
Thursday, July 27, 2006

Welcome to Casa Sandra!!!!

I just had to steal that name from Sarah over at "Seeking his Glory" LOL

I had mentioned yesterday about how much I love houses and seeing what they look like inside etc., so when I heard about the Tour of Homes hosted by Boomama, I knew I had to participate.
You have NO idea how excited and thrilled I am to be seeing you all, well your houses that is.....I have my hot cup of coffee and my toast and I'm all set to Ooohh and AAhhhh over them.

But first let me welcome you to my house or actually the house we live in at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. We've been here for 8 years and the house seems to be getting smaller, well, maybe we're just accumulating too much stuff, I don't know......but it brings a lot of memories with it. Both our kids were born here, we've had our ups and our downs, celebrated birthday's and holidays, deployments, miscarriages, happiness and sadness. Who knew that so much could be attached to one single place right?

Well come right in to my living room, pick a spot and just sit back and relax. Want a cup of coffee??? A donut maybe??? Did I tell you that I always have donuts in this house? It's my downfall, I just can't help it. This living room has been through so much change too, these are new couches, the old ones were just getting to raggedy to keep around and after having gone through two kids and 4 dogs, well, they didn't survive.

Now let me show you where I make the magic happen (so to speak), my blogging paradise. Wanna see it?? Come on, this way, right over here across from the couches, yeah I have to keep my computer area near the living room so I can watch the kids while I blog or check email. You know how it is, one second you turn your head and the next thing you know they have the dog dressed as Dora. Go figure. So here we are,

Cute isn't it? Well, now you know where the magic blogging happens. Now if we just turn to the left we have one of my favorite rooms in the house, and please don't laugh when I say the Bathroom. I think the reason is because it's become my getaway from the kids. That's the one place I've forbidden them to knock, enter or otherwise inquire about what I'm doing in there. When things get really hectic, I just walk in and close the door for about 10 minutes....(if daddy is home, if not, then the getaway is closed).

Now let's keep going, unless someone has to make a quick stop? No? Alright, now onto the kitchen.....this is where the OTHER magic happens. My family and friends will usually find me in there cooking. It's another of my favorite rooms in the house.

And this is another two views of my hubby built me that bookshelf for all my cookbooks etc.

And this is where we eat, these houses don't have a dining room, just an area in the kitchen for the table etc.

And that is it, that's my house, my little Family Corner in the Universe :) I just can't wait to come check everyone else's humble abodes :)

If you want to participate or take a Tour of Homes yourself, run on over to Boomama :)


  1. I love your house--it is so homey! It makes me want to come in and have a donut (are the Krispy Kreme?)

  2. Thanks for welcoming us to your home. It is very welcoming and lovely.

  3. Beautiful home! Thanks for letting us have a look at it!

  4. Oh my God girl, you have a knack for decorating. Just looking at your living room I wanted to come right over for my coffee. Thanks for the invite. Really though you have such a warm feeling in your home that came through in the pictures. My friend Alisha, whose husband just left for Iraq, is going to go crazy over your bathroom picture. She absolutly loves Ivy and Ivy decor. About the book shelf, your husband did a great job, in fact when mine gets up I am going to say "look at what my blog friend Sandra's husband did." hint, hint.

  5. Oh, by the way do you watch "House Hunters?" I love seeing what the people do after they move into the house.

  6. Your home is lovely, but oh my word, that view. Lucky, lucky you to see something this beautiful every day. Thank you for sharing your world with us.

  7. You do live on the base right? I thought I recognize the same diswasher, the same countertops LOL You've made military housing look great BTW! So inviting :) Thanks for sharing your "home" with us!

  8. You have a very lovely home! I really like your bathroom!

  9. What a lovely home! It's been really fun to step inside people's front doors today. Thanks for the tour and the coffee and donut were excellent!

    That's a serious bamboo plant. How does it keep from falling over?

  10. Just beautiful, thanks for sharing! I love the borders on your photos too ;).

  11. Your home is so beautiful and welcoming - but I knew it would be! I have bookshelves up in my kitchen, too! I thought your living room looked so nice and cozy...

  12. I loved the peek inside your home! I've
    "seen" you comment on blogs I visit, so it was nice to learn a bit more about you :-)

  13. I loved your home thank you for inviting me in! I liked your bathroom too and I understand the privacy that room can bring! LOL!!!

  14. You have made your home lovely. I am an Idahoan too! :)

  15. Your home is just so cute and sweet! I love your humor as you took us on a tour , too! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Wel, your home is utterlly charming. And I love that bookshelf filled with Cookbooks...Would love to have a meal at your house cause I bet you are a Fantastic Cook!
    Love those dolls that are on that Bookshelf, too! Your little piece of heaven is lovely!

