
Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm stealing candy from a kid.....literally!!!

Think I'm kidding??? My poor kids have started bringing me candy bars, now I don't know if it's because they love me or because they just want to keep this nutty mom away from their candy.

Yeah yeah, keep laughing, but you know I can't help it....every Halloween we go through this, they bring all their candy in those cute little buckets, and mommy turns into the chocolate thief, sneaking in behind their backs and grabbing those evil tempting little snickers, Reese's peanut butter cups and Twix you blame me though???? *Stop Laughing* LOL

But it's ok, this will pass as soon as all the candy bars are gone, and then I don't touch another chocolote for a whole year....wanna know what's the best thing though??? I've lost two pounds eating all this chocolate!!! WHAT?!?!?!?! 2 POUNDS?!?!?!? LOL Yeah...go figure!!!

So it's saturday and I have a house in desperate need of attention, I've been lazy this past week and the mess seem to be escalating around here, so I'm turning on "Cleaning Mom Mode" and going for it, I can't wait to get in there and scrub it all away, I think I'm going to use this as a little exercise for myself too, kinda like scrubbing away all the negative feelings and thoughts I've had this past week, and bringing back the newly clean and improved Sandra....what do you think???

Now back to blogging news, don't forget on Monday I'll be redoing the Holiday Traditions post for all those that didn't get a chance to participate, I'll look through the previous links and add them all to the new Mr Linky and then anyone new wanting to participate can just come and add their posts, how does that sound???

I'm also going to be updating the food blog and the book blog today, I haven't had much time for anything lately and there's a couple recipes that I want to share with you all, plus a few book reviews for some that I just finished reading.

So I'm leaving you this morning with my Five Senses Saturday post. I'll be busy today cleaning and making Barb's Breakfast and Lunch Burritos, go check out her recipes they sound divine :)

Have a great weekend everyone :)


- Rain hitting the windows
- The hum of the heater in my car keeping us warm

- My husband saying "I love you"
- General Hospital video clips on the computer

- The sound of my family's voice on the phone


- Halloween candy all over the house

- Frost on the grass in the morning

- Such wonderful comments from you all the past few days

- The fabric layed out to make Christmas Ornaments

- My crockpot cooking away on the counter


- The pugs sitting on my lap

- The pages of the book I'm currently reading

- The blanket wrapped around me on the couch

- Spreading my favorite body lotion on after a shower

- The hot water around me in the bath tub


- Warm Smoky Flavored BBQ Ribs
- First cup of coffee in the morning

- Arby's HUGE Roast Beef Sandwich

- Donuts at the Pumpkin Patch

- Pumpkin Soup


- My favorite perfume

- Chunky Chili cooking in the crockpot

- The smell of freshly ironed clothes
- The first smell of chocolate after you unwrap the candy bar

- Pinecones in my backyard


  1. I love your 5 sense Saturday how cute...and I will join you Monday with Holiday Traditions......I'll write it out tonight...come see me on Tuesday,,,,,,it will be my 100th post......

  2. I really love your 5 senses' posts! And just so you know I bought more ribs again just so I can make those smoky ribs in the crock again! Yum, yum.

  3. Sandra, I have an sweet affection for chocolate too! Too funny. :)
    Your 5 senses post is so cute, those ribs look incredible. lol

    Enjoyed Holiday Traditions, it was really fun, thanks for hosting it!

  4. Well your kids obviously brought home diet chocolate. Lucky you!

    That cartoon cracked me up, it's so perfect with your admission that you're stealing their candy. But when I saw that bowl of candy I could see right away why you're doing that.

    I swear, I thought I was the only person in the world who loves the smell of freshly ironed clothes. It smells even better if someone else did the ironing!

    I really like your Saturday senses thing. I wanted to just sink right into that wonderful looking tub!

  5. You're not the only one! I'm a candy thief too and packing on the pounds. Somebody's gonna have to staple my mouth shut!!! HELP! LOL!

  6. The Five Senses Saturday was fun.

    I'm looking forward to Monday and seeing who joins the linky this time.

  7. I'll clean my house if you clean yours ;)

    We've almost cleared away the little chocolate bars thank goodness... I think I found your 2 lbs and they even brought along a few friends! GRR



  8. I sneak my kids candy too. I don't feel too bad because I tell myself I am doing them a favor by not letting them eat all that junk food. At this point I can't wait until it's gone. I think I'va almost had enough candy to last me awhile.

    I can't wait to see what happens with the Holiday Traditions. I hope lots more people partcipate.

    Love the pics. Especially the bathtub with the candles.

    I will be popping over to check out your other blogs later.

    Enjoy your weekend.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
