
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Anyone want to send some heat my way???

Don't forget about Holiday Traditions tomorrow, I'll put up mine and then add Mr Linky for you all to share yours....pass the word around if you get a chance too :)

Woke up this morning "freezing cold", just checked the temperature and it's 12 degrees. WHAT?!?!?! That's a bit too cold for my liking, I'm not ready for this, my poor sciatica is having a field day, but you know, who cares???

Lately I've felt like a walking muscle pain, and if it's not that it's a cold or sinus or a headache, I say enough is enough, I've let my guard down the past few weeks and I can see the enemy attacking in full force. So I'm putting my protection back up and grabbing onto the Lord's hand real hard, I know he'll get me through this.

So before I continue, HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone, have a safe and fun day!!!

The kids are ecstatic and already tried their costumes on yesterday, they look soooooo cute. Nicholas is Spiderma
n and after putting on the costume and the mask he looked at Jasmine and said "I'm spiderman and I'm going to kick someone's butt" LOL OKie dokie!!!
Jasmine is a Glamor Witch and she looks beautiful as always, I LOVE seeing her in big flowing dresses :)

We were sitting at the dinner table last night, eating Pumpkin Soup. YUMMY!!
The ki
ds loved it, but while we were eating, Jasmine was instructing Nicholas on how to eat soup and I just quietly sat in the background was hilarious, she said, well....this is how it went:

Nicholas - OW it's hot!!!
Jasmine - Nicholas pick up your spoon like this and now get some soup, then blow just like this (
she blows on her soup) and then you put it in your mouth and eat it.
Nicholas - (all wobbly trying to hold the spoon and soup without dripping) like this???
Jasmine - Yeah!!! Good boy!!! (here fido here's a treat lol) take the napkin and wipe your mouth like this. (she pats the sides of her mouth)
Nicholas - ok Jamine (that's what he calls her)
Jasmine - Goo
d job, you know nicholas that's how rich people wipe their mouths and that's why they have all that money.

LOL HUH?!?!? Ladies and gentlemen, we've been wrong all along, apparently to have a lot of money w
e just have to wipe our mouths after eating soup. Who knew?!?!?!

Then she sat there and ate and out of the blue:

Jasmine - I'm fancy!!!

LOL I swear my kids crack me up. She's fancy she says, sitting there eating her soup wearing only a tshirt and underwear. That's fancy alright...I just have to look at her and smile, silly girl.

So last week at Jasmine's School Book Fair, I picked up 3 cookbooks for myself. You know me, I love cooking and I have an obsession with Cookbooks. I got Fix it and Enjoy it, Rival Crock Pot Slow Cooker Recipes and Silly Snacks.
I've just finished my menu plan for this week and I'll be trying a few new recipes, can't wait.

Here in a few minutes I have to get Jasmine ready for school, so since I'm feeling a little better and I've missed visiting you all, I'll be heading your way for a quick visit, hope you have some hot coffee ready, these 12 degrees are cutting right through my bones LOL

Susanne had asked me for my recipe for roasting pumpkin seeds, so here it is. You can also add garlic powder, chili flakes or seasoning salt...whatever you want.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

1 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds
2 tsp. melted butter or oil (olive oil or vegetable oil work well)
salt to taste

Preheat oven to 300° F.

While it's O.K. to leave some strings and pulp on your seeds (it adds flavor), clean off any major chunks. Toss pumpkin seeds in a bowl with the melted butter or oil and seasonings of your choice. Spread pumpkin seeds in a single layer on baking sheet. Bake for about 45 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden brown.

Alright, well I'm off to brave the cold, see you all tomorrow, if I'm not a frozen popsicle.

Last night I made Pumpkin Soup with all the pumpkin I've cooked up, it was so good and so filling, the kids loved it.

Tonight's dinner is Bacon and Tomato Spaghetti, just a quick meal that I came up with one day when I had pretty much nothing left in the refrigerator and pantry. It's really good and quick to fix.

Rachael Ray
Advice on childhood behavior; Halloween costumes; harvest recipes.
General Hospital
Ric sets his evil plan in motion.
Most Haunted Live
A webcam streams images of the scariest Edinburgh, Scotland, locations as viewers e-mail the studio with sightings, and the team may visit or revisit a room if strange occurrences are taking place.
A young interracial couple (Jurnee Smollett, Raviv Ullman) suffer acute abdominal pain shortly after he saves her from being raped during a holdup attempt at a diner. Then she goes into a coma.

Put away laundry
Jasmine's Class Party
Trick or Treating


  1. Yum, I'm going to make those pumpkin seeds as soon as I don't feel like having pumpkins and a scarecrow decorating my front stoop! :vD

    Your kids are funny! I'm patting the sides of my mouth with a napkin tonight. I'll let you know later if I get rich!

    And if you're coming here for coffee better keep you sweat suit on. It's minus 9 C which is about 15 or so degrees F. And snow covers the ground!

  2. Amazing what you can learn by listening to youngsters talk - they have so much wisdom. I will certainly be paying attention to the way I wipe my mouth from this point forward - LOL!! :)

    Happy Halloween - and prayers for those nasty aches and pains to leave!!! :)

  3. Trick-or-treat! Hey Sandra, this was so fun! Love the cute lessons that your daughter Jasmine gave Nicholas over the proper way to eat soup. I think table manners are so important in life. Some of our most important business deals are made across the table. Glad there are no monsters that lurk around your place, "witch" reminds me Happy Halloween! :)

  4. Oh Goody...I love House. And the show is good too..hehee.

    That is so funny about the soup!! I am going to start wiping my mouth alot differently now! LOL Too cute!

    Have fun tonight and Happy Halloween!!

  5. Your blog is so cute! I just love it. I thought it was cold here yesterday, 18*. Well, that is cold with snow but not too heavy. Enjoyed your post!

  6. wow that is so cold there! I'll send you some heat - we're still in the 70s (mostly) here (during the day)!

    Have fun trick or treating tonight and stay warm!

  7. What a fun story of why people are rich. Please just pass me a whole bag of napkins and I'll practice wiping my face until I'm filthy rich!!

    Looking forward to the Holiday Traditions tomorrow.

  8. Happy Halloween to you too. I think I will give Jasmine's idea a try. I will eat the soup like rich people and then I can keep all my money. How cute. It seems to me Jasmine is a great big sister to take the time to show her brother how to eat his soup properly. This is the oppostite end of sibling rivalry.

    I've been watching the most haunted live and it's freaking me out. I just watched the one I taped with the trip to the jail that was totally haunted. I don't know if I want to be stuck in a haunted place in the middle of the night. I probably would think about giving it a try and hope to not make a fool of myself on camera. This stuff is so scary. I will watch House too. I am so glad it's back.

  9. Yeah, 12 degrees is just a little too cold for me, too. And that little soup conversation cracked me up. Fancy indeed!

    Shoot! I forgot about House tonight. Stupid world series. I got out of the habit and forgot it was back on tonight. Oh well, I guess that's at least one rerun I can actually look forward to. :-)

  10. HOUSE was on??? I didn't think that it came on again until November! Bummer! How was it?

    It was actually strangely warm here for Halloween! It was a nice change from having to trick-or-treat in the snow! 12 degrees? BRRR!

    Hope all is well!


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