  17. I love cookbooks and they have their own shelf in my kitchen, too. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the donut.

  18. Thanks so much for sharing your home with us's beautiful and feels very warm and inviting! I also love cookbooks and the shelf unit I have in the kitchen for them is overflowing..need a bigger unit! lol

  19. Very cozy and inviting. I happen to be addicted to cookbooks (okay, actually all books...). Thanks for the tour!

  20. So your blogspace cabinet - it's mobile? I see wheels there. What a great idea. I've got a few ideas from this house tour thing, and may someday use part of my large pantry for a blogspace.

  21. Thanks for the tour. After our last baby was born my husband asked why it was taking me so long to shower. . . well it was my get away too. Things we gotta do!

  22. We're an AF family too, but this time around we decided to buy. If we go elswhere, I think I want base housing again...we're not ready to maintain our own home yet...alot more to it than we thought!

    Anyway, you have lovely taste, I must say, and I would LOVE to come over for donuts!

    Thanks for sharing.

  23. your home looks so cozy. and my my what a cookbook collection you have going on!! thanks for showing us.

  24. Hi Sandra!
    You have such a cozy and inviting home! I love your couch...all those pillows look perfect for snuggling up with a movie!!
    Your bathroom is just darling and it looks like a good hiding spot. ;0)
    I like all your cookbooks too!! Thank you for sharing your beautiful house with us!

  25. What? Is it really going to let me comment this time? I have been here 4 different times today and each time I wanted to comment it wouldn't let me... Maybe this is my lucky moment!

    Thanks for the great tour! I love the bathroom. Did you have the wooden doors built custom for around the sink? Lovely tour, lovely time!! Thanks! :-)

  26. What a wonderful hostess! Thanks for letting us take a peek.

  27. Thanks for sharing your house with us :P

    No, I didn't know you have donuts in your house, I'll love that when I visit you :P

    Thank you.

  28. Thanks for stopping by to take the tour of my house! ;) Isn't this fun?! :)
    Your house is just lovely. My husband's family is retired military now (Army), so I know how important it is to make those houses your home. :) You've done a wonderful job! I love the blogging area. Looks like it has doors, so you can just close it off when you're not using it. That would be wonderful!
    And I love what you did with the pictures. That was really cool.
    And if you like Krispy Kremes, you'll have to come & see me sometime -- I live in the KK capital! ;)
    Thanks for inviting me over!

  29. lovely home and great bookshelves, love seeing all those books!!

  30. Olá Sandra, eu também fiquei muito contente por encontrar você! Obrigada pela visita e pelos elogios. Adorei sua casa também e coloquei você nos meus Favoritos e vou voltar em breve para apreciar melhor os detalhes e ler o seu blog! Eu tenho dois blogs, "Leaves of Grass" e "Glance-Olhar" escritos em inglês porque é uma maneira de melhorar o idioma e também porque minhas amigas não iriam entender se eu escrevesse em português. Eu tenho mais facilidade em ler do que em escrever em inglês.
    Eu tenho também um site em português que mostra com detalhes a minha região, o link é:
    Um grande abraço e um ótimo final de semana.

  31. You have a beautiful home! I need to get one of those computer hutches to hide away my desk mess! I love it.

  32. Hi Sandra,
    I'm touring a day late as was out of town. You're home is so inviting! That computer hutch is great and I love the farmers sink in the washroom.
    Lovely touchs here and there.
    Thanks for the visit.

  33. Thanks for inviting us in for a look at your sweet home. Did you say donuts ? A weakness I share. So glad we don't live close to Krispie Kreme. I'd be in big trouble or at least I'd be big. Anyway, I love your living room - really like the way you decorated the wall behind the couch (which I love).

    A very welcoming, well decorated home.

  34. Thank you for showing your lovely home. Many nice touches throughout.

    And I actually understand Sonia's Portugese!

  35. Your home is very inviting!! Thanks for having me over!

  36. WOW! You have made the base housing lovely (I had a dear freind stationed in NJ at Ft Dix sio I have a good idea of what you start out with...) I LOVE that couch

  37. Thanks so much for the tour! And wow, I am so impressed the AF let you have two home births! Awesome :)

  38. You have made a beautiful home! Thanks for letting us take a peek.
    And--Thank you very much for your husband's service to our country. I know it is a scarifice for both of you and we are deeply appreciative! :)

  39. You have a very pretty home~love your getaway. Thanks for visiting me & letting me peek into your world!

  40. We have some friends who lived at your base 20+ years ago!

    Thanks so much for sharing your home with us.

  41. You have a beautiful home! I was going through the tour of homes and saw that you were from Mtn. Home.. we just got here March of this year! Just wanted to comment on your lovely house. Take care!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
