
Friday, February 23, 2007

Oh windows windows windows....

How I despise thee sometimes!

I'm sure you've all noticed that I didn't get my Greatest Places post up was not because I didn't want to or didn't get to it, it was for reasons out of my hands.

See yesterday morning I got up really early, I was done sleeping...yes done sleeping, you ever have those days where you wake up early and it feels like you've been in bed for days???
That's how I was feeling, so I snuck out of bed at 6 am and headed downstairs, got myself a cup of hot coffee and headed for the computer. I had it all planned, I was going to sit down in peace and quiet and get my travelling done, we were heading to another great location....oohhhh the possibilites.

I sat down and turned on the computer, sitting here with a silly smile on my face when out of nowhere BAM!!! ERROR....Windows has encountered an error......Windows has encountered and error.....I hit ok and it pops up again, so I hit ok again, and low and behold it comes back up again. At this point I think there was some sort of power struggle between me and the computer to see who would get the last word. Unfortunately as always, I LOST. Next thing I know I had a pretty shade of blue on my screen and my computer turned off.

Ladies I spent the rest of yesterday reinstalling windows only to realize that I had lost everything on the computer, so I'm starting from scratch, none of my old stuff on here but at least it runs really fast and really well....that's a plus right???

I've learnt to look at the bright side of things, the silver lining, instead of dwelling on the bad and negative, it's just a waste of my energy and definitely headache inducing.

Anyway, I managed to update my food blog yesterday, so if you're interested, pop on over and check out the recipes I shared. I will most likely add a few more today......curt is working 12 hour shifts due to a military exercise they're in, so it's just me and the kiddos for the next 2 weeks. I think this is when I get the most cleaning done too, mainly because I get bored with him not home so I tend to clean...well, clean more than usual I should say.

I have dishes from breakfast needing to be done, I have a floor that needs to be mopped yet again, those pesky pesky sticky spots that apparently appear out of nowhere.....I have bathrooms to clean and more laundry to conquer. I also want to change the bed linens and get some nice fresh air circulating in this house.

What is it about cleaning that gets me all excited??? I'm dying to just get in there and clean clean clean....

I also want to make a trip to the library this afternoon, so I think we'll be quite busy today.

To get in the mood for spring, I've switched out my kitchen curtains to my spring/summer ones and it feels so much better already....not to mention that my window overlooks my beautiful tulips which are ALL growing back in.

I will try to get some pictures today, if I can get my digital camera to cooperate with me that is. For some reason everytime I turn it on it doesn't want to open the shutter, go figure.
So I'm ending today's post with a Five Senses Saturday, you remember those right??? It's been forever since I've done one, so here we go:

By the way, my friend Kelli also did a Five Senses post today, so go on over and take a look, she even shares a YUMMY recipe.


- Katharine McPhee "Over It"
- Load of Laundry in the washer

- Cartoons on the tv
- Kids talking to each other

- Cars driving by


- House needing to be cleaned
- Pile of paperwork to be filed

- My Tulips coming up through the soil
- Pugs laying by the back door, soaking up the sun

- Clear blue sky


- My kids hugs

- Knife handle slicing through the onions and garlic

- The pages of my new cookbook

- The feel of the clothes I'm ironing

- Hubby's kiss on my cheek


- Portuguese Rice Pudding
- Homemade Cappucino
- Crockpot Three Beans and Sausage
- Pringles Select Szechuan BBQ Chips (YUMMY)
- Plump juicy Plum


- Sugar Cookie Scented Candle

- Rain outside

- Clothes freshly ironed
- My kids just out of the bath
- The smell of lemon after a mopped floor


  1. Hi Sandra,
    I love the cartoon. My dh has been working with a company to install a new program at work well the company made a mistake and turn on something they weren't suppose to and poor dave got 30,000 emails in less than an hour. LOL He had to sit down and delete them all.LOL

  2. Oh, that's awful about the computer!! It can be so frustrating sometimes. I don't quite know what I'd do if mine did that.

    I think I might give your Portuguese Rice Pudding a try sometime next week. I'll let you know if I do.

  3. I wish I could get as excited about cleaning as you. My house desperately needs a good once (or twice) over. We are expecting our next big ice storm this weekend, so I'm really not feeling much in a spring cleaning mood.

    Btw, I want to subscribe to your blog. I have Google reader, but when I try to add your blog it won't let me. Any suggestions??

  4. sorry to hear about your computer problems- frustrating! Tulips are my favorite flower and yours are beautiful!

  5. Your tulips looks so beautiful with a dusting of snow! It is almost time to plant bulbs for the next season in the southern hemisphere! A timely reminder! ;)

  6. Oh No! Horrid Windows. Chuh! We had a similar situation a few months ago. Hmmm, you've reminded me I really must do some back up discs again!

    I loved this post Sandra I could feel the Spring in your words! Like a breath of fresh air. My daffodils are coming up (or nacissi as Anne likes to call them). I love Spring, but then I say that at the beginning of every June I'll be longing for Summer, lol.

    BTW you might have missed my post about reading through the Anne of Green Gables book (look under All Things Anne label on my blog). I'm starting on Wednesday. I'll post the chapters I'll be reading and then do a review on the next Weds if you are interested in re-reading the books. If not you might still enjoy the posts.

    Sorry, long comment my dear!

    Love n' hugs from across the Atlantic ~Sarah

    *waves to Kelleigh in comment above* "Hello there!"

  7. I'm sorry about your computer, having experienced a similar situation a couple of months ago (losing EVERYTHING) I empathize.

    Have to say, LOVE LOVE the pringles your mentioned szechan bbq. Those are addictive, I tried the parmesan and also the sundried tomato versions too. Also good, but not as good ...


  8. Sorry about your computer crash, that stinks. LOL my hubby is a computer geek, and he calls that blue screen the "blue screen of death" cuz it means you lose everything. Glad you look at the bright side though! I wish I could take some of your enthusiasm for cleaning, I just can't find a way to like it at all lol.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
