
Thursday, November 16, 2006

How does a week without Me sound?!?!?

Are you up for it? Does that make you giddy with excitement??? LOL

Seriously, as if my life wasn't crazy and hectic enough, we got an email from Housing yesterday. My neighborhood is being moved to the new housing, YAY, that's great, but here's the catch....we have to be out of our house by the 28th. UH, SAY WHAT?!?!?!?

So yeah, instead of having a great Thanksgiving, eating way too much (as usual), and then sitting around waiting for the added pounds to dissolve, we will be living out of boxes and driving back and forth between houses, not exactly how I would choose to spend the holidays but at least we'll be in a new house by Christmas. That's gotta count for something right????

I have to tell you that I panicked at first "how am I going to have thanksgiving and move at the same time?", but you know I prefer it this way, so that I don't have to be moving when the snow starts falling. Did I ever mention that I absolutely HATE driving in the snow???
I'm the annoying driver in front of you, going about 5 miles an hour so as not to spin. Hubby on the other hand develops this whole other crazy personality when the snow comes in....he's out there driving and making donuts (mmmmm donuts).

But anyway, depending on how long I'll be without internet, I may have my hubby posting from work, or I'll probably have some guest hosters. I've never done that before, that would rock, here's the catch though, you have to be funny, you can't just come in here and be boring, that's NOT allowed in Casa Sandra LOL Just pressure, whoever I ask to do this can talk about anything as long as they keep it family friendly and clean. :)

So I'm all giddy and set for General Hospital today, not only do we have a remarriage of Luke and Laura, come on, who doesn't KNOW Luke and Laura???
We also have some wonderful loving from my favorite couple Jason and Sam. Again, just because the enemy likes annoying me, school is out earlier today, SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE OF GENERAL don't you wish you were me, you're life would be so interesting LOL

I realized this morning that my kids are very morbid at times, and I don't know where they get it from because hubby and I are not like that. They were playing yesterday and they have this habit of taking rides on our computer chairs. One sits down and the other pushes and then they switch. And NO, no matter how much I yell at them to knock it off and how it's not acceptable and they could get hurt and all that bribery threatening stuff that parents do....*yeah you in the back there, don't try to hide, you know you do it too lol*.....they still continue.

I'm in the kitchen fixing dinner and I hear this:

Nicholas - I'm dead *makes weird BLEH sound to make it more believable*
Jasmine - Ok get on here and I'll take you the cemetery.
Nicholas - Ok, but you have to bury me ok?
Jasmine - be quiet, you're dead.

What the?!?!?! The cemetery???? I should be happy that they know how things work, I mean that does make them intelligent right??? But seriously, they couldn't get any more morbid if I asked them to.

Are you hungry? Because if you are I have the perfect recipe for you to's posted just below in my Slow Cooking Thursday. How does Smothered Steak sound? It's really really good, and I usually make it the longer way, but there's a slow cooker way and that's what is cooking right now, it smells divine and I'm sitting here salivating. I can't wait for dinner.
If you would rather have something else, I'm sure one of the other recipes will grab your attention, I tell you, these ladies have the BEST Slow Cooking Recipes around....

Anyway, I'm outta here, have to go say hi to you all and email my friend Veronica, I feel bad that I haven't actually talked to her on the phone in forever, but I'm either out when she calls or in the middle of something and by the time I remember to call back it's too late where she lives. *sigh*
Veronica, if you're reading this, I haven't forgotten you, just have been nuts lately.

So yeah, going to email her and then start moving plans, there's lists and boxes and things to pack and all that other fun stuff that comes with moving.

Have a wonderful thursday everyone, I'll see ya in the morning :)

God Bless,

Wonderful Smothered Steak cooking in the crockpot...will serve it with some mashed potatoes and for dessert, some Portuguese Rice Pudding.

Rachael Ray

Stuck in a fashion rut? Cojo is back with the one thing you need to shake up your wardrobe! Then, Oscar-winner Tim Robbins is chatting about his romance with Susan Sarandon, and Rachael’s cooking up a storm for potluck Thursday.
General Hospital

Luke and Laura remarry on their 25th wedding anniversary;
Helena arrives to cast a shadow over the celebration;
Robin realizes Laura's memory is starting to fade;
Maxie crashes the wedding;
Sam sees a new side of Jason;
Ric and Alcazar set a trap.

