Anyways, I found them on the CBD website. FYI!
    Alrighty then, I am beat and am now going to retire to the B.E.D.

  7. Uuggh...sorry about the midshift ... and it's only for a week? That's gotta be hard on him adjusting to the time like that. I remember during exercises sometimes Joe would work those crazy hours and I would have the same thoughts - how am I supposed to keep her quiet during the day?! Thank goodness he's a pretty heavy sleeper! Is there a park you can take them to for a while? Or the library? Good luck!


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