
Monday, October 02, 2006

There's a WHOLE LOTTA COOKING going on....

First thing, before you even go any further, if you haven't already done so, I suggest you RUN, not walk, RUN RUN over to "Overwhelmed with Joy". She is hosting the "Holiday Cooking, Blogger Style" recipe exchange today.

Go share some of your favorite recipes or be prepared to be overwhelmed by food. Yes, I made the mistake of visiting some of the blogs before breakfast and now I'm just starving, salivating and hallucinating the holiday table filled with all that yummy food.

So here, I am looking out for you, here's a cup of coffee and some bacon and eggs, oh and toast, this way you won't be affected as badly as I was.

I've been sitting here getting prepared for the recipes, trying to figure out
how to save them all, and there's so many that I'm overwhelmed with joy (literally). So I made a folder in my Bookmarks called "Holiday Cooking" and I'm saving all the links there, later during the week, I'll go through and individually copy them, print them out etc. I figure with so many great dishes to try I will probably have enough to make my own little neat huh???

With all this Holiday talk it got me thinking about my family traditions. Reading about some of the other ladies' traditions also brought back great memories from my childhood and it got me wondering if maybe we could have a Holiday Tradition Day, maybe November 1st???

We could all share our family traditions, different heritages and beliefs, it would be really neat to see how everyone celebrates their holidays. It would be a great place to also get some ideas for those that want to start their own but don't quite know what works for their family. So what do you think, will you join me on November 1st for some Family Holiday Traditions???

It won't be hard, and nothing that you have to really prepare for, just help me spread the word (if you wish of course), use the banner above and then on the 1st of November, I will put up a Mr. Linky and we can all share our traditions. See??? Not hard at all :)

The kids were really disappointed about the Pumpkin Farm, but we told them that there is still one weekend before Halloween, after daddy gets back, so we're planning on going then. Because we couldn't go, we decided to go get a few Halloween Decorations and let them do what they wanted. So this is what we have going on so far:

Just excuse the leaves in front of the door, I haven't swept those up yet or put away the hose. Hubby and I are going to put all the summer stuff away this saturday, so that he'll help me before he leaves.

I also picked up a wonderful candle called "Pumpkin Pie"....OH.MY.WORD!!! It's just amazing, makes me crave pie all day long. Although now that I think about it, I don't know if that's a good thing, since the potpourri you see on the top picture is called Pumpkin Pie Spice and THAT alone makes me gain 2 pounds everytime I walk in the kitchen.

Woke up this morning to cloudy skies and really cold temperatures. You know it's dark outside when your children ask you on the way to school, "why are we up already, isn't it still night time?", you look at the clock in the car and it says 8:15 am. Oh Glorious Fall!!!!

As I was driving back home I couldn't help but to ooohhh and aahhhh at the trees that abound our neighborhoods. There's orange, green, yellow, brown and a beautiful pinkish red.
Here's an example...I took the picture two weeks ago and then this morning again, look at the difference, how beautiful :)

Well it's lunch time for Nicholas, so I better get moving. Don't forget again, go on over to "Overwhelmed with Joy" for the Holiday recipe exchange, and also don't forget to check Laura's blog for her Menu Plan Monday.


  1. Love the holiday traditions idea and your banner is beautiful! I wasn't going to participate in the Holiday cooking blogger style until I realized how much I was enjoying checking them all out. What would be a recipe exchange without a recipe in return so I've added a recipe to my Menu Plan Monday post. Laura

  2. Havent talked to you in awile I hope you are well.......I too love the holidays and cant wait....your trees and decor are great.

  3. Love the decorations...especially the witch who apparently had an cute!!!

    I'm jealous to see the tress changing in your picture...I'm so ready for some fall weather here!!!

  4. I like the Holiday Traditions idea and will plan to participate.

    I really like that cute scarecrow welcome sign! And the tree pictures are so lovely. We're looking like that in our part of this state too.

  5. Hey, this upcoming weekend IS Canadian Thanksgiving! I can eat all the pumpkin pie I like! Or I could, if I wasn't on a diet...

  6. Wow, you do it up very nice! And since it is anyway...enjoy an extra helping of all that holiday fare!


  7. Great decorations. I am slowly starting to put mine out. I have so many.

    I love holiday traditions. It was fun bringing some of my childhood ones over and combining them with my husbands. Now we've started making our own.

  8. BTW, I tagged you today at my site if you want to play!

  9. There are so many links over there I don't know how I'm going to keep up with them LOL I've also created a recipe folder in my favorites to start saving them!

  10. Great idea about the holidayb recipe exchange, I'll have to pop on over there tonight.

    I can't wait to participate on Nov. 1, and maybe try some new tradition's. I love Christmas. Thursday the cast comes off so I will be able to keep up more with the blogs and be ready for all these neat holiday things posted on all the blogs.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
