
Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Join Us For Tackle It Tuesday

We’re making housework blog-able!

Each week on Tuesday, we are posting before and after pictures of a project or trouble area that we tackled this week.

The project can be little or big – whatever you want. Basically, Tackle It Tuesday is about giving ourselves incentive, deadlines and satisfaction in getting our household tasks done.
So a couple weeks ago or it's probably months I guess, Janice over at "5 Minutes for Mom", started this great feature on Tuesday's. We're supposed to tackle a project, big or small, take before and after pictures, and then share it with everyone.

The problem for me is that I tend to forget my camera while doing these projects....but I did remember it this week.

So what did I tackle this morning??? My Taste of Home Magazines!!!

I am a huge fan of TOH, so I have been collecting them for at least 6 years, most of them are put away and neatly organized, but for the past few months I've just been letting them sit all over the place.

I'm a bit of a neat freak when it comes to things like these, so I have to have them stacked by date or at least year, and by collections. Quick Cooking, Cookbook etc.
It took me only about 30 minutes, but I got them all in order and managed to fit them in the holder. Now when I want a recipe, I just scan through them and get out the one I need. TADA....definitely saves me time!!!

If you're playing along and tackling a project, just come and join us at 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. I found a stack of TOH magazines at the thrift store once and I was hooked. The bad thing is I ususally don't try many of the recipes (family of very picky eaters) I just drool over the pictures. But I love just about any cookbook especially old or old~fashioned types. I can spend an afternoon just looking over cookbooks!
    P.S. Glad you can comment on my blog now!

  2. I love that magazine. I used to take it, but couldn't keep up with all the great recipes. I did get a few "winners" out of them, though, and I do enjoy them. Great "tackle it" solution!

  3. I love TOH too...I clip my favorites out and put them in a binder....saves space...good idea or Tackle it Tuesday.Also you did a great job on Christina's blog...looks great.


  4. I've given up on saving magazines (or reaing them), but yours look great!

  5. My "tackle" involved sorting through recipes clipped from some of those magazines! :) I pass them on to a friend after I clip what I want.

    Looks great!

  6. I buy the recipe books every year for the past nine years. It saves me the organization! :) My tackle is up at my blog.

  7. Oh, you're really good. I just tear out the recipes I like and transfer them to recipe cards.

  8. Great tackle! I love your blog design by the way, perfect for the upcoming season.

  9. Thanks so much Sandra for your prayers. I know you've read my urgent evening post.

    I'm calling all prayer warriors to PRAY FOR MY DAUGHTER tonight -- PLEASE!!!


  10. I haven't figured out the sidebar thing on my blog yet... but I was so honored to see my blog listed on yours! Thank you so much! That is truly special to me!

  11. Great job. They look like you can get to them easily arranged this way. Taste of Home is a neat magazine and I love the pictures of all the dishes in it.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
