
Saturday, August 19, 2006


Be prepared for you are about to witness the Lord in action and at His best. He never ceases to amaze me and it really goes to show that He CAN move mountains.

This morning I had an email from my MIL. Now on monday she was supposed to go for her PET scan and ended up not being able to because the machines were not working....that in turn pushed everything back so her monday 21st appointment was moved to September 21st. It's excruciating having to wait that long, it's always that in between, up in the air times that most worry us....or maybe it's just me, I don't know.

Anyway, this is what she said in her email this morning:

I had been told that it could be as late as August 28 before they could get me in at the
PET scan. The power of prayer has excited me. Wednesday morning I knelt beside my bed and prayed for two hours. I told God it sure would be a lot easier for me if I could get the PET scan done this week. Yet I added not my will but Your will be done.
I just finished saying amen and was still in the kneeling postion when the phone rang.
It was the receptionist at the PET Center. She told me that the machinery would be down for a lengthy time. Then she offered to make me an appointment in the City for either Thursday or Friday this week. I jumped at the opportunity and said I wanted to go Thursday. My appointment was made and confirmed for 2:00. I called my doctor's office to let them know I was going to the City for the scan. That receptionist said then maybe we can get you an earlier appointment too. She scheduled me for Thursday the 31st of August. I was so excited to see God
work this together. I called the PRC and thanked them for their prayers and told them that the power of prayer had moved all my appointments up. Could that be topped??? Yes, after talking to her, Tricare called and said they had given approval for my appointment with Dr. Woodson for an echocardiagram to test my ability to undergo chemo. She gave me his phone number and gave the OK for me to get a date scheduled. I called. She asked me who my doctor was. I told her Dr. Nimeh. (Every one knows him as a very well-known and reputable oncologist.) She said she could get me in for an appointment in three weeks. I told her I had an appointment with Dr. Nimeh on the 31st and asked her if it were possible to be seen earlier. She looked at her appointment book and said she could squeeze me in the afternoon of the 29th. She assured me Dr. Woodson was fast to read his test results and that Dr. Nimeh would have them before the 31st. I was so excited with the change of schedules I could do nothing but thank and praise God for His goodness and His answer to prayer. I thanked Him for every one who has prayed for me (especially your fellow bloggers) and I promised I would share this testimony and His love and faithfulness to any one who will listen. I still am in awe of the power of prayer. This all means that my next appointment with Dr. Nimeh will give the go-ahead for treatment. He will have all the test results in hand so we will know our base line and exactly what we are facing. I thank God that He has kept me calm and relaxed through my days of waiting and tests. I have a peace in my heart that is beyond my understanding. I know God is with me and holding my hand. I couldn't feel safer or more loved.
How amazing is that?!?!?!? Remember I had told you all that I also had this unbelievable peace and calm in me after hearing that she was diagnosed??? It seems to be going around :)

Woke up this morning and the temperature is 55 degrees, it really does seem that Fall is just around the corner. Not that I'm complaining, it's my favorite season, although growing up it used to be summer but now I find it way too hot LOL

So I guess this morning is perfect for my "Blog Drive", and again I did find some interesting sites along the road yesterday, so I'm sharing them with you. Now the other day, a friend of mine asked what makes me like a blog or what turns me off....I would have to say that any mom and christian blog is a HUGE hit with me, but what instantly turns me off is those blogs that say they are mommies and christians and then the very first or second word on their post, is a cuss word. I'm sorry, but that is a big turn off for me.

Here are my newest found destinations (they're on my sidebar already):

Reflections of a Godly Girl - Annie is in BC, Canada and she's a Christian mommy :) Go on over and say hi to her.

Rose the sea - Lady Laurie says she's "An old-fashioned girl at heart with a love for the sea, the angels above and finding peace in my soul". I just recently found her blog, but I had a blast going through her older posts and the pictures she shares :)

Cross Stitch Mummy - Emma is in Australia and I first stumbled across her blog yesterday, but let me tell you the first post had me hooked. You all know I LOVE candlewicking, and when I saw the cushion she just finished I all but jumped through the computer monitor LOL Go on and say hi, and look at all the wonderful projects she's busy with, especially the baby singlets, they are adorable :)

For the past two or three days, I had been feeling like I was getting sick. I had a headache, my nose was congested and I just felt iffy. Well this morning I get up and I've got a cold....I could complain and whine about how school is starting next week and I can't afford to be sick, blah blah blah, but you know, I'm actually fine with it. No I'm not a sicko that gets off on being sick, but I am just thankful that I actually got it instead of walking around with the unpending cold above my head.

I'll have to try and take it easy today, though my house is yelling out for attention. Is it just me, or do the tiniest of kids make a place look like it's been through a tornado? And all in the space of what, 10 or 15 minutes? How is it possible?

So I leave you with my to do list. I know a lot of you think that I do a lot in one day, but I think I actually don't do that much, I've found that if I organize and plan out my day, I have time for everything including reading, sewing, devotionals or me time. It's all in the planning, it's all in the planning.

  1. Iron 2 loads of laundry
  2. Sweep and mop kitchen and hallway
  3. Vacuum living room
  4. Bake one load of bread for dinner
  5. Post today's dinner recipe "Breaded Ranch Chicken" on food blog
And that's it folks, I'm out. Out of coffee, out of things to write and out of a clean house.....which means, it's time to go for my drive, I hope you all have some coffee ready for me, I could use a HUGE cup :)

God Bless,


  1. I'm so glad to hear about your MIL and boy that power of prayer is something. I had the same experience yesterday when I though my van would cost me about a million dollars and all it needed was a battery. God sure does respond quickly to prayer. I'm suprised more people haven't figured out this one yet.

  2. That is awesome. I am so glad that everything is working out as such! The power of prayer is an amazing thing!
    Could you please send some of those cool mornings this way?

  3. I am so happy to hear this- so much confirmation everywhere for the Wonders that He continues to work in us... we have seen it firsthand this week, too. God. Is. Good.

  4. That is such wonderful news about her appointments! Thanks for updating us and sharing with us the power of prayer!

  5. That's awesome about your'll have to keep us posted!!

    I can only dream of 55 degrees...sounds absolutely heavenly!! It's continued to get well above 100 every day here for weeks...I can't even remember the last time it wasn't over 100. I guess soon enough fall will make it's way to Texas!

    Hope you are feeling better soon!!!

  6. I just love your blog, Sandra. It's always cheerful, always uplifting. Your mil's story is so reassuring. He hears us and eases our way.

    Hope it's just a little cold. And feel free to send some of that nice cool air down here to Colorado. I'd love to pray for snow but it's probably a tad early to expect that one to be answered!

    Get well soon.

  7. I'm so glad to hear of your MIL's appointments, please keep us updated...I'll sure keep her in my prayers. I'm glad she is feeling peace, I'm sure it will help with any treatments she will go through.

  8. That is such an amazing testimony for the Lord! Thank you for sharing that with me. It touched me so much, more than you'll ever know. Thank you, and God Bless You!

  9. Nice to meet you!!! I just happened to come upon your blog. I really like it! Please visit mine sometime1 huggers!!!

  10. First of all Praise God for your MIL. I know God works miracles I have seen too many of them.
    Second....Your right housewrok is the planning...but for some reason I cant get motivated to get list together let alone do anything......any ideas????

  11. The power of prayer is an amazing thing! 55 degrees whoa...that sounds wonderful, we won't see temperatures like that for a few months. I hope you feel better,take it easy and take care of yourself! Thanks for mentioning my blog too!! God Bless...


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
