
Friday, August 25, 2006

EVERYDAY THINGS!!! August 25th

"...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Philippians 4:11

"If you want any one thing too much it's likely to disappoint. The healthy way is to learn to like the everyday things, like
soft beds and buttermilk..."-- Augustus McCrae-"Lonesome Dove"

So here we are again, another friday and time to think of those Everyday Things that we take for granted but that bring us contentment.

Welcome to Everyday Things. This weekly feature is designed to encourage all of us to embrace contentment and to appreciate the everyday things which we often take for granted.
Today I'm thankful and content for my morning time with my husband. We both get up at 5:30 am and while he gets ready for work, we share a cup of coffee.

I could stay asleep until much later, but I choose not to, it gives us time to talk, catch up on the day before and just enjoy each other's company without having kids asking for something, the phone ringing, the dogs barking or someone knocking on the door.

It's not much time, about 30 minutes, but it makes a world of difference and sets the tone for the rest of the day :)

If you want to play along, just hop on over to Julie and add your name to the list :)


  1. That's probably one of the very best everyday things I could possibly think of!



  2. My hubby and I take a walk together in the summer and have a coffee together int he winter. Yes, it does make all the difference.

  3. That is very special, I would be thankful for that too.

  4. Truly something to appreciate! I can truly appreciate the gift this is as we are in transition. My DH will be working FT again and I will be PT... but during the transition we are both FT for about 6 weeks... on different shifts! I am barely seeing him and I don't like it!!

  5. That's about the best way I can think of to start a day. Definitely a special Everyday Thing.

    My book meme is up.

  6. I agree. It makes a world of difference. That's great you have that special time together. You both need that.

  7. That's great! I have been contemplating getting up a few minutes early to actually enjoy breakfast with my hubby between his workout at the Y and his shower. On second thought, maybe AFTER his shower...EWW! :-D We've had so much time together over the summer, and not so much now that school is starting. You've inspired me to take that leap and get up at 5:45 instead of 6!

  8. I love this post. I used to get up early with Scott before Miller was I'm too tired to get up.....maybe I will again some day...Enjoy your alone time.

  9. That is so sweet that you guys have that special time together in the morning! And ok, now I'm feeling guilty! LOL Joe gets up about 5-530 too, but I'm sound asleep! I just can't seem to get myself out of bed that early if I don't have anywhere to go! But maybe I should start doing it a few times a week just to have that quiet time together!

  10. I agree this can make a world of difference. I do the same with hubby whenever he can be home for the morning. Sometimes we do this at night if he is working up until late. Our only problem is we usually have to have a snack with our coffee, something fattening like cheese ring coffee cake. Between the two of us we can eat half the thing.

  11. Oh, I'm so jealous! My husband gets up at 5, works out and is off to work before 6 - while I'm still in bed. I could get up and visit with him, but I have a strict sleeping till 7 policy.

  12. I've gotten up for 25 years to see my husband off to work. I just like starting the day with a cup of coffee with him. Saturdays are my stay in bed indulgence. When the kids were little it was sometimes about the only time we had alone.

    I keep meaning to tell you your template is just lovely. Makes me yearn for fall to arrive.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
