
Friday, August 04, 2006


We left for the Shoshone Ice Caves this morning, it was about an hours drive from home so we had the usual kid questions "Are we there yet?" and "how close are we?", you know how it is, doesn't matter how far you're going they still want to get there like, yesterday.

Nicholas had a bit of a hard time at one point in the trip, it seems he sometimes gets car sick (something he must have picked up from me, poor kid). So I had to go sit in the backseat with him while he rested his head on my shoulder and tried to take a nap.......let me tell you something, the backseats of trucks are NOT comfortable. Not only are they way too straight, but I had to keep my legs either wide open or pushed together with my knees almost to my chest. What a pretty picture that paints doesn't it? LOL
Needless to say, I'm really sore right now, my lower back is just killing me.

Anyway, the Ice Caves were fun to see, we had a pretty young guide, she didn't look older than 18, but she was really sweet and I have to envy her petite thin body. How frustrating is that? She's going on and on about the ice in the caves and all I could think was "you make me SICK, I want to be that thin" LOL
Then I had another idea (and all this while on the tour), maybe I should become a guide, this girl has to climb up and down stairs and climb rocks every hour for 45 minutes, no wonder she's that thin. NAH, I better stick to what I already do!!!!

So here are some of the pictures I took, couldn't get too many because I was scared of either dropping the camera in the ice, or slipping and falling in myself......the little wooden bridge thingy we were on was kinda slippery and wobbly too. I'm surprised that with my usual claustrophobic feelings, I didn't freak out in the cave, although I DID look up a few times and think "Oh man, if this thing caves in I'm a goner".

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We really did have a lot of fun and the kids enjoyed seeing the dinosaur and the ice caves. I have to tell you I was surprised because I had thought that the cave floor would be covered in ice but that underneath it would be rock.....but no, actually it's about 15 to 20 feet deep solid ice where you can actually stand on. I wouldn't test that theory though because with my luck....well you know, I would find that ONE spot that actually melted LOL

The history of the caves is very interesting and if you want to know more, you can go here or here. Oh and if you love antiques and old stuff, you will really enjoy the antique store outside, if I had taken cash with me, I think I would have walked away with a LOT of things. I did get a rain stick that my wonderful hubby got for me....he knows how much I love them, so he surprised me with one when I returned from the dreaded porta potty....EWWWWWW!!!! That's all I'll say to that!!!

And that's it, we spent the day on the road, driving to and from the Ice Caves, on the tour and now we're home and going to start a game of Back Alley Bridge and THEN I'm heading to bed, this girl is getting way too old to stay up so late, must be because I'm turning 32 next week.......ahhhh I remember the days I would so look forward to August 10 and now it's a day like any other for that how it is from now on, I mean the minute you hit 30 you stop caring about birthday's right???? Say right, or otherwise I may have to think that I'm not normal, well, whatever being normal means nowadays LOL

I hope you're all having a wonderful friday night, can't wait to get back to my usual blog visits, I'm sure by now there's a ton of new posts to catch up on.

Have a restful night everyone, I'll see ya tomorrow :)


  1. That looks pretty cool. Glad you had a good time!
    PS. I would be the one to find the weak piece of the ice floor.

  2. sounds like you are having a lot of fun with family visiting!

  3. What a great day. Love that slide show thingy you do with your pics. Glad you had fun and hope your weekend is going well.

  4. Sounds like you all had a great day trip. Sorry to hear about your kiddo, I have one that gets car sick occasionally also. I don't know why he only does it once in awhile. It's so funny that you mentioned claustrophobia. I went on a tour 3 years ago of the USS Constallation ,or whatever it's name was, here in Pearl Harbor, one of my firend's hubbies is in the Navy. Anyways in about an hour they had to take me off the ship, I started feeling weird, like too closed in. Of course it might of been I am afraid of heights, and I was standing on the flight deck 18 storeies up, and also I was 8 months pregnant, but I still think there was a touch of claustrophobia involved. Anyway have a nice visit.

  5. I've lived in this state for 22 years and have never gone there. Looks really interesting and I'm glad it was a good time.

  6. Looks like your having alot of fun. The cave looks so cool! Hope the rest of the visit is perfect!

  7. Who taught you to play Back Alley Bridge. Not many people know that one.

  8. I learned Back Alley Bridge in college (1987) and a whole group of us played regularly for years. I still teach as many people as I can to increase my chances of 4 players being in one place. I researched it online and was aware of it's military roots, which makes it even more intriguing to me. I'm an Air Force brat myself. I really like your blog and hope to visit more, and try some of the recipes on the food blog!


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