
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Treasure Tuesday!!! August 29nd

Well Ladies, it's that time again, time to gather all our treasures and the stories that go with them, and come share them with everyone in blogland.

Oh and by the way, I see a lot of you using the first treasure tuesday graphic I made....and since then I made two more, I figure this way you can pick which one you want. So here are all three AND my treasure for today.

Prepare yourselves, it's going to be a long post. Sorry, but I feel that I have to tell the whole story so you understand WHY this treasure is so important to me.

It's February 2003, and I am 30 weeks pregnant. My father in law had been sick for a few years and then we got the call. He was in the hospital and the doctors said we need to come in ASAP, he wouldn't make it through the night. Now if you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I had two miscarriages, and when I finally got pregnant with Nicholas, it was a high risk pregnancy....any little thing, mopping, sweeping etc. would cause me to start bleeding.

At first I seriously considered not going because it meant a 30 hour drive, and I was worried about the baby. After talking with the doctors, they gave me the go ahead but I was given specific instructions to stop and get out and walk every two hours.

We set out on our trip, driving as fast and as much as we could each day, trying to make it there in time. When we were about halfway there, my hubby called home to see how his dad was, only to find out that he had just passed away. He was heartbroken and now I knew I had to put on this brave front and be strong for him, while dealing with my own problems with the pregnancy. Let me tell you that at this time in the trip, I was having contractions, a lot of pain and I could barely walk.

Anyway, we got to his house and for the next two weeks, my husband was grieving, he was also trying to take charge and be there for his mom and younger brother. I kept to myself a lot and didn't bother him with anything, and I remember sometimes laying in bed at night in pain, but he and the family came first, and that's the way it was going to be.

I prayed a lot and asked God for strength to get through this. Not only was I terrified for my baby, but I felt alone....the whole family was amazing with me, but my hubby pulled away, he was distant and he felt that his place was to worry about everyone else, he felt that I was fine and didn't need attention. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame him, I totally understand where he was coming from. My MIL did tell him over and over that he needed to remember to take care of me too.....

It was now Valentine's Day, needless to say no one felt like celebrating. I was in the bedroom, laying down and trying to stay calm because the contractions were extremely painful. I must have been in there for about an hour, when I heard a knock. It was my hubby!!!

He walked in, gave me a kiss and a big hug and then gave me this:

Now it may not seem like a lot to some of you, but to me it meant the world. He apologized for being distant and said that even though his heart was in pieces over his dad, he couldn't make it through it without me, he thanked me for being there and that he knew how hard this was for me and how difficult for the pregnancy, but that he couldn't imagine me not being there....I was the one keeping him sane in all of this.

*Excuse me while I wipe away the tears*. It's become one of my treasures and it just means the world to me.

If you want to play along, go on over to Faith's blog and add your name to the list or go read through everyone's treasures, you won't be disappointed :)


  1. I just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog today!!
    I loved this story and your treasure...funny I posted the picture of my treasures today and thought you know they're not much nothing grand, but they mean the world to me...thanks for sharing your treasure today!!!
    Come see me any ol' time!!

  2. Such a beautiful story and precious treasure! These treasure posts of yours are always so special.

  3. Beautiful story Sandra, thanks for sharing.

  4. A beautiful, bittersweet story. Sometimes the littlest things become the most meaningful!

  5. I second what Beck said about it being a beautiful, but bittersweet story. What a treasure that must have been for you to recieve; I can see why it's found a way into your heart!

  6. A sweet story...what a true treasure.

  7. Thank you for sharing your treasure:it was good to read it. Makes one take perspective of many things. You are such an unselfish person - Be blessed

  8. Thank you for sharing your treasure:it was good to read it. Makes one take perspective of many things. You are such an unselfish person - Be blessed

  9. You always make me teary with your treasures, and I love it. The things you have are truly treasures and this one seems extra special. Especially the way your husband acknowledged you, like even though he was wrapped up in all this other suff, he was still thinking about you even though for a moment he had to help everyone else. This is truly the sign of a great guy. You are truly blessed. I'm glad for you.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
