
Saturday, November 11, 2006


Mmmmm, nothing like a cup of steaming hot coffee, first thing in the morning.
I seriously doubt that I can make any coherent thoughts before taking a sip.

It's cold, and it's rainy and it's also the perfect Fall day to sit and sew. Yes, that's what I'm planning on doing today, finally sitting down and getting as much sewing done as possible, I may have to run out to the stores if I need something, but I'm hoping I don't.

You know I've realized that I would have been pretty content as a bear, I mean, I could eat until I was about to burst at the seams, and then spend 3 months sleeping....what is wrong with that picture??? NOTHING in my opinion :)

So what am I working on??? I have so many projects in mind, and I think it's going to take me a while to get everything sorted out and ready to go. I always do this, I put aside tons of things I want to make and then get so overwhelmed and end up not finishing even one....BUT seeing that this year I want to make all the Christmas tree decorations 1) because it's cheaper 2) because over the years the kids have managed to break most of them and 3) because handmade is always more personal......I really need to get a plan formulated and then stick with it.

I want to get started soon and I still have laundry to finish and iron and put away, you know all that fun stuff that never ends when it comes to conquering Mt. I'm leaving you with my Five Senses Saturday. I said I would put up a Mr Linky if anyone was interested, but I am not going to do it, I figure if anyone wants to try it, just leave me a comment and I'll come check it out :)

Have a beautiful Fall Weekend,


- Jayson Belt's "Just you and Me" song
- The school kids singing "The Star Spangled Banner" and "The Air Force Song"

- My kids fighting (what's new?)
- Reveille playing loudly on the Base Speakers

- Drip of water from the leaky faucet in the bathroom


- Fall leaves all over my front yard

- The Posting of Colors by the Soldiers

- My spotless kitchen after hubby cleaned it (lol)

- The pile of books ready to go back to the library

- The sun peaking through the clouds


- The warm sweater on me

- The pile of fabric waiting to be sewn

- The family portraits waiting to be mailed off

- The pumpkins strewn all over my front yard

- The feel of a hug from my kids


- Caramel Truffle Coffee
- Red Beans and Rice from Popeye's Chicken

- Monterey Chicken with Garlic Mashed Potatoes

- Barb's Breakfast Burritos

- Autumn Spice Tea


- Clothes fresh out of the dryer

- Garlic, onions and olive oil frying on the stove

- My gardenia candle burning
- Milk and cinnamon cooking on the stove for my Rice Pudding

- Pinecones in my backyard


  1. Sounds like you have a nice relaxing day planned. I can't wait to get a peek at what you sew today. I can't beleive you are making all your own ornaments. How do you find the time? I bet it will be worth it because your tree will look so nice.

    I like the "Posting of Colors" too, theirs nothing like it. I like anything patriotic.

    Enjoy your day sewing.

  2. Your five senses posts are always so interesting. I love Gardenia scented candles! Root and Yankee candles make nice ones. Floral scents are my favorite as long as they don't have a sweet fruity smell. Spicey ones are good too.

  3. I'm voting for the taste category. :)

  4. I love the color of the leaves in the picture- so pretty!

    I bet the school kids singing was a big hit!

  5. Hey Sandra! I love your five senses. I'll be posting mine, as soon as I'm done here. Hope your weekend has been fun.

  6. I have to tell you. I love your new profile pic. I don't think I had seen your haircut yet & I love it!

  7. I love this post, never seen a 5 senses post before :-)

    I had a nice relaxing day yesterday too, sipping on yummy stuff also!

    Cant wait to get a peek at the ornaments. Our tree is made of ornaments my grandmother made. Nothing could replace them. I think next year I might start adding to her collection for my kiddos.

    Have a blessed rest of the weekend!

  8. Sounds like a good day! HMMMM, I need to do some sewing myself and I don't mean my cross stitching! I have a pillow that needs making, my tree skirt to hem up and other things just waiting on my desk! It looks a mess!!!!


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