
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stress Stress Stress

Before I start, I want you all to go to my sidebar there on the right, and please sign into my new Visitor Map, I would LOVE to see where you're all at. Will you do that for me??? Please???

I'm stressed and feeling overwhelmed with this PCS(Permanent Change of Station).

See it's not just moving from a house to another, being in the military means tons of paperwork and all this long process you have to go through.

You have to schedule the AF movers to come and sometimes during the summer months they take a little longer to get your stuff to you, I really don't want to get to Luke AFB and then have to wait another month or two for my stuff to get there. There's planning, there's house inspections, briefings, house cleanings, TLF (temporary living facilities) to book, pets have to have their shots up to date etc etc etc. It's not even the whole list but I'm sure I don't have to tell other military wives, they know EXACTLY what a pain in the behind this is.

We'll be making a 14 hour drive and let me tell you, I'm NOT a giddy driver, if I could get away with not driving ever, I would be happy. I just get bored in the car and in the summer months I tend to get car sick, so I'll be praying, and please throw a prayer my way too, that I can make this drive with 2 kids in the car and we can all get there safe and not completely depressed, OH and that I don't get car sick.

Curt will be driving his truck with the 2 pugs and I'll be driving my Durango with the kids.....who gets the better end of this deal I ask??? LOL

Actually I was the one who told him to take the dogs because I don't want their hair all over my car LOL
We've already decided though, if the kids start fighting we'll send one to him and switch back and forth etc...if it was up to me, hubby would be driving us all LOL

In the next month or two you'll see me using my blog almost as a central point for my move, a family BRAIN, you know how some people have a Family Brain Book where they write down appointments and important things to remember? Well this will become my brain, so be prepared because I'll be flooding this place with moving tips and all sorts of things that may not interest you at all, I will still be chatting about the usual stuff but you may see me going from happy and chirpy to frustrated and bitchy real quick....just be patient LOL

I will also be asking for some Guest Bloggers for the week or two that I'm moving, so I'm hoping I can count on you all to keep this blog alive.

There's this great site called's a Spouse thing! It's hilarious, it's a cartoon site for military spouses and I know that so many of us can totally relate to the cartoons.

Another great site to check out is PCSing Tips, great tips and info as well.

I've come across a lot of spouses who absolutely dread PCSing and going to a new place, ME??? I've come to think of it as a constant vacation. Where else could you move from place to place, get to learn new things, see new places, eat new foods and have all of those moves paid for??? I can see it already, we're moving to Arizona, and I'm ALL for new experiences....Glendale which is the town Luke AFB is at, has an Historic Downtown and TONS of Antique stores........come I being tempted or what???

We have the great Phoenix Zoo nearby, the Grand Canyon, Tombstone, Renaissance Faire, Ghost Towns, Petrified Wood Park......and food galore. I can just see myself donning a cowboy hat and wearing sparklies, or as the Texans say "Rhinestones Ma'm", running through the Ghost Town and playing pretend gun fights with hubby and the kids.....(well not really, I can dream can't I?). The great thing about this is that we LOVE Ghost Towns and there are 300 in Arizona....20 of them are in Maricopa County where the base is at. I'm SUPER excited!!!

I'm not just moving there, I'm taking you all with me, everytime I discover something new or visit a new place, I'll be posting about it and sharing pictures, before you know it, you'll ALL be familiar with Arizona too LOL

Well I have tons of things to do around here, again I didn't get a chance to go by everyone's blogs, guess that's why I only had 2 comments yesterday LOL You are all paying me back for not visiting you, I see how you work....well now I'm coming by and there better be some comments here when I get back....I'm just kidding, but I AM coming by now to say hi.

Have a great day everyone,


  1. Hi Sandra! If your stressing about PCSing, then I guess I'm really going to be stressing since this will be our first move by the AF. I'm so tempted to do it myself, but we'll see what the Lord has in store. I just have to be patient.
    Oh, I loved the pic of the kids in the post below!
    We're still trying to figure out how Olyvia and I are going to get to CA (driving or flying). The more I think about it, I think I'd like to drive and see that part of the country, but hotels are way to expensive! I'm hoping to find some people along the way who will let us stay with them overnight and then we can head out the next morning.
    Thank you for the links! I'm going to be checking them out ASA I'm done leaving you this comment.


  2. Oh Sandra How uplifting you are. I wish my ds's ex wife could have been as support as you are. Maybe someday he will find someone like you. He is dating a fellow army person. I hope they work out. I look forward to hearing more about your adventure.

  3. Ohh moving is stressful enough without all the hassle it sounds like you'll have to go through. You'll be in my prayers. You will email me your new address won't you? :)

    Hugs n' love.

  4. Try not to stress! You know that you won't be able to have control over a lot of the things the AF does so just try and relax and go with know you guys will end up in AZ when all is said and done! :) Did you see my comment about how close we are to AZ? Would love to try and have a get-together after you get settled in!

  5. Don't forget all of the spring training camps for Major League Baseball. A chance to see the famous players in a more intimate setting. We're hoping to make it to Surprise some spring to see our TX Rangers.

  6. Even though it's stressful I love how you are looking towards the positives of it.

  7. It will be an adventure for sure! Looking forward to hearing all about it.

  8. Your moving posts will surely be helpful to people in the same situation. It's exciting and stressful.

  9. OH I love moving, it can be lots of fun...just don't do it during the holiday season. We moved during christmas, eeeeek! Can't wait to read more of your posts.

  10. I have a new site.

    I am happy to hear that you are moving actually because you are moving closer to me. Warmer weather is fun also!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
