
Friday, August 11, 2006


The family left this morning so we now return to the regularly scheduled programming. Yep, I'm back to my blogging self, it feels good, I've missed all my favorite friends and blogs and it's wonderful that I get to come back and catch up.

Come on in, sit down and here have a cup of coffee. Don't worry, if you would rather have tea, that can be arranged too.

So mom and Chris left this morning, the kids are so sad to see them go, and so are we. We always have the best time and laugh, boy do we laugh. Mom goes back to more tests this coming monday so please keep her in your prayers, we will find out on August 21st how all the tests went and exactly where she stands. You know what's weird though??? When I found out my father in law had cancer it was just a terrible time for all of us and I was constantly worrying and upset and wondering if he would be able to fight it. I was ALSO distant from God and I could say that our relationship was pretty much non existent at that point. (makes me so sad just thinking about that)

With mom it's been very different for me, I am concerned for obvious reasons, but I am also finding this amazing calm and I don't feel myself consumed with constant thoughts of the situation and how bad it could be. Isn't that wonderful??? It's like I can feel His love and His protection, He's taken her into His arms and I get the feeling of "Everything is going to be alright, no matter what happens, it's ok".

Now THAT'S the beauty of having a close relationship with God, it's almost like being two different people, the sad, miserable, lost and helpless one before finding Christ......and then the happy, carefree, brave and courageous one after finding Him. I'm just so glad that I'm on this side of the fence though, walking hand in hand with God and facing the problems together.

Thank you to all that left birthday wishes for me, not just through the blog but through email, it was really sweet and it means a lot to me. I had a great day with the family, I opened presents, we ate cake and ice cream and then just hung out all day, talking, playing games, laughing and just having fun. Perfect day in my book!!!

It does feel good to be back to blogging though.
I wasn't able to do my usual meme's, but being friday I'm sure I can come up with something for "Everyday Things" hosted by Julie at Everyday Mommy.

Want to know what I'm planning for today??? After I'm done with this post I'm most certainly heading over to all my favorite blogs just to say hi, but then I have cleaning to do.

Yep Mount Laundry is back and if I don't get to it, I'm sure it will erupt at some point today. We also have the back and front yard to mow, sweeping and mopping the floors, vacuuming and yeah you guessed it, cleaning the carpets. You know after having six people in the house, plus 2 dogs, this poor carpet has not survived very well so we're going to give it a good cleaning.

I also want to get all the bedrooms cleaned up and reorganized again. I just have to start getting the kids on the usual school routine, early bedtimes, sleeping in their own beds instead of falling asleep on couches, you know, the usual summertime stuff.
Yesterday was registration, so we got that done and I was able to request the teacher I wanted for Jasmine (not that it's a guarantee). On the 21st we will find out who's class she's in and then the 22nd we have Open House/Meet the Teacher, so I'm excited about that and so is Jasmine....seems that I seem to be the only one worrying about school starting, she's perfectly fine with it.

So I'm closing this post off. I'm refilling my coffee cup and going on my morning Blog Drive. You'd be amazed at the beautiful sights you see along the way :)

Have a wonderful day everyone, Oh and look for my Everyday Things post below :)


  1. I'm sorry to hear that your family has went home but I am glad that you are back!

    Now I am off to do the laundry!!!!!!

  2. I like morning blog drive...hope you enjoy the drive.
    Glad you had a nice visit with your family and equally glad you're back to regularly scheduled programing.
    Have fun doing laundry

  3. Glad you had such a nice time with your family!!

    The difference in having a relationship with God during hard times versus not... is called hope.

    Thanks for sharing the difference you have found. It is a GREAT reminder of how God really does sustain us often when we may not even realize it!!

  4. It is amazing how we get attached to reading blogs every day and when we miss a few days it feels like we are so out of touch with everyone LOL Glad to see you're back :)

  5. I'm glad you're posting again - I'd missed seeing you on my Bloglines! It's great that you had a good visit, though.
    Thanks for visiting my blog today. I DO feel much better, generally.

  6. Glad you are back.....Missed seeing you post...

  7. Hi Sandra! Happy belated birthday. So glad you had a great time and even had family to visit to enjoy it with. I love birthdays...a day to just sit back, relax, ENJOY and be spoiled. Life is good! Laura

  8. All right I'm late, but Happy Birthday. I didn't even know it was your birthday and anyone who knows you can tell you you are not a really good friend of mine unless I say Happy Birthday LATE!!! I am always late. We all laugh at this now because it has become like a trademark or something. This year my friend Alishas husband had a birthday and I saw him twice before I even remembered and I've known them for a few years now. Maybe I need a palm pilot. I'd probably loose it though or forget to put important dates in it. I hope it was great for you though. I am still thinking of your MIL and I am so glad to hear you are calm. I will keep praying. One thing good about having blog friends is prayer time gets longer and I'm sure God is loving this.

  9. PS I read your birthday blog and was impressed by what you wrote about all the things you've learned and all the things you've yet to learn. This post really made me think. I'm glad you took the time to write it. It was really nice to read.

  10. Glad you're back! And I'm like Christina... always late. Happy Belated Birthday!

  11. Hello, so glad you had a nice visit! I know what you mean about the blog dom, I have felt a little distant the past week or 2. It feels good to get back into a normal routine again! It's kinda funny how I would be walking in a store or visiting someone and I would think about all of my blog friend's lives and wondering how they are doing or even at prayer time. I never thought I would have so much compassion for people I essential do not even know but yet I feel like I know ya'll better than most of my real friends. You know what I mean? (I guess I was kinda rambling! Sorry!)
    So, welcome back! Missed ya! *hugs*


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
