
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Five Senses Saturday!!!

Good morning fellow bloggers, family, friends and members of congress *snort*

It's actually a pretty morning here, there's sunshine outside, something I haven't seen in, oh, two weeks or so. It's crazy, it's been cold and rainy and just plain blah around here.

We went to the Bowling Alley last night, Jasmine had a birthday party and we figured that me and hubby and Nic would grab some dinner and maybe play a game or two of bowling while we waited for the party to end. Ummmm.....didn't quite go the way we planned. I think the kids and I are getting a little cold, and we all know how a 3 year old deals with feeling yucky. WHINING GALORE!!!

I tried to get us a lane, only to be told that there were none available because they had some Bowling League coming in to play. OHKAY....well now I have to explain this to the little one who's been excited to bowl all day long. I'm sure I don't have to tell you the reaction I got, I'm sure over in Japan they heard the screams and cries "I want to bowl please".....*sigh*
Hubby brought me and Nic home and then went back to the party to wait for Jasmine.

I actually didn't mind, really, I wasn't in the mood to be out and after not being able to bowl I was bummed out too, I wanted to stomp my feet and cry like Nicholas, but somehow I think that would not be acceptable...something about being an adult and looking bad if I pout or throw a tantrum. Whatever!!! LOL

So I got to come home and give him a bath and he went straight to sleep, poor baby. Then it was time for me to watch some tv....found NOTHING interesting on, I guess yesterday was "disappoint Sandra day", I just didn't know it.
I did manage to go to sleep early and this morning hubby was still up (because he works midshift), so he took the
kids and let me sleep in until 8am. THAT is sleeping in for me, that's like 2 extra hours of what I usually get.

Here I am, bright eyed and happy, though I did take a look at my laundry begging to be washed and my first reaction was to run away. I can't though, I'll be strong and push through it, I'm sure I'll succeed.

Anyway, it's time for Five Senses Saturday....enjoy :)


- Chris Cox "Whatever it Takes"
- Pugs barking

- Cartoons on the tv
- Dishwasher running

- Thunder and rain outside my windows


- Bowling Alley Lights

- Luke and Laura Wedding on TV

- The smiles on my family's faces when I made Monterey Chicken

- Puddles left by the constant rain

- Snow in the mountains


- My kids forehead feeling warm

- Knife handle slicing through the onions and garlic

- Warm scarves being wrapped around the kids

- The soft blanket draped on my legs

- Hubby's kiss on my cheek


- Cheeseburger and Curly Fries
- Apple Spice Tea

- Portuguese Rice Pudding

- Toast with butter and Strawberry Jelly

- Diet new favorite LOL


- Sugar Cookie Scented Candle

- Smothered Steak cooking in the crockpot

- The smell of rain
- Laundry fresh out of the dryer

- Gingerbread cookies in the oven


  1. Oh no what a shame you couldn't bowl. I had a little stamp of my petulent feet last night, lol. Hubby went out with some friends from church to a concert and I was left home alone with the kiddies. So I bought myself a bottle of wine so I could have a glass and a HUUUUUGGGEEE bar of chocolate whilst I blogged for England (it's an olympic sport you know ;)anyhoo, I got my glass out I got the choccy out but where was the bottle??? I'd only left it in the shop!!! SULK :(


  2. Oh p.s. I know you like recipes I'm going to do a week of English recipes week beginning 26th November if you want to join in :)

  3. Sorry you are not feeling good again! I'm going to make your rice pudding recipe right now. I've been looking for a good one. My mouth is watering already!

  4. Poor Nic....I hate it when our kids are sick and whiney. Loved your 5 sense Saturdays.

  5. I am glad you got some extra rest........that will take you a long way. I know what you mean about Saturday evening and tv.....nothing worth staying up for. Sorry about the cold and no bolling aley......and hope he feels better real two...

  6. Those stinkin' bowling leagues! Lane hoggers! They just ruin it for everyone else! LOL!

    Many all that food is making me hungry. I swear I can smell the rice and the sugar cookies from here. mmmmm....

    Love the profile pic! ;)

  7. I'm sorry that you couldn't bowl, how obnoxious!!! I love reading your five senses Saturday's!

  8. I think I'm still getting caught up on reading blogs. I seem to have missed these last two posts of yours, but I'm glad I found them. It's nice you don't have to move till after the holidays. We spent last Christmas with most of our house in boxes preparing to move into this house in January. And we went on a trip besides. All I did was put up the tree and a few decorations in the living room. It just wasn't the same with everything all packed up. So I'm glad you get to wait.

    Sorry about the disappointed bowler!

  9. Too bad you could't bowl.
    Saturday's is a bad TV night. Why is that?

    Hope all is well.

  10. I enjoy reading about your five senses! Hope you had a nice weekend!

  11. Ok - I'm worried about you - not like you not to post for two days!! Hope all is well over there.

  12. I just popped over to say 'where are you'? I'm praying there's nothing wrong. Hugs!

  13. Hi Sandra! I love your 5 Senses! Rice pudding is on my mind now! I'll have to make some when we get back for CT.
    I do hope Nic is feeling better and that's too bad that you didn't get to bowl!!
    I came over to read your post Saturday, and every time I come, Olyvia would start fussing, so...I didn't have a chance to leave a comment.
    You haven't posted in several days, I hope and pray that every thing is alright.
    You and your family are in our prayers.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