Ugly Betty
Martha Stewart has a cameo as the Mode staff marks Thanksgiving in different ways, including Daniel's ulterior motive for attending his parents' brunch and Wilhelmina's first attempt at cooking a turkey.
Grey's Anatomy
George's ailing father (George Dzundza) needs heart surgery; Meredith is determined to have a more positive outlook on life; Derek and Addison try to be civil to each other; and Richard endeavors to reunite with Adele (Loretta Devine).

Abby and Luka clash over a possible case of domestic abuse; Neela and Gates treat a group of homeless kids who are experiencing odd symptoms; Weaver makes a heroic rescue while filming a TV segment.

Moving Plans


  1. Congrats. on the new housing. All we ever get is to move 2 times in a year into old housing. Maybe the third time will be a charm. I hope it goes well for you. Our housing is the same way, they give you very little time to move. What's with that.

    Of cours I know who Luke and Laura are. You're right, who doesn't.

    I will miss you when you are moving but will check in with the guest bloggers.

  2. Christina - my hubby is sooo mad that we're moving to new housing LOL You know the military are with the housing and God Forbid you put up a picture on the wall :)
    You do know that you're one of the people I'm asking to be a guest blogger, right??? Hope you're up for the challenge LOL
    Hugs :)

  3. Are you feeling more on top of things? I posted my super-mom picture just for you on my blog ;o)

    I can't believe you have to pack and move before the 28th, Oh well it's a challenge :o. do you need some prayer power behind you?

    That picture of the dog, ROFL-for-a-month-solid, I'll have to show hubby that one. And your kiddies conversation, lol! You are a scream (as in funny, not scary)


  4. That dog joke is too darn funny!

    Wow a whole two weeks to get it together. Sheesh! I'm sure you'll love your new place though! Is is close to where you are now? The kids won't have to change schools will they? Praying for your next couple of weeks.

  5. Hooray on the new housing but boo on the timing! that's the military for you! best of luck!

  6. Hooray on the new housing but boo on the timing! that's the military for you! best of luck!

  7. Hooray on the new housing but boo on the timing! that's the military for you! best of luck!

  8. Well, despite the not-so-great timing, I'm excited for you and your family to be moving into new housing! I hope that means more space for you.

    When I've been out of town, I've lined up guest bloggers (twice now) and it's worked out great! If you're looking for guest bloggers, I'd be happy to help you out. If you already have more than enough, that's fine too. :)

    Best of luck with that move.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Yay for new housing for you! Not the best to be during Thanksgiving but like you said, you'll be done before Christmas.
    You'll be missed!

  11. That cartoon is great! Ha! I love it! My MIL would really love it. I have never seen so many magnets on a fridge before. I must say your kids may be a little itty bitty morbid but they are creative. Seen Young Frankenstein lately? I love that movie!

  12. Congrats on the new housing! The timing is terrible, though. I'm guessing that is what I have to look forward to come January?!?!
    Will miss your endearing blogs while you are moving, but I'll be sure to check out your guest bloggers.
    I'm still giggling over the dog cartoon. Too funny!
    Have a good move and I'll be praying that you get everything done and not be stressed.

  13. Congratulations on the new housing! At least you will be all settled in for Christmas!

    I know exactly what you mean about when the snow falls the hubby is out doing donuts, my husband lives for that :) lol!!

  14. I hope you get in your new home Christmas......I'll be thinking of your move during the holidays.....

  15. I hope you get in your new home Christmas......I'll be thinking of your move during the holidays.....

  16. Oh wow talk about stress but you are so good with your lists that you'll be able to keep on top of it for sure! Good luck with it all! I'll be thinking of you. Laura

  17. Is your housing now the privatized housing? If so I bet the houses are pretty darn nice aren't they? Sorry it's right after Thanksgiving, but at least it's before Christmas! They have finally started the process of privatizing the housing here, but by the time they get around to our house we'll probably have orders!


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