
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Change Again....

I woke up this morning, and my template was pretty much gone...I don't know what happened or if there was a glitch, but to make things worse, when I went to get my template code to reinstall it, my computer froze up and I got the "Blue Screen of Death".

Yeah, when it rains it pours. I had to make a whole new template.....I don't even know if I'm completely happy with this one, but it will work for now.

Just wanted to let you all know why it's different...I like redecorating but NOT forcibly and constantly. LOL

Hope this one is ok on all browsers.


  1. I love this new design! It makes me even more excited for fall and Halloween!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh I love it! Very Halloweeny!

  3. Wonderful new photo decorations! I lost my template as well about a month ago and just cringed. Someone (I hate to say who because I may mention the wrong person) said that they saved their template in Word - you know just copied and pasted periodically so that if it happened again I could easily fix it. I probably need to update my saved one. Cute teddy bear and pumpkins!

  4. I like it! I like the pumpkins and it makes me feel like fall is really getting closer - even though I live in the desert! LOL

  5. Very fitting for the coming season. sorry you had to go through all that work though!

  6. ok, You have outdid yourself again and created another fantastic looking blog. I know you had no choice, but I love this look. It's so perfect. Your blog always makes me feel warm when I look at it, just like the warm person you are. How did you learn all this? I would love to learn to do some of this stuff myself. Is it difficult? Anyway I am going to go cook the kids burgers so I will come back later tonight to read the rest of your posts that I have missed so much during my move.


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