
Tuesday, September 12, 2006

TACKLE IT TUESDAY!!! September 12th

Oh boy, what am I tackling today?!?!?!

My computer, I didn't get a chance to yesterday but it's driving me insane. You know how it is, you install this and then that and then a little bit of so and so, and before you know it you have errors coming out the wazoo.

One method I've used many times, consists of 5 steps.

1. Find your files

2. Organize your files

3. Backup your files

4. Delete what you don't need

5. Backup your files again, this way if you need to restore your computer, you will have everything neatly organized already.

So while this is not an exciting project to tackle, it's an important one especially since I've been getting the "blue screen of death" for the past few days.

What are YOU tackling today??? Go on over to 5 Minutes for Mom and add your name to the list if you want to play along.


  1. Good idea! I tackled my horrifying kitchen last night and now I actually have counters again - yay!

  2. I missed you too!! This beta thing is bonkers. They emailed yesterday and advised that everyone will be switched to beta eventually and that the regulars can't comment on beta and visa versa..and they suggested that beta bloggers open up a new regular blog from which they comment on regular blogs..but it works on anonymous eh?! Well that's good news! Apparently some can comment using anoymous and others can't. Oh well.

    Enjoyed your tributes, and yeah, the whole just out of bed look dropping the children at school...I agree with you, if only because I would never have wanted to embarrass my children..we all know how they take stuff like that on. So be presentable!

    Have fun tackling your 'puter.

  3. oops..I keep forgetting.

    Rena (re:the above comment)

  4. I need to do this as well. We have had serious issues with our computer since switching our ISP, so I should back up all our files and burn some copies of our pictures.

    Happy Tuesday!
    Jodi Mama Jodi's World

  5. Good Luck Sandra! I love the look of your blog BTW!!
    I need to clean up my computer bookmarks. They are a real mess.

  6. Yeah! I found out how to post on your blog! I just have to sign in as "other" ~ this is a apparently a beta~blog problem.

  7. I hope you get your computer problems figured out - how frustrating!

  8. Oh gosh, that's something I get frustrated doing. I am known for getting delete happy & next thing ya know *poof* hubby is having to reformat. Glad you at least think ahead & back up. Hope you get the blue screen of death to go away.

    I joined in this week too.

  9. Such a good reminder Sandra, I am going to do that this weekend. :)

  10. Great idea! I always forget to take care of my computer...I'll be adding this one to my "to do" list!

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Yet another thing to put on my to tackle list. Hope it went well!


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