
Sunday, February 04, 2007

Apparently it was Superbowl Weekend?!?!?!

I must be the odd one out because I didn't know it was Superbowl, I had NO idea who was playing or what they were doing, quite frankly the only thing I know about Superbowl is that people get together and throw big parties which include loads of yummy food. FOOD is the key word with me, see my ears perk up and my taste buds start having a party of their own.

I just realized that I didn't get to my blog this weekend, and not because I didn't try to, but for some reason, Blogger is yet again picking on me, or on us I guess. I have been lurking all of your blogs and not being able to comment, and those are the ones that actually show up for me, for the majority I have a weird error that keeps popping up. Everytime I see it is makes my eye twitch.

Anyway, I'm here, I'm alive, suffering a major sinus issue, but I'm ok. Yesterday though was pretty bad, it got to about 1pm and I told Curt that I had t
o go lay down, I was dizzy, I was feeling immense sinus pressure to the point where if I had to look down, I felt like my forehead was going to explode. You know when you see those horror movies and there's something trying to push through a wall of a house???? That's what it felt like, something or maybe "someone" (lol) pushing against my forehead. It was horrible!!!

I laid down and Nicholas came upstairs to rub my face, he's such a sweetie :) All I know is that I woke up 30 minutes later and he was gone LOL

Poor kid must have wondered why mommy just fell asleep!!!

So there you go, the adventures of a sick mommy, never gets old I tell ya.

I don't have much going on here today, I'm hoping to get a nap in because Curt is working nights this week. For some lame reason, I was so caught up in "The First 48" that I watched two episodes and then realized that it was after midnight....yeah great going Sandra, now I have about 5 1/2 hours to sleep before I have to be up.....wouldn't have been TOO bad if I was able to go to sleep straight away, but I couldn't.

Long story short, I'm cranky, I'm tired, my sinus is driving me insane and I want SPRING to come NOW, dagnabit LOL
I think I need more coffee.

Thank you to all who left comments about Machu Picchu, it really is a stunning place and one that I would LOVE to visit someday. I'm having such a great time visiting all these places and learning about new cultures and ways of life, and the recipes are great too.

One of my favorite type of books to read are Time Travel Romance, and Eugenia Riley just excels in when I was at paperbackswap last week, I saw one of hers and quickly ordered it. BUSHWHACKED BRIDE is hilarious, imagine a woman from our time, a College Professor nevertheless, suddenly finds herself in a carriage being taken over by a Gang of Criminals comprised of 5 brothers, and the year is 1888. LOL
I'm almost done with it and I'm LOVING every single page, you know those books that you just can't put down???
I just can't wait to finish it :)

I have to cut this one short, I have some errands to run and I need to make a hair appointment for Jasmine, she needs a haircut badly, and I'm not one of those moms that will just do it myself and send her to school ready to be picked on for the botched up hairstyle. Might as well paint a Target on her LOL

I will come by and visit you all again today, hopefully I can actually leave comments this time.

God Bless,


  1. Helloooo Sandra. Aww, you poor thing, now then don't be cranky just think Spring is only a month away now. Hopefully these horrid viruses will melt away in the Sunshine? And I know what you mean about staying up too late, it messes me up too.


  2. That picture is just beautiful! (The flowers with the snow.)


  3. Finally I can leave a message...I havent been able too. I loved this picture so beautiful. I hate it your so sick...we have all been sick too I'm with you for Spring to hurry up and get here......

  4. Well, I'm starting to feel guilty for NOT being sick, Sandra. Everywhere I go, people are sick with colds, viruses and the dreaded sinus congestions. Two words. Sudafed Sinus Non-Drowsy Formula. OK, four words. At the very first sign of sinus problems, I take it and it works. The trick is to keep taking it until you're over it. Warning, your head will drain like crazy.

    You big chicken! As well as you do everything else, I'll bet you could trim her hair. OK, maybe not. LOL But I did. Of course, there are lots of photos around here that I'm under threat of serious consequences for if I ever even THINK about making them public. Maybe I wasn't quite as good as I thought I was? :-)

  5. Sandra - absolutely fight any urge to cut your kids' hair. If you do it will end up botched, they'll take photos and rag on you about it til you're both old. Promise. I have the photos to prove it. Hairdresser $ - well worth it!Hope you feel better soon.

  6. I hope you get feeling better. I loved the pics of Macchu Picchu, I'd love to go there. We saw Chichen Itza last week when we went to Cancun, old stuff like that is so cool.

  7. Hope you are feeling better really soon! I had a killer sinus headache yesterday and they are not at all fun.

    I wanted to say that I really like the entire Katharine McPhee CD and think I'll buy it.


  8. That is so funny that you didn't know it was SuperBowl sunday! I guess your hubby doens't watch sports? Mine either...actually the only reason we knew, aside from reading it on some blogs, is because we were invited to a party. And yes, there was lots of yummy food there!!!!! mmmmm...


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